NWNX:EE  8193.37.14
NWNX_SkillRanks_SkillFeat Struct Reference

A feat that manipulates skill ranks. More...

Public Attributes

int iSkill
 The skill this feat impacts. More...
int iFeat
 The feat. More...
int iModifier
 Skill feat bonus/penalty. More...
int iFocusFeat
string sClasses
 255 char bitset string for skill ranks impacted by class levels (like Bardic Knowledge). More...
float fClassLevelMod
int iAreaFlagsRequired
 Used for feats like Stonecunning or Trackless Step which restrict skill modifiers by area types. More...
int iAreaFlagsForbidden
 Used for feats like Stonecunning or Trackless Step which restrict skill modifiers by area types. More...
int iDayOrNight
int bBypassArmorCheckPenalty
 This allows for feats that bypass the armor check penalty on skill rank calculations. More...
int iKeyAbilityMask
 Bitmask of abilities and method to calculate the ability modifier for a skill. More...

Detailed Description

A feat that manipulates skill ranks.

Definition at line 35 of file nwnx_skillranks.nss.

Member Data Documentation

◆ iSkill

int NWNX_SkillRanks_SkillFeat::iSkill

The skill this feat impacts.

Definition at line 37 of file nwnx_skillranks.nss.

◆ iFeat

int NWNX_SkillRanks_SkillFeat::iFeat

The feat.

Definition at line 38 of file nwnx_skillranks.nss.

◆ iModifier

int NWNX_SkillRanks_SkillFeat::iModifier

Skill feat bonus/penalty.

Definition at line 41 of file nwnx_skillranks.nss.

◆ iFocusFeat

int NWNX_SkillRanks_SkillFeat::iFocusFeat

1 for Focus, 2 for Epic Focus. This can be set on a feat so NWNX_SkillRanks_SetFocusMod can mass change the modifier for the Skill Focus and Epic Skill Focus feats.

Definition at line 45 of file nwnx_skillranks.nss.

◆ sClasses

string NWNX_SkillRanks_SkillFeat::sClasses

255 char bitset string for skill ranks impacted by class levels (like Bardic Knowledge).

The right most bit is barbarian (class 0), second from right is bard (class 1) etc. It's not necessary to pass in the entire string, for example Ranger is class 7 and Fighter is 4 If you wanted those class levels to impact the skill modifier you could set sClasses equal to "10010000". From right to left = Barbarian, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Monk, Paladin, Ranger You can alternatively use NWNX_SkillRanks_AddSkillFeatClass() for each class

If unset but fClassLevelMod is set, then all classes will be included.

Definition at line 55 of file nwnx_skillranks.nss.

◆ fClassLevelMod

float NWNX_SkillRanks_SkillFeat::fClassLevelMod

Levels in class multiplier gives you skill modifier, for example 0.5f would mean 1 point for every two class levels. If sClasses is not set and this is set then all class levels will be modified.

Definition at line 59 of file nwnx_skillranks.nss.

◆ iAreaFlagsRequired

int NWNX_SkillRanks_SkillFeat::iAreaFlagsRequired

Used for feats like Stonecunning or Trackless Step which restrict skill modifiers by area types.

Definition at line 62 of file nwnx_skillranks.nss.

◆ iAreaFlagsForbidden

int NWNX_SkillRanks_SkillFeat::iAreaFlagsForbidden

Used for feats like Stonecunning or Trackless Step which restrict skill modifiers by area types.

Definition at line 65 of file nwnx_skillranks.nss.

◆ iDayOrNight

int NWNX_SkillRanks_SkillFeat::iDayOrNight

1 for Day, 2 for Night - if skill modifiers only take effect based on the day/night cycle or an area that's set to always night. 0 is all hours.

Definition at line 69 of file nwnx_skillranks.nss.

◆ bBypassArmorCheckPenalty

int NWNX_SkillRanks_SkillFeat::bBypassArmorCheckPenalty

This allows for feats that bypass the armor check penalty on skill rank calculations.

Definition at line 72 of file nwnx_skillranks.nss.

◆ iKeyAbilityMask

int NWNX_SkillRanks_SkillFeat::iKeyAbilityMask

Bitmask of abilities and method to calculate the ability modifier for a skill.


Definition at line 79 of file nwnx_skillranks.nss.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: