NWNX:EE  8193.37.14


Allows users to call Lua code with NWScript binding.

Environment Variables

Variable Name Type Default Value
PRELOAD_SCRIPT string USERDIR/lua/preload.lua
TOKEN_FUNCTION string CallToken
EVENT_FUNCTION string RunEvent

Quick start


  1. Include nwnx_lua.nss in your module
  2. Enable the plugin and mount a complete copy of unified/Plugins/Lua/lua to your container. This is where all your scripts will go. Compose example:
    - ./server/:/nwn/home
    - ./lua:/nwn/run/lua/
  3. Continue from step 6 in the list below.


  1. Install LuaJIT, i.e sudo apt-get install luajit libluajit-5.1-dev
  2. Compile your plugin and install as any other nwnxee plugin
  3. Don't set any configuration env variable
  4. Import the nwnx_lua.nss script in the NWScript directory in your module
  5. Copy the Lua directory inside your USERDIR (usually .local/Neverwinter Nights/), so you will have a USERDIR/lua/preload.lua file.
  6. In your *"on module load script"* include *"nwnx_lua"* and add this line NWNX_Lua_RunEvent("mod_load", OBJECT_SELF);
  7. In your *"on module chat script"* include *"nwnx_lua"* and add this line NWNX_Lua_RunEvent("mod_chat", GetPCChatSpeaker());
  8. Enter your module and put this line in your talk chat: /c =GetName(oPC) dont forget the '='
  9. Press enter and you will get your name as server message
  10. try the same with /c ApplyEffectToObject(2, EffectHeal(10), oPC) or /c return GetName(GetArea(oPC)) or /c =3+5 or ‘/c DelayCommand(oPC, 1.5, SpeakString, 'Foo’)
  11. Have some fun with your chat command interpreter, every command you want evaled by Lua must start with/c , if you want a return value start with/c =or/c return
  12. Look at the Lua scripts provided for some examples. The different ways to use this plugin are a lot, now you have NWScript binding in a interpred language, Lua, so you can do things like change a Lua script and hot reload it without even restart the module; for an example look at theloadscript()` function in the preload script.


This plugin let you execute Lua code inside NWscript via two functions NWNX_Lua_EvalVoid() and NWNX_Lua_Eval(), the second one returning (as string) the result of the Lua code execution. With the NWNX_Lua_RunEvent() function you can generate events in NWScript, receive them on the Lua side and executing all the Lua functions registered to listen to that event in order of priority. For details on events just look at the three *Event() functions in preload.lua. Lastly the run script hook permit to run a Lua function before a script is executed in the module, with returning values from the function having special effects: from skipping the script execution to being treated as a StartingConditional() result (for details see the configuration section).

In the Lua space all the basics NWScript functions are already defined, that by simply requiring the file nwn.lua.

All functions returning a NWScript boolean (1 or 0) in Lua now returns a boolean (true or false), the same for functions accepting booleans, so in Lua you can write: ClearAllActions(true) or if GetIsObjectValid(oObject) then .... end

OBJECT_SELF and OBJECT_INVALID are defined too, the first changing and following the script context.

Only these functions are different from NWScript: DelayCommand, AssignCommand and ActionDoCommand

The signatures of the functions are:

DelayCommand(oObject, fDelay, Function, 1stFunctionArg, 2ndFunctionArg .....)
AssignCommand(oObject, Function, 1stFunctionArg, 2ndFunctionArg .....)
ActionDoCommand(Function, 1stFunctionArg, 2ndFunctionArg .....)

For Example:

DelayCommand(oPC, 2.5, SetLocalInt, oPC, "LOCAL_INT", 42)
AssignCommand(OBJECT_SELF, SpeakString, "Bar")
ActionDoCommand(SpeakString, "Here's my seat!");

Beware that for DelayCommand there is an additional argument (oObject) respect to the NWScript counterpart, so you can avoid to write AssignCommand(oObject, DelayCommand, .... Just write DelayCommand(oObject, 2.0 ..... If you dont know how to set oObject just use OBJECT_SELF.

In the Lua namespace are defined, by the plugin, some additional utility functions. You can find them in the file lua/additions.lua, among these there are SerializeObject() and DeserializeObject(), useful if you want to use Lua to connect to database and saving/retrieving objects in it.

They are also implemented tostring(vVector) or vVector:tostring(), tostring(lLocation) or lLocation:tostring() and the inverse string.tovector() or sVector:vector() and string.tolocation() or sLocation:tolocation(), the same as above useful if you want to save/retrieve vectors and locations in a database via lua.

Last but not least the function GetTimeOfDay() returns the time since Epoch in microseconds, useful for tracing execution speed.

Important: dont call directly any NWScript function in the preload script or any other directly required script, so avoid writing lines like SetLocalString(...), GetModule() etc, you can write them inside function definitions but, again, dont call these functions directly during preload. The preload script is loaded during the start of nwserver and before the module is even loaded. So any direct call to NWScript functions during preload time will crash the server.

The trick is to load/require the others scripts in the module_load event, you can see how in the preload script.

The entire system is configurable ad hoc, if you have time you can even change the name of any NWScript function, use OOP programming, i.e using Lua classes instead of numbers for objects; with LuaJIT and FFi you can even directly access C structures.

