NWNX:EE  8193.37.14


Functions exposing additional area properties as well as creating transitions.


file  nwnx_area.nss


struct  NWNX_Area_TileInfo
 A tile info struct. More...
struct  NWNX_Area_AreaWind
 Area wind info struct. More...


int NWNX_Area_GetNumberOfPlayersInArea (object area)
 Gets the number of players in area. More...
object NWNX_Area_GetLastEntered (object area)
 Gets the creature that last entered area. More...
object NWNX_Area_GetLastLeft (object area)
 Gets the creature that last left area. More...
int NWNX_Area_GetPVPSetting (object area)
 Get the PVP setting of area. More...
void NWNX_Area_SetPVPSetting (object area, int pvpSetting)
 Set the PVP setting of area. More...
int NWNX_Area_GetAreaSpotModifier (object area)
 Get the spot modifier of area. More...
void NWNX_Area_SetAreaSpotModifier (object area, int spotModifier)
 Set the spot modifier of area. More...
int NWNX_Area_GetAreaListenModifier (object area)
 Get the listen modifer of area. More...
void NWNX_Area_SetAreaListenModifier (object area, int listenModifier)
 Set the listen modifier of area. More...
int NWNX_Area_GetNoRestingAllowed (object area)
 Checks the No Resting area flag. More...
void NWNX_Area_SetNoRestingAllowed (object area, int bNoRestingAllowed)
 Set whether to disable resting in the area. More...
int NWNX_Area_GetWindPower (object area)
 Get the wind power in area. More...
void NWNX_Area_SetWindPower (object area, int windPower)
 Set the wind power in area. More...
int NWNX_Area_GetWeatherChance (object area, int type)
 Get the weather chance of type in area. More...
void NWNX_Area_SetWeatherChance (object area, int type, int chance)
 Set the weather chance of type in area. More...
float NWNX_Area_GetFogClipDistance (object area)
 Get the fog clip distance in area. More...
void NWNX_Area_SetFogClipDistance (object area, float distance)
 Set the fog clip distance in area. More...
int NWNX_Area_GetShadowOpacity (object area)
 Get the shadow opacity of area. More...
void NWNX_Area_SetShadowOpacity (object area, int shadowOpacity)
 Set the shadow opacity of area. More...
int NWNX_Area_GetDayNightCycle (object area)
 Get the day/night cycle of area. More...
void NWNX_Area_SetDayNightCycle (object area, int type)
 Set the day/night cycle of area. More...
int NWNX_Area_GetSunMoonColors (object area, int type)
 Get the Sun/Moon Ambient/Diffuse colors of area. More...
void NWNX_Area_SetSunMoonColors (object area, int type, int color)
 Set the Sun/Moon Ambient/Diffuse colors of area. More...
object NWNX_Area_CreateTransition (object area, object target, float x, float y, float z, float size=2.0f, string tag="")
 Create and returns a transition (square shaped of specified size) at a location. More...
int NWNX_Area_GetTileAnimationLoop (object oArea, float fTileX, float fTileY, int nAnimLoop)
 Get the state of a tile animation loop. More...
void NWNX_Area_SetTileAnimationLoop (object oArea, float fTileX, float fTileY, int nAnimLoop, int bEnabled)
 Set the state of a tile animation loop. More...
string NWNX_Area_GetTileModelResRef (object oArea, float fTileX, float fTileY)
 Get the name of the tile model from any location. More...
int NWNX_Area_TestDirectLine (object oArea, float fStartX, float fStartY, float fEndX, float fEndY, float fPerSpace, float fHeight, int bIgnoreDoors=FALSE)
 Test to see if there's a direct, walkable line between two points in the area. More...
int NWNX_Area_GetMusicIsPlaying (object oArea, int bBattleMusic=FALSE)
 Get if the area music is playing. More...
object NWNX_Area_CreateGenericTrigger (object oArea, float fX, float fY, float fZ, string sTag="", float fSize=1.0f)
 Create and return a generic trigger (square shaped of specified size) at a location. More...
void NWNX_Area_AddObjectToExclusionList (object oObject)
 Add oObject to the ExportGIT exclusion list, objects on this list won't be exported when NWNX_Area_ExportGIT() is called. More...
void NWNX_Area_RemoveObjectFromExclusionList (object oObject)
 Remove oObject from the ExportGIT exclusion list. More...
int NWNX_Area_ExportGIT (object oArea, string sFileName="", int bExportVarTable=TRUE, int bExportUUID=TRUE, int nObjectFilter=0, string sAlias="NWNX")
 Export the .git file of oArea to the UserDirectory/nwnx folder, or to the location of sAlias. More...
struct NWNX_Area_TileInfo NWNX_Area_GetTileInfo (object oArea, float fTileX, float fTileY)
 Get the tile info of the tile at [fTileX, fTileY] in oArea. More...
int NWNX_Area_ExportARE (object oArea, string sFileName, string sNewName="", string sNewTag="", string sAlias="NWNX")
 Export the .are file of oArea to the UserDirectory/nwnx folder, or to the location of sAlias. More...
int NWNX_Area_GetAmbientSoundDay (object oArea)
 Get the ambient sound playing in an area during the day. More...
int NWNX_Area_GetAmbientSoundNight (object oArea)
 Get the ambient sound playing in an area during the night. More...
int NWNX_Area_GetAmbientSoundDayVolume (object oArea)
 Get the volume of the ambient sound playing in an area during the day. More...
int NWNX_Area_GetAmbientSoundNightVolume (object oArea)
 Get the volume of the ambient sound playing in an area during the night. More...
object NWNX_Area_CreateSoundObject (object oArea, vector vPosition, string sResRef)
 Create a sound object. More...
void NWNX_Area_RotateArea (object oArea, int nRotation)
 Rotates an existing area, including all objects within (excluding PCs). More...
struct NWNX_Area_TileInfo NWNX_Area_GetTileInfoByTileIndex (object oArea, int nIndex)
 Get the tile info of the tile at nIndex in the tile array. More...
int NWNX_Area_GetPathExists (object oArea, vector vStartPosition, vector vEndPosition, int nMaxDepth)
 Check if there is a path between two positions in an area. More...
int NWNX_Area_GetAreaFlags (object oArea)
 Get oArea's flags, interior/underground etc. More...
void NWNX_Area_SetAreaFlags (object oArea, int nFlags)
 Set oArea's raw flags bitmask. More...
struct NWNX_Area_AreaWind NWNX_Area_GetAreaWind (object oArea)
 Get oArea's detailed win data. More...
void NWNX_Area_SetDefaultObjectUiDiscoveryMask (object oArea, int nObjectTypes, int nMask, int bForceUpdate=FALSE)
 Set the default discoverability mask for objects in an area. More...

Function Documentation

◆ NWNX_Area_GetNumberOfPlayersInArea()

int NWNX_Area_GetNumberOfPlayersInArea ( object  area)

Gets the number of players in area.

areaThe area object.
The player count for the area.

Definition at line 353 of file nwnx_area.nss.

◆ NWNX_Area_GetLastEntered()

object NWNX_Area_GetLastEntered ( object  area)

Gets the creature that last entered area.

areaThe area object.
The most recent creature to enter the area.

Definition at line 360 of file nwnx_area.nss.

◆ NWNX_Area_GetLastLeft()

object NWNX_Area_GetLastLeft ( object  area)

Gets the creature that last left area.

areaThe area object.

Definition at line 367 of file nwnx_area.nss.

◆ NWNX_Area_GetPVPSetting()

int NWNX_Area_GetPVPSetting ( object  area)

Get the PVP setting of area.

areaThe area object.
Returns the PVP Setting for the area.

Definition at line 374 of file nwnx_area.nss.

◆ NWNX_Area_SetPVPSetting()

void NWNX_Area_SetPVPSetting ( object  area,
int  pvpSetting 

Set the PVP setting of area.

areaThe area object.
pvpSettingOne of area_pvp the "PVP Settings".

Definition at line 381 of file nwnx_area.nss.

◆ NWNX_Area_GetAreaSpotModifier()

int NWNX_Area_GetAreaSpotModifier ( object  area)

Get the spot modifier of area.

areaThe area object.
The value of the Spot skill modifier for this area.

Definition at line 388 of file nwnx_area.nss.

◆ NWNX_Area_SetAreaSpotModifier()

void NWNX_Area_SetAreaSpotModifier ( object  area,
int  spotModifier 

Set the spot modifier of area.

areaThe area object.
spotModifierThe modifier to the Spot skill for this area.
See also
NWNX_SkillRanks_SetAreaModifier() to change any skill modifier.

Definition at line 395 of file nwnx_area.nss.

◆ NWNX_Area_GetAreaListenModifier()

int NWNX_Area_GetAreaListenModifier ( object  area)

Get the listen modifer of area.

areaThe area object.
The value of the Listen skill modifier for this area.

Definition at line 402 of file nwnx_area.nss.

◆ NWNX_Area_SetAreaListenModifier()

void NWNX_Area_SetAreaListenModifier ( object  area,
int  listenModifier 

Set the listen modifier of area.

areaThe area object.
listenModifierThe modifier to the Listen skill for this area.
See also
NWNX_SkillRanks_SetAreaModifier() to change any skill modifier.

Definition at line 409 of file nwnx_area.nss.

◆ NWNX_Area_GetNoRestingAllowed()

int NWNX_Area_GetNoRestingAllowed ( object  area)

Checks the No Resting area flag.

areaThe area object.
TRUE if resting is not allowed in area.

Definition at line 416 of file nwnx_area.nss.

◆ NWNX_Area_SetNoRestingAllowed()

void NWNX_Area_SetNoRestingAllowed ( object  area,
int  bNoRestingAllowed 

Set whether to disable resting in the area.

areaThe area object.
bNoRestingAllowedTRUE to disable resting in the area.

Definition at line 423 of file nwnx_area.nss.

◆ NWNX_Area_GetWindPower()

int NWNX_Area_GetWindPower ( object  area)

Get the wind power in area.

areaThe area object.
The wind power for the area. (0-2)

Definition at line 430 of file nwnx_area.nss.

◆ NWNX_Area_SetWindPower()

void NWNX_Area_SetWindPower ( object  area,
int  windPower 

Set the wind power in area.

areaThe area object.
windPowerSet to 0, 1 or 2.

Definition at line 437 of file nwnx_area.nss.

◆ NWNX_Area_GetWeatherChance()

int NWNX_Area_GetWeatherChance ( object  area,
int  type 

Get the weather chance of type in area.

typeA Weather Setting.
areaThe area object.
The percentage chance for the weather type. (0-100)

Definition at line 444 of file nwnx_area.nss.

◆ NWNX_Area_SetWeatherChance()

void NWNX_Area_SetWeatherChance ( object  area,
int  type,
int  chance 

Set the weather chance of type in area.

areaThe area object.
typeA Weather Setting.
chanceThe chance this weather event occurs.

Definition at line 452 of file nwnx_area.nss.

◆ NWNX_Area_GetFogClipDistance()

float NWNX_Area_GetFogClipDistance ( object  area)

Get the fog clip distance in area.

areaThe area object.
The fog clip distance.

Definition at line 460 of file nwnx_area.nss.

◆ NWNX_Area_SetFogClipDistance()

void NWNX_Area_SetFogClipDistance ( object  area,
float  distance 

Set the fog clip distance in area.

areaThe area object.
distanceThe new fog clip distance.

Definition at line 467 of file nwnx_area.nss.

◆ NWNX_Area_GetShadowOpacity()

int NWNX_Area_GetShadowOpacity ( object  area)

Get the shadow opacity of area.

areaThe area object.
The shadow opacity for the area. (0-100)

Definition at line 474 of file nwnx_area.nss.

◆ NWNX_Area_SetShadowOpacity()

void NWNX_Area_SetShadowOpacity ( object  area,
int  shadowOpacity 

Set the shadow opacity of area.

areaThe area object.
shadowOpacityThe shadow opacity to set for the area (0-100).

Definition at line 481 of file nwnx_area.nss.

◆ NWNX_Area_GetDayNightCycle()

int NWNX_Area_GetDayNightCycle ( object  area)

Get the day/night cycle of area.

areaThe area object.
The Day Night Cycle Setting.

Definition at line 489 of file nwnx_area.nss.

◆ NWNX_Area_SetDayNightCycle()

void NWNX_Area_SetDayNightCycle ( object  area,
int  type 

Set the day/night cycle of area.

areaThe area object.
type= A Day Night Cycle Setting.

Definition at line 496 of file nwnx_area.nss.

◆ NWNX_Area_GetSunMoonColors()

int NWNX_Area_GetSunMoonColors ( object  area,
int  type 

Get the Sun/Moon Ambient/Diffuse colors of area.

areaThe area object.
type= A Sun/Moon Color Setting.
A FOG_COLOR_* or a custom value, -1 on error.

Definition at line 503 of file nwnx_area.nss.

◆ NWNX_Area_SetSunMoonColors()

void NWNX_Area_SetSunMoonColors ( object  area,
int  type,
int  color 

Set the Sun/Moon Ambient/Diffuse colors of area.

areaThe area object.
type= A Sun/Moon Color Setting.
color= A FOG_COLOR_*.
The color can also be represented as a hex RGB number if specific color shades are desired. The format of a hex specified color would be 0xFFEEDD where
  • FF would represent the amount of red in the color
  • EE would represent the amount of green in the color
  • DD would represent the amount of blue in the color.

Definition at line 511 of file nwnx_area.nss.

◆ NWNX_Area_CreateTransition()

object NWNX_Area_CreateTransition ( object  area,
object  target,
float  x,
float  y,
float  z,
float  size = 2.0f,
string  tag = "" 

Create and returns a transition (square shaped of specified size) at a location.

areaThe area object.
targetA door or waypoint object.
x,y,zThe position to create the transition.
sizeThe size of the square.
tagIf specified, the returning object will have this tag.
See also
NWNX_Object_SetTriggerGeometry() if you wish to draw the transition as something other than a square.

Definition at line 519 of file nwnx_area.nss.

◆ NWNX_Area_GetTileAnimationLoop()

int NWNX_Area_GetTileAnimationLoop ( object  oArea,
float  fTileX,
float  fTileY,
int  nAnimLoop 

Get the state of a tile animation loop.

oAreaThe area object.
fTileX,fTileYThe coordinates of the tile.
nAnimLoopThe loop to check. (1-3)
TRUE if the loop is enabled.

Definition at line 532 of file nwnx_area.nss.

◆ NWNX_Area_SetTileAnimationLoop()

void NWNX_Area_SetTileAnimationLoop ( object  oArea,
float  fTileX,
float  fTileY,
int  nAnimLoop,
int  bEnabled 

Set the state of a tile animation loop.

oAreaThe area object.
fTileX,fTileYThe coordinates of the tile.
nAnimLoopThe loop to set (1-3).
bEnabledTRUE or FALSE.
Requires clients to re-enter the area for it to take effect

Definition at line 543 of file nwnx_area.nss.

◆ NWNX_Area_GetTileModelResRef()

string NWNX_Area_GetTileModelResRef ( object  oArea,
float  fTileX,
float  fTileY 

Get the name of the tile model from any location.

oAreaThe area name.
fTileX,fTileYThe coordinates of the tile.

Definition at line 553 of file nwnx_area.nss.

◆ NWNX_Area_TestDirectLine()

int NWNX_Area_TestDirectLine ( object  oArea,
float  fStartX,
float  fStartY,
float  fEndX,
float  fEndY,
float  fPerSpace,
float  fHeight,
int  bIgnoreDoors = FALSE 

Test to see if there's a direct, walkable line between two points in the area.

oAreaThe area object.
fStartX,fStartYThe starting points.
fEndX,fEndYThe ending points.
fPerSpaceThe personal space of a creature. Found in appearance.2da.
fHeightThe height of a creature. Found in appearance.2da.
bIgnoreDoorsWhether to ignore doors in the check.
  • 1 if there is a direct walkable line.
  • -1 if the line is blocked by terrain.
  • -2 if the line is blocked by a placeable.
  • -3 if the line is blocked by a creature.

Definition at line 562 of file nwnx_area.nss.

◆ NWNX_Area_GetMusicIsPlaying()

int NWNX_Area_GetMusicIsPlaying ( object  oArea,
int  bBattleMusic = FALSE 

Get if the area music is playing.

oAreaThe area object.
bBattleMusicSet to TRUE to get if the battle music is playing.
TRUE if music is playing

Definition at line 576 of file nwnx_area.nss.

◆ NWNX_Area_CreateGenericTrigger()

object NWNX_Area_CreateGenericTrigger ( object  oArea,
float  fX,
float  fY,
float  fZ,
string  sTag = "",
float  fSize = 1.0f 

Create and return a generic trigger (square shaped of specified size) at a location.

oAreaThe area object.
fX,fY,fZThe position to create the trigger.
sTagIf specified, the returned trigger will have this tag.
fSizeThe size of the square.
See also
NWNX_Object_SetTriggerGeometry() if you wish to draw the trigger as something other than a square.

Definition at line 584 of file nwnx_area.nss.

