NWNX:EE  8193.36.12


Tweaks stuff. See below.

Environment Variables

Variable Name Value Notes
NWNX_TWEAKS_HIDE_CLASSES_ON_CHAR_LIST true or false Hides the classes of players on the loginscreen playerlist.
NWNX_TWEAKS_PLAYER_DYING_HP_LIMIT Between 0 and -127 Changes the hp limit where a creature is considered to be dying.
NWNX_TWEAKS_DISABLE_PAUSE true or false Disables DM pause.
NWNX_TWEAKS_DISABLE_QUICKSAVE true or false Disables DM quicksave.
NWNX_TWEAKS_COMPARE_VARIABLES_WHEN_MERGING true or false When trying to merge items, local variables are also considered.
NWNX_TWEAKS_PARRY_ALL_ATTACKS true or false Removes the number of parried attacks per round limit.
NWNX_TWEAKS_SNEAK_ATTACK_IGNORE_CRIT_IMMUNITY true or false Allow sneakattacks on creatures that are immune to critical hits.
NWNX_TWEAKS_PRESERVE_DEPLETED_ITEMS true or false Items that run out of charges are not destroyed.
NWNX_TWEAKS_DISABLE_MONK_ABILITIES_WHEN_POLYMORPHED true or false Disables monk abilities (ac, speed, etc) when polymorphed.
NWNX_TWEAKS_STRINGTOINT_BASE_TO_AUTO true or false Changes the base of the StringToInt() nwscript function from base10 to automatic.
NWNX_TWEAKS_DEAD_CREATURES_TRIGGER_ON_AREA_EXIT true or false Dead creatures will fire the on area exit event.
NWNX_TWEAKS_PRESERVE_ACTIONS_ON_DM_POSSESS true or false DMs possessing a creature will not clear their actions.
NWNX_TWEAKS_FIX_GREATER_SANCTUARY_BUG true or false Fixes a bug with greater sanctuary.
NWNX_TWEAKS_FIX_DISPEL_EFFECT_LEVELS true or false Fixes dispel checks vs. effects created by deleted objects.
NWNX_TWEAKS_ADD_PRESTIGECLASS_CASTER_LEVELS true or false Adds prestige class levels to caster level.
NWNX_TWEAKS_FIX_UNLIMITED_POTIONS_BUG true or false Fixes a bug where scrolls/potions could have unlimited uses.
NWNX_TWEAKS_UNHARDCODE_SHIELDS true or false baseitems.2da will be used to define shield AC for shields and shield-like items.
NWNX_TWEAKS_BLOCK_DM_SPAWNITEM true or false Disables the dm_spawnitem console command.
NWNX_TWEAKS_FIX_ARMOR_DEX_BONUS_UNDER_ONE true or false Allows armor with a max DEX bonus of under 1.
NWNX_TWEAKS_FIX_ITEM_NULLPTR_IN_CITEMREPOSITORY true or false Fixes a (rare?) inventory crash bug.
NWNX_TWEAKS_CLEAR_SPELL_EFFECTS_ON_TURDS true or false Effects on logged out player characters will be removed when a caster rests.
NWNX_TWEAKS_ALWAYS_RETURN_FULL_DEX_STAT true or false Creatures will always have their full dex states, even when immobilized/entangled.
NWNX_TWEAKS_DISPLAY_NUM_ATTACKS_OVERRIDE_IN_CHARACTER_SHEET true or false The number of attacks per round overridden by SetBaseAttackBonus() will show on the character sheet.
NWNX_TWEAKS_TURD_BY_CDKEY true or false TURDs are associated by CDKey/CharacterName instead of PlayerName/CharacterName. Pass the CDKey instead of PlayerName when calling NWNX_Administration_DeleteTURD()
NWNX_TWEAKS_LANGUAGE_OVERRIDE between 1 and 5, or between 128 and 131 See here.
NWNX_TWEAKS_SEND_TLK_OVERRIDE_BEFORE_CHARGEN true or false TlkTable entries overridden by SetTlkOverride() will be sent before Character Generation.
NWNX_TWEAKS_RETAIN_LOCAL_VARIABLES_ON_ITEM_SPLIT true or false When splitting an item, local variables will be copied.
NWNX_TWEAKS_PREVENT_ATTACK_BONUS_BYPASSING_REDUCTION true or false Prevents attack bonus effects from bypassing damage reductions.
NWNX_TWEAKS_MATERIAL_NAME_NULL_IS_ALL true or false Makes SetMaterialShaderParamXxx() functions take sMaterial="" to mean all materials.
NWNX_TWEAKS_CANUSEITEM_CHECK_ILR_FOR_HENCHMEN true or false The CNWSCreature::CanUseItem() function will also check ILR for Henchmen.
NWNX_TWEAKS_FIX_TRIGGER_ENTER_DETECTION true or false Adds an additional bounds check for triggers to fix a trigger detection bug.
NWNX_TWEAKS_UNCAP_DAMAGE_RESISTANCE_DAMAGE_FLAGS true or false Uncaps the compounded damage flags of EffectDamageResistance.
NWNX_TWEAKS_RANGED_WEAPONS_USE_ON_HIT_EFFECT_ITEM_PROPERTIES true or false Makes all bows, crossbows, and slings use On Hit: Effect item properties (in addition to their ammunition).
NWNX_TWEAKS_RANGED_WEAPONS_USE_ON_HIT_CAST_SPELL_ITEM_PROPERTIES true or false Makes all bows, crossbows, and slings use On Hit: Cast Spell item properties (in addition to their ammunition).
NWNX_TWEAKS_CAST_ALL_ON_HIT_CAST_SPELL_ITEM_PROPERTIES true or false Casts all On Hit: Cast Spell item properties on hit, instead of only the first property.
NWNX_TWEAKS_SETAREA_CALLS_SETPOSITION true or false If enabled, a creature getting added to an area will fire the NWNX_ON_MATERIALCHANGE_* and NWNX_ON_CREATURE_TILE_CHANGE_* events.
NWNX_TWEAKS_FIRE_EQUIP_EVENTS_FOR_ALL_CREATURES true or false The module OnPlayerEquipItem and OnPlayerUnEquipItem events are fired for all creatures
NWNX_TWEAKS_DONT_DELAY_EQUIP_EVENT true or false Fixes Unequip/Equip events being out of sync if an item is equipped/unequipped multiple times per server tick

Environment variable values


Values between 1 and 3 are valid. Any of those values will adjust who is shown on the Module Character Listing. Note: DMs always see all PCs and DMs logged in.

Value Description
1 DMs are hidden on the module character list.
2 PCs are hidden on the module character list.
3 Both PCs and DMs are hidden on the module character list.


Values between 1 and 3 are valid. Any of those values will adjust the item cost to the old values used in 1.69 for items with 50 charges or less.

Value Description
1 Cost will be capped at 50 charges. Any charges over 50 won't affect the item cost.
2 Up to 50 charges the cost will be the same as it was in 1.69. Any charges over 50 will add less value, capping at twice the cost at 250 charges.
3 Cost will be calculated linearly based on the number of charges the same it was in 1.69, making items with 250 charges 5 times as expensive as 50 charges ones.


Value Description
1 French
2 German
3 Italian
4 Spanish
5 Polish
6 Italian
128 Korean
129 Chinese traditional
130 Chinese simplified
131 Japanese


Add the numbers of the VFX you want to hide. For example to hide all Elemental Damage Bonus, Holy Avenger and OnHitVorpal visual effects you'd set the environment variable to 318 (2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 32 + 256)

Specific VFX values in order of priority:

Value Description
1 Manual VFX (ItemPropertyVisualEffect)
2 (Elemental) DamageBonus
4 (Elemental) DamageBonusVSAlignmentGroup
8 (Elemental) DamageBonusVSRacialGroup
16 (Elemental) DamageBonusVSSpecificAlignment
32 HolyAvenger
64 VampiricRegeneration
128 OnHitLevelDrain
256 OnHitVorpal
512 OnHitWounding
1024 (Good/Evil) DamageBonusVSAlignmentGroup
2048 (Good/Evil) AttackBonusVSAlignmentGroup
4096 (Good/Evil) EnhancementBonusVSAlignmentGroup
8192 (Good/Evil) DamageBonusVSSpecificAlignment
16384 (Good/Evil) AttackBonusVSSpecificAlignment
32768 (Good/Evil) EnhancementBonusVSSpecificAlignment

Some values for convenience:

Value Description
30 All Elemental Damage Bonus
896 All OnHit Properties
7168 All Good/Evil vs AlignmentGroup
57344 All Good/Evil vs SpecificAlignment
65535 Hide All VFX