Installation and configuration

1) Just import in your module the two scripts in the NWScript directory. 2) Copy the lua directory inside your NWN user directory (usually .local/share/Neverwinter Nights/)

Here is the complete list of the configuration environment variables:

NWNX_LUA_PRELOAD_SCRIPT mandatory, the default value is your_default_NWN_user_directory/lua/preload.lua.

NWNX_LUA_TOKEN_FUNCTION mandatory, it's the name of the function used internally to emulate DelayCommand, AssignCommand and ActionDoCommand. The function is already defined in the preload script provided, default: CallToken().

NWNX_LUA_EVENT_FUNCTION mandatory: you can use the event system for generate events inside NWScript, via the function NWNX_Lua_RunEvent provided in nwnx_lua.nss. These events can be consumend by a Lua function registered to observe the events, the default is RunEvent(), and it's already defined in the preload script. If you dont want to use the event system just dont call NWNX_Lua_RunEvent() on the NWScript side.

NWNX_LUA_OBJSELF_FUNCTION optional and advanced: in the Lua global namespace there is already a OBJECT_SELF global variable synced by the plugin at the right integer value following the context change. If you need to be more OOP and don't want to use integers for objects you have to change first the RunEvent function, because is accepting integers as objects. So you have to transform them in real objects inside the RunEvent function, just before the function call the observers callbacks. Second you have to set this configuration variable to the name of the function responsible for setting OBJECT_SELF to an object. The function will be called by the plugin with an integer value (the value of OBJECT_SELF) as argument when needed, i.e. when the context change. There is an example of SetObjectSelf() commented out in the preload script, note: it does not work by itself, you have to write oop code (i.e. a class for objects) before setting the configuration and uncommenting/modifying it. If this configuration is defined the function must be present in the preload script. Default: none.

NWNX_LUA_RUNSCRIPT_TABLE optional: this is the name of the global Lua table containing the functions called in the run script hook. A function with the same name of the script executed in the module will be run before the script itself. If the function returns something different from nil (i.e.: string, numbers or booleans) the script execution will be skipped, if the function returns a Lua boolean (true or false) it's treated like a return value from a StartingConditional(). For example if you have the script 'mod_on_chat.nss' in your module onchat event, if this configuration parameter is set to Scripts, when the mod_on_chat script is called the plugin search for a Lua function Scripts.mod_on_chat(). If the function is found it will be called before the 'mod_on_chat' script and the returned value determine if the original script is to be skipped. No argument is passed to the function, the context object is already represented by OBJECT_SELF. If this parameter is not defined no run script hook is set up. If this parameter is defined the basic table definition must be present in the preload script, a line like this one is enough: Scripts = {} all the other functions of the run script table could be defined after the preloading phase, obviously apart from the mod_load function if you want one. Default: none. WARNING dont set this config with any other RunScript hook in place, i.e. if you have the ENABLE_SCRIPTS of the Profiler plugin enabled dont set this config or you will have a server crash at startup. For the same reason enabling this setting makes this plugin not compatible with the Mono Plugin.

Notes on Compilation

NWNX_Lua is configured to compile first against LuaJIT, and only if LuaJIT (and its library) cannot be find search for a regular Lua library. So if you want to compile against LuaJIT just install it, otherwise install a regular Lua with liblua-dev provided by your distro; something like sudo apt-get install luajit libluajit-5.1-dev for luajit or sudo apt-get install lua5.3 liblua5.3-dev for regular Lua.

I highly reccomend to use or try LuaJIT, it is really fast and has the FFI library for C bindings. There is a script provided ('compat.lua') that try to mantain compatibility with differents Lua versions, it's tested with LuaJIT and Lua 5.3 but should work with Lua 5.2 and Lua 5.1.

Note on LuaJIT and extensions

If you want to use extensions in LuaJIT I highly reccomend to use luarocks to install them. To install and compile luarocks for LuaJIT downlowd it and compile/install with this two commands: 1) ./configure --lua-suffix=jit --with-lua-include=/usr/include/luajit-2.0 2) make build && sudo make install


file  nwnx_lua.nss


void NWNX_Lua_EvalVoid (string sCode)
 Evaluate LUA code. More...
string NWNX_Lua_Eval (string sCode)
 Evaluate LUA code and return the output. More...
void NWNX_Lua_RunEvent (string sEvent, object oObject, string sExtra="")
 Generate events in NWScript to receive on the Lua side. More...

Function Documentation

◆ NWNX_Lua_EvalVoid()

void NWNX_Lua_EvalVoid ( string  sCode)

Evaluate LUA code.

sCodeThe code to evaluate.

Definition at line 25 of file nwnx_lua.nss.

◆ NWNX_Lua_Eval()

string NWNX_Lua_Eval ( string  sCode)

Evaluate LUA code and return the output.

sCodeThe code to evaluate.
The result of the Lua code execution.

Definition at line 31 of file nwnx_lua.nss.

◆ NWNX_Lua_RunEvent()

void NWNX_Lua_RunEvent ( string  sEvent,
object  oObject,
string  sExtra = "" 

Generate events in NWScript to receive on the Lua side.

Executes all the Lua functions registered to listen to that event in order of priority. For details on events just look at the three *Event() functions in preload.lua.

Definition at line 38 of file nwnx_lua.nss.