◆ NWNX_Area_AddObjectToExclusionList()

void NWNX_Area_AddObjectToExclusionList ( object  oObject)

Add oObject to the ExportGIT exclusion list, objects on this list won't be exported when NWNX_Area_ExportGIT() is called.

oObjectThe object to add

Definition at line 596 of file nwnx_area.nss.

◆ NWNX_Area_RemoveObjectFromExclusionList()

void NWNX_Area_RemoveObjectFromExclusionList ( object  oObject)

Remove oObject from the ExportGIT exclusion list.

oObjectThe object to add

Definition at line 602 of file nwnx_area.nss.

◆ NWNX_Area_ExportGIT()

int NWNX_Area_ExportGIT ( object  oArea,
string  sFileName = "",
int  bExportVarTable = TRUE,
int  bExportUUID = TRUE,
int  nObjectFilter = 0,
string  sAlias = "NWNX" 

Export the .git file of oArea to the UserDirectory/nwnx folder, or to the location of sAlias.

Take care with local objects set on objects, they will likely not reference the same object after a server restart.
oAreaThe area to export the .git file of.
sFileNameThe filename, 16 characters or less and should be lowercase. If left blank the resref of oArea will be used.
bExportVarTableIf TRUE, local variables set on oArea will be exported too.
bExportUUIDIf TRUE, the UUID of oArea will be exported, if it has one.
nObjectFilterOne or more OBJECT_TYPE_* constants. These object will not be exported. For example OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE | OBJECT_TYPE_DOOR will not export creatures and doors. Use OBJECT_TYPE_ALL to filter all objects or 0 to export all objects.
sAliasThe alias of the resource directory to add the .git file to. Default: UserDirectory/nwnx
TRUE if exported successfully, FALSE if not.

Definition at line 608 of file nwnx_area.nss.

◆ NWNX_Area_GetTileInfo()

struct NWNX_Area_TileInfo NWNX_Area_GetTileInfo ( object  oArea,
float  fTileX,
float  fTileY 

Get the tile info of the tile at [fTileX, fTileY] in oArea.

oAreaThe area name.
fTileX,fTileYThe coordinates of the tile.
A NWNX_Area_TileInfo struct with tile info.

Definition at line 608 of file nwnx_area.nss.

◆ NWNX_Area_ExportARE()

int NWNX_Area_ExportARE ( object  oArea,
string  sFileName,
string  sNewName = "",
string  sNewTag = "",
string  sAlias = "NWNX" 

Export the .are file of oArea to the UserDirectory/nwnx folder, or to the location of sAlias.

oAreaThe area to export the .are file of.
sFileNameThe filename, 16 characters or less and should be lowercase. This will also be the resref of the area.
sNewNameOptional new name of the area. Leave blank to use the current name.
sNewTagOptional new tag of the area. Leave blank to use the current tag.
sAliasThe alias of the resource directory to add the .are file to. Default: UserDirectory/nwnx
TRUE if exported successfully, FALSE if not.

Definition at line 635 of file nwnx_area.nss.

◆ NWNX_Area_GetAmbientSoundDay()

int NWNX_Area_GetAmbientSoundDay ( object  oArea)

Get the ambient sound playing in an area during the day.

oAreaThe area to get the sound of.
The ambient soundtrack. See ambientsound.2da.

Definition at line 646 of file nwnx_area.nss.

◆ NWNX_Area_GetAmbientSoundNight()

int NWNX_Area_GetAmbientSoundNight ( object  oArea)

Get the ambient sound playing in an area during the night.

oAreaThe area to get the sound of.
The ambient soundtrack. See ambientsound.2da.

Definition at line 653 of file nwnx_area.nss.

◆ NWNX_Area_GetAmbientSoundDayVolume()

int NWNX_Area_GetAmbientSoundDayVolume ( object  oArea)

Get the volume of the ambient sound playing in an area during the day.

oAreaThe area to get the sound volume of.
The volume.

Definition at line 660 of file nwnx_area.nss.

◆ NWNX_Area_GetAmbientSoundNightVolume()

int NWNX_Area_GetAmbientSoundNightVolume ( object  oArea)

Get the volume of the ambient sound playing in an area during the night.

oAreaThe area to get the sound volume of.
The volume.

Definition at line 667 of file nwnx_area.nss.

