NWNX:EE  8193.37.14


This plugin allows you to connect to a redis server. If you don't know what redis is, I'd suggest reading up here in detail: redis.io.Key features:
  • This plugin supports almost all commands
  • Including pubsub with script callbacks. You can use this to connect external services, even websites, to your nwserver in a non-blocking way.
  • Also great for linking servers.
  • Redis makes for a very good and fast key-value store, with some advanced data structures available. You can even use it as a queue if so desired.
  • SCO/RCO, so resman can automatically load resources from redis without user intervention. This requires a more generic interface/hook in core.


  • There are two includes, nwnx_redis and nwnx_redis_short. They do the same, but _short is not prefixed with NWNX_Redis.
  • nwnx_redis_ps.nss and on_pubsub.nss are not needed if PubSub functionality is not being used.


  • Set up redis-server. Start it. This should be as simple as apt-get install redis. There's also a docker image.
  • Configure NWNX_REDIS_HOST and NWNX_REDIS_PORT for nwnx. NWNX_REDIS_PORT is not necessary if the default redis port is used.
  • Include the .nss files in NWScript/ into your module.

Accessing Redis from nwscript

To use Redis commands in nwscript include nwnx_redis and nwnx_redis_lib. The nwnx_redis include contains the redis commands like, for example, int NWNX_Redis_GET(string key). All of the nwnx redis comands return an int which is the resultId. The nwnx_redis_lib include contains functions to get the data (and type) you can work with for this resultId. Three of these functions are:

There are also functions to work with result arrays and one to get the type of a result. You can look those up in nwnx_redis_lib.nss.

NWNX_Redis_GetResultAs<Type> has to be called on all the commands that return a resultId even if the actual value is an int as well. The following is an example to set, check for existance of and get a key.

#include "nwnx_redis"
#include "nwnx_redis_lib"
NWNX_Redis_SET("examples:examplekey", "testvalue");
if (NWNX_Redis_GetResultAsInt(NWNX_Redis_EXISTS("examples:examplekey")))
string sValue = NWNX_Redis_GetResultAsString(NWNX_Redis_GET("examples:examplekey"));
WriteTimestampedLogEntry("Value of redis key 'examples:examplekey': " + sValue);
int NWNX_Redis_GetResultAsInt(int resultId)
Gets the given result as an integer.
string NWNX_Redis_GetResultAsString(int resultId)
Gets the given result as a string.
int NWNX_Redis_GET(string key)
int NWNX_Redis_EXISTS(string key)
int NWNX_Redis_SET(string key, string value, string condition="")

Getting started with PubSub

  • Create a script called "on_pubsub" (or rename it through NWNX_REDIS_PUBSUB_SCRIPT). An example is included in NWScript/.
  • Configure NWNX_REDIS_PUBSUB_CHANNELS to be "test".
  • Hint: Subscriptions support wildcards.
  • Start your module.
  • Use redis-cli to connect to your running redis server and type PUBLISH test hi there.
  • Hint: redis-cli monitor in a separate shell is a great way to figure out what's going on.
  • Your script should trigger with the payload available through NWNX_Redis_GetPubSubMessageData().

Moving on

  • Now think of a good naming scheme for your various pubsub channels. Keep traffic as low as feasible, since each incoming message will trigger a script run. There is no batching yet.
  • Hint: By convention, a good namespace separator for channels is "."; for keys ":".
  • Example: NWNX_Redis_PUBLISH("nwserver.players.join", GetPCPlayerName(..));
  • Hint: A good pattern is to store data in a redis key named after the channel and object identifier (i.e. HSET nwserver:players:PlayerName:.lastSeen 1234) and then trigger a PubSub message with the same subject (PUBLISH nwserver.players.joins PlayerName). This cuts down on wire overhead.

Environment Variables

Variable Name Type Default Value
NWNX_REDIS_HOST string (none)
NWNX_REDIS_PORT int16 6379
NWNX_REDIS_PUBSUB_CHANNELS comma-separated strings ""


file  nwnx_redis.nss
 Autogenerated redis commands for NWNX usage. Autogenerated on: 2019-10-01 20:51:53 -0400.
file  nwnx_redis_lib.nss
 Allows connection and interfacing with a redis server.
file  nwnx_redis_ps.nss
 Interface to Redis PUBSUB.
file  on_pubsub.nss
 Script to handle PubSub event.


int NWNX_Redis_GetResultType (int resultId)
 Returns the result type as a int. More...
int NWNX_Redis_GetArrayLength (int resultId)
 Gets the length of the given result. More...
int NWNX_Redis_GetArrayElement (int resultId, int idx)
 Gets a list entry as a string. More...
float NWNX_Redis_GetResultAsFloat (int resultId)
 Gets the given result as a float. More...
int NWNX_Redis_GetResultAsInt (int resultId)
 Gets the given result as an integer. More...
string NWNX_Redis_GetResultAsString (int resultId)
 Gets the given result as a string. More...

Function Documentation

◆ NWNX_Redis_GetResultType()

int NWNX_Redis_GetResultType ( int  resultId)

Returns the result type as a int.

Definition at line 65 of file nwnx_redis_lib.nss.

◆ NWNX_Redis_GetArrayLength()

int NWNX_Redis_GetArrayLength ( int  resultId)

Gets the length of the given result.

resultIdThe result id.
The length or 0 if the given result wasn't a list type.

Definition at line 72 of file nwnx_redis_lib.nss.

◆ NWNX_Redis_GetArrayElement()

int NWNX_Redis_GetArrayElement ( int  resultId,
int  idx 

Gets a list entry as a string.

resultIdThe result id.
idxThe index in the list.
The list entry, will return "" if the given result is not a list, or if the requested index is out of bounds.

Definition at line 80 of file nwnx_redis_lib.nss.

◆ NWNX_Redis_GetResultAsFloat()

float NWNX_Redis_GetResultAsFloat ( int  resultId)

Gets the given result as a float.

resultIdThe result id.
The result as a float.

Definition at line 88 of file nwnx_redis_lib.nss.

◆ NWNX_Redis_GetResultAsInt()

int NWNX_Redis_GetResultAsInt ( int  resultId)

Gets the given result as an integer.

resultIdThe result id.
The result as an integer.

Definition at line 95 of file nwnx_redis_lib.nss.

◆ NWNX_Redis_GetResultAsString()

string NWNX_Redis_GetResultAsString ( int  resultId)

Gets the given result as a string.

resultIdThe result id.
The result as a string.

Definition at line 102 of file nwnx_redis_lib.nss.

Variable Documentation



Array result.

Definition at line 12 of file nwnx_redis_lib.nss.



Error result.

This never appears: it is rewritten into STRING for simplicity reasons. const int NWNX_REDIS_RESULT_BULK_STRING = 2;

You can retrieve errors as strings.

Definition at line 19 of file nwnx_redis_lib.nss.



Integer result.

This cannot represent integers above 32bit.
Use NWNX_Redis_GetResultAsString() if you need the string representation.

Definition at line 24 of file nwnx_redis_lib.nss.



String result.

Definition at line 27 of file nwnx_redis_lib.nss.



Null result.

Definition at line 30 of file nwnx_redis_lib.nss.