string | NWNX_Util_GetCurrentScriptName (int depth=0) |
| Gets the name of the currently executing script. More...
string | NWNX_Util_GetAsciiTableString () |
| Gets a string that contains the ascii table. More...
int | NWNX_Util_Hash (string str) |
| Gets an integer hash of a string. More...
int | NWNX_Util_GetModuleMtime () |
| Gets the last modified timestamp (mtime) of the module file in seconds. More...
string | NWNX_Util_GetModuleFile () |
| Gets the module short file name. More...
string | NWNX_Util_GetCustomToken (int customTokenNumber) |
| Gets the value of customTokenNumber. More...
itemproperty | NWNX_Util_EffectToItemProperty (effect e) |
| Convert an effect type to an itemproperty type. More...
effect | NWNX_Util_ItemPropertyToEffect (itemproperty ip) |
| Convert an itemproperty type to an effect type. More...
string | NWNX_Util_StripColors (string str) |
| Strip any color codes from a string. More...
string | NWNX_Util_GetEnvironmentVariable (string sVarname) |
| Retrieves an environment variable. More...
int | NWNX_Util_GetMinutesPerHour () |
| Gets the module real life minutes per in game hour. More...
void | NWNX_Util_SetMinutesPerHour (int minutes) |
| Set module real life minutes per in game hour. More...
string | NWNX_Util_EncodeStringForURL (string str) |
| Encodes a string for usage in a URL. More...
string | NWNX_Util_GetFirstResRef (int nType, string sRegexFilter="", int bModuleResourcesOnly=TRUE) |
| Get the first resref of nType. More...
string | NWNX_Util_GetNextResRef () |
| Get the next resref. More...
object | NWNX_Util_GetLastCreatedObject (int nObjectType, int nNthLast=1) |
| Get the last created object. More...
string | NWNX_Util_AddScript (string sFileName, string sScriptData, int bWrapIntoMain=FALSE, string sAlias="NWNX") |
| Compiles and adds a script to the UserDirectory/nwnx folder, or to the location of sAlias. More...
int | NWNX_Util_AddNSSFile (string sFileName, string sContents, string sAlias="NWNX") |
| Adds a nss file to the UserDirectory/nwnx folder, or to the location of sAlias. More...
int | NWNX_Util_RemoveNWNXResourceFile (string sFileName, int nType, string sAlias="NWNX") |
| Remove sFileName of nType from the UserDirectory/nwnx folder, or from the location of sAlias. More...
void | NWNX_Util_SetInstructionLimit (int nInstructionLimit) |
| Set the NWScript instruction limit. More...
int | NWNX_Util_GetInstructionLimit () |
| Get the NWScript instruction limit. More...
void | NWNX_Util_SetInstructionsExecuted (int nInstructions) |
| Set the number of NWScript instructions currently executed. More...
int | NWNX_Util_GetInstructionsExecuted () |
| Get the number of NWScript instructions currently executed. More...
int | NWNX_Util_RegisterServerConsoleCommand (string sCommand, string sScriptChunk) |
| Register a server console command that will execute a script chunk. More...
void | NWNX_Util_UnregisterServerConsoleCommand (string sCommand) |
| Unregister a server console command that was registered with NWNX_Util_RegisterServerConsoleCommand(). More...
string | NWNX_Util_GetUserDirectory () |
| Gets the server's current working user folder. More...
int | NWNX_Util_GetScriptReturnValue () |
| Get the return value of the last run script with a StartingConditional. More...
object | NWNX_Util_CreateDoor (string sResRef, location locLocation, string sNewTag="", int nAppearanceType=-1) |
| Create a door. More...
void | NWNX_Util_SetItemActivator (object oObject) |
| Set the object that will be returned by GetItemActivator. More...
struct NWNX_Util_WorldTime | NWNX_Util_GetWorldTime (float fAdjustment=0.0f) |
| Get the world time as calendar day and time of day. More...
void | NWNX_Util_SetResourceOverride (int nResType, string sOldName, string sNewName) |
| Set a server-side resource override. More...
string | NWNX_Util_GetResourceOverride (int nResType, string sName) |
| Get a server-side resource override. More...
int | NWNX_Util_GetScriptParamIsSet (string sParamName) |
| Get if a script param is set. More...
void | NWNX_Util_SetDawnHour (int nDawnHour) |
| Set the module dawn hour. More...
int | NWNX_Util_GetDawnHour () |
| Get the module dawn hour. More...
void | NWNX_Util_SetDuskHour (int nDuskHour) |
| Set the module dusk hour. More...
int | NWNX_Util_GetDuskHour () |
| Get the module dusk hour. More...
struct NWNX_Util_HighResTimestamp | NWNX_Util_GetHighResTimeStamp () |
string | NWNX_Util_GetTTY () |
void | NWNX_Util_SetCurrentlyRunningEvent (int nEventID) |
| Set the currently running script event. More...
int | NWNX_Util_GetStringLevenshteinDistance (string sString, string sCompareTo) |
| Calculate the levenshtein distance of two strings. More...
void | NWNX_Util_UpdateClientObject (object oObjectToUpdate, object oPlayer=OBJECT_INVALID) |
| Sends a full object update of oObjectToUpdate to all clients. More...
int | NWNX_Util_CleanResourceDirectory (string sAlias, int nResType=0xFFFF) |
| Clean a resource directory, deleting all files of nResType. More...
string | NWNX_Util_GetModuleTlkFile () |
| Return the filename of the tlk file. More...
int | NWNX_Util_UpdateResourceDirectory (string sAlias) |
| Update a resource directory by having ResMan reindex it. More...