NWNX:EE  8193.37.14


Allows the sending of WebHooks. At the moment, only slack application/json format is supported. See https://api.slack.com/incoming-webhooks.Events exist for SUCCESS or FAILURE.
  • Top tip: Append /slack to the end of a Discord webhook url for it to work.


For added security, it is highly recommended to set your webhook path as an environment variable and use NWNX_Util_GetEnvironmentVariable() to construct your path.

Example usage

Example 1

The builder wants to be notified with a simple message when the module has completed start up

Example 2

The builder wishes to create a function to post a bug report to the Discord developer channel.

#include "nwnx_time"
#include "nwnx_util"
#include "nwnx_webhook_rch"
void ReportBug(string sMessage, object oReporter=OBJECT_INVALID)
object oArea = GetArea(oReporter);
struct NWNX_WebHook_Message stMessage;
stMessage.sUsername = "NWN Reporter";
stMessage.sText = "Bug Report";
stMessage.sAvatarURL = "https://example.com/img/icon.png";
stMessage.sTitle = "Add to Gitlab?";
stMessage.sURL = "https://gitlab.example.com/nwn/module/issues/new?issue[title]="+
stMessage.sColor = "#FF0000";
stMessage.sAuthorName = GetName(oReporter) + " ("+ GetPCPlayerName(oReporter)+")";
stMessage.sAuthorIconURL = "https://example.com/img/portrait/" + GetStringLowerCase(GetPortraitResRef(oReporter)) + "t.png";
stMessage.sThumbnailURL = "https://example.com/img/portrait/po_beetle_s.png";
stMessage.sDescription = sMessage;
stMessage.sFooterText = "My_Module_1.00";
stMessage.sField1Name = "Area Name";
stMessage.sField1Value = GetName(oArea);
stMessage.iField1Inline = TRUE;
stMessage.sField2Name = "Area Tag";
stMessage.sField2Value = GetTag(oArea);
stMessage.iField2Inline = TRUE;
stMessage.sField3Name = "Location";
stMessage.sField3Value = NWNXLocationToString(GetLocation(oReporter));
stMessage.iTimestamp = NWNX_Time_GetTimeStamp();
string sConstructedMsg = NWNX_WebHook_BuildMessageForWebHook("discordapp.com", NWNX_Util_GetEnvironmentVariable("NWNX_WEBHOOK_DEVELOPER_CHANNEL"), stMessage);
NWNX_WebHook_SendWebHookHTTPS("discordapp.com", NWNX_Util_GetEnvironmentVariable("NWNX_WEBHOOK_DEVELOPER_CHANNEL"), sConstructedMsg);
int NWNX_Time_GetTimeStamp()
Definition: nwnx_time.nss:49
string NWNX_Util_EncodeStringForURL(string str)
Encodes a string for usage in a URL.
Definition: nwnx_util.nss:353
void NWNX_WebHook_SendWebHookHTTPS(string host, string path, string message, string username="", int mrkdwn=1)
Send a slack compatible webhook.
string NWNX_WebHook_BuildMessageForWebHook(string host, string path, struct NWNX_WebHook_Message stMessage, int mrkdwn=1)
Builds and sends a rich webhook message based on the constructed NWNX_WebHook_Message.
For more information on these fields see https://birdie0.github.io/discord-webhooks-guide/.
string sUsername

Example 3

The builder wishes to resend a WebHook when one is disallowed due to rate limitations.

Example 4

The builder wishes to notify the general discord channel when a PC reaches a new level.

  • In module OnModuleLoad add:
    NWNX_Events_SubscribeEvent("NWNX_ON_LEVEL_UP_AFTER", "event_level");
  • Create new event_level script and enter the following:
    #include "nwnx_events"
    #include "nwnx_time"
    #include "nwnx_util"
    #include "nwnx_webhook_rch"
    void main()
    object oPC = OBJECT_SELF;
    string sCurrentEvent = NWNX_Events_GetCurrentEvent();
    if (sCurrentEvent == "NWNX_ON_LEVEL_UP_AFTER")
    struct NWNX_WebHook_Message stMessage;
    stMessage.sUsername = "NWN Reporter";
    stMessage.sAvatarURL = "https://example.com/img/icon.png";
    stMessage.sTitle = "New Level!";
    stMessage.sColor = "#0000FF";
    stMessage.sAuthorName = GetName(oPC);
    stMessage.sAuthorIconURL = "https://example.com/img/portrait/" + GetStringLowerCase(GetPortraitResRef(oPC)) + "t.png";
    stMessage.sThumbnailURL = "https://example.com/img/portrait/" + GetStringLowerCase(GetPortraitResRef(oPC)) + "s.png";
    stMessage.sDescription = "**" + GetName(oPC) + "** has reached level **"+IntToString(GetHitDice(oPC))+"**! :tada:";
    stMessage.sFooterText = "My_Module_1.00";
    stMessage.iTimestamp = NWNX_Time_GetTimeStamp();
    string sConstructedMsg = NWNX_WebHook_BuildMessageForWebHook("hook.slack.com", NWNX_Util_GetEnvironmentVariable("NWNX_WEBHOOK_PUBLIC_CHANNEL"), stMessage);
    NWNX_WebHook_SendWebHookHTTPS("hook.slack.com", NWNX_Util_GetEnvironmentVariable("NWNX_WEBHOOK_PUBLIC_CHANNEL"), sConstructedMsg);

Note on Portraits as Images

You may have noticed in this example how portraits are being used in the WebHooks as images. If you want to know how I converted portraits to images to use for this, here were the commands used:

mkdir /tmp/tga
# From the top level you wish to search for your portraits
# Don't forget to include the stock portraits here as well!
find . \‍( -iname "*_t.tga" -o -iname "*_s.tga" \‍) -exec cp -- "{}" /tmp/tga \;
cd /tmp/tga
# Make them all lowercase
rename -f 'y/A-Z/a-z/' *
# Convert to png while cropping bottom unused portion of tga
for i in *_t.tga; do convert $i -crop 16x25+0+0 $i.png; done
for i in *_s.tga; do convert $i -crop 32x50+0+0 $i.png; done
# Rename from foo.tga.png to foo.png
rename s/tga.png/png/ *.tga.png
mkdir /tmp/png
mv *.png /tmp/png
# Now upload to your web server


file  nwnx_webhook.nss
file  nwnx_webhook_rch.nss
 Create richer webhook messages suitable for Discord.


struct  NWNX_WebHook_Message
 For more information on these fields see https://birdie0.github.io/discord-webhooks-guide/. More...


void NWNX_WebHook_SendWebHookHTTPS (string host, string path, string message, string username="", int mrkdwn=1)
 Send a slack compatible webhook. More...
void NWNX_WebHook_ResendWebHookHTTPS (string host, string path, string sMessage, float delay=0.0f)
 Resends a webhook message after a defined delay. More...
string NWNX_WebHook_BuildMessageForWebHook (string host, string path, struct NWNX_WebHook_Message stMessage, int mrkdwn=1)
 Builds and sends a rich webhook message based on the constructed NWNX_WebHook_Message. More...

Function Documentation

◆ NWNX_WebHook_SendWebHookHTTPS()

void NWNX_WebHook_SendWebHookHTTPS ( string  host,
string  path,
string  message,
string  username = "",
int  mrkdwn = 1 

Send a slack compatible webhook.

hostThe web server to send the hook.
pathThe path to the hook.
messageThe message to dispatch.
usernameThe username to display as the originator of the hook.
mrkdwnSet to false if you do not wish your message's markdown be parsed.

Definition at line 28 of file nwnx_webhook.nss.

◆ NWNX_WebHook_ResendWebHookHTTPS()

void NWNX_WebHook_ResendWebHookHTTPS ( string  host,
string  path,
string  sMessage,
float  delay = 0.0f 

Resends a webhook message after a defined delay.

Handy when a submission is rate limited, since the message that the event sends in NWNX_Events_GetEventData is already constructed. So it just resends the WebHook with an optional delay.

hostThe web server to send the hook.
pathThe path to the hook.
sMessageThe message to dispatch.
delayThe delay in seconds to send the message again.

Definition at line 38 of file nwnx_webhook.nss.

◆ NWNX_WebHook_BuildMessageForWebHook()

string NWNX_WebHook_BuildMessageForWebHook ( string  host,
string  path,
struct NWNX_WebHook_Message  stMessage,
int  mrkdwn = 1 

Builds and sends a rich webhook message based on the constructed NWNX_WebHook_Message.

hostThe web server to send the hook.
pathThe path to the hook.
stMessageA constructed NWNX_Webhook_Message.
mrkdwnSet to false if you do not wish your message's markdown be parsed.
Your path must end with /slack if using a Discord webhook.

Definition at line 77 of file nwnx_webhook_rch.nss.