◆ NWNX_Area_CreateSoundObject()

object NWNX_Area_CreateSoundObject ( object  oArea,
vector  vPosition,
string  sResRef 

Create a sound object.

oAreaThe area where to create the sound object.
vPositionThe area position where to create the sound object.
sResRefThe ResRef of the sound object.
The sound object.

Definition at line 674 of file nwnx_area.nss.

◆ NWNX_Area_RotateArea()

void NWNX_Area_RotateArea ( object  oArea,
int  nRotation 

Rotates an existing area, including all objects within (excluding PCs).

Functions while clients are in the area, but not recommended as tiles/walkmesh only updates on area load, and this may result in unexpected clientside results.
oAreaThe area to be rotated
nRotationHow many 90 degrees clockwise to rotate (1-3).

Definition at line 683 of file nwnx_area.nss.

◆ NWNX_Area_GetTileInfoByTileIndex()

struct NWNX_Area_TileInfo NWNX_Area_GetTileInfoByTileIndex ( object  oArea,
int  nIndex 

Get the tile info of the tile at nIndex in the tile array.

oAreaThe area.
nIndexThe index of the tile.
A NWNX_Area_TileInfo struct with tile info.

Definition at line 683 of file nwnx_area.nss.

◆ NWNX_Area_GetPathExists()

int NWNX_Area_GetPathExists ( object  oArea,
vector  vStartPosition,
vector  vEndPosition,
int  nMaxDepth 

Check if there is a path between two positions in an area.

Does not care about doors or placeables, only checks tile path nodes.
oAreaThe area.
vStartPositionThe start position.
vEndPositionThe end position.
nMaxDepthThe max depth of the DFS tree. A good value is AreaWidth * AreaHeight.
TRUE if there is a path between vStartPosition and vEndPosition, FALSE if not or on error.

Definition at line 704 of file nwnx_area.nss.

◆ NWNX_Area_GetAreaFlags()

int NWNX_Area_GetAreaFlags ( object  oArea)

Get oArea's flags, interior/underground etc.

oAreaThe area.
The raw flags bitmask or -1 on error.

Definition at line 714 of file nwnx_area.nss.

◆ NWNX_Area_SetAreaFlags()

void NWNX_Area_SetAreaFlags ( object  oArea,
int  nFlags 

Set oArea's raw flags bitmask.

You'll have to do any bitwise operations yourself.
Requires clients to reload the area to get any updated flags.
oAreaThe area.
nFlagsThe flags.

Definition at line 721 of file nwnx_area.nss.

◆ NWNX_Area_GetAreaWind()

struct NWNX_Area_AreaWind NWNX_Area_GetAreaWind ( object  oArea)

Get oArea's detailed win data.

vDirection returns [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] if not set previously with SetAreaWind nwscript function.
oAreaThe area.

Definition at line 721 of file nwnx_area.nss.

◆ NWNX_Area_SetDefaultObjectUiDiscoveryMask()

void NWNX_Area_SetDefaultObjectUiDiscoveryMask ( object  oArea,
int  nObjectTypes,
int  nMask,
int  bForceUpdate = FALSE 

Set the default discoverability mask for objects in an area.

oAreaThe area or OBJECT_INVALID to set a global mask for all areas. Per area masks will override the global mask.
nObjectTypesA mask of OBJECT_TYPE_* constants or OBJECT_TYPE_ALL for all suitable object types. Currently only works on Creatures, Doors (Hilite only), Items and Useable Placeables.
bForceUpdateIf TRUE, will update the discovery mask of ALL objects in the area or module(if oArea == OBJECT_INVALID), according to the current mask. Use with care.

Definition at line 740 of file nwnx_area.nss.

Variable Documentation



Definition at line 11 of file nwnx_area.nss.



Definition at line 12 of file nwnx_area.nss.



Definition at line 13 of file nwnx_area.nss.



Definition at line 14 of file nwnx_area.nss.



Definition at line 20 of file nwnx_area.nss.



Definition at line 21 of file nwnx_area.nss.



Definition at line 22 of file nwnx_area.nss.



Definition at line 28 of file nwnx_area.nss.



Definition at line 29 of file nwnx_area.nss.



Definition at line 30 of file nwnx_area.nss.



Definition at line 36 of file nwnx_area.nss.



Definition at line 37 of file nwnx_area.nss.



Definition at line 38 of file nwnx_area.nss.



Definition at line 39 of file nwnx_area.nss.