NWNX:EE  8193.37.14


Functions exposing additional creature properties.


file  nwnx_creature.nss


struct  NWNX_Creature_SpecialAbility
 A creature special ability. More...


void NWNX_Creature_AddFeat (object creature, int feat)
 Gives the creature a feat. More...
void NWNX_Creature_AddFeatByLevel (object creature, int feat, int level)
 Gives the creature a feat assigned at a level. More...
void NWNX_Creature_RemoveFeat (object creature, int feat)
 Removes a feat from a creature. More...
void NWNX_Creature_RemoveFeatByLevel (object creature, int feat, int level)
 Removes the creature a feat assigned at a level. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetKnowsFeat (object creature, int feat)
 Determines if the creature knows a feat. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetFeatCountByLevel (object creature, int level)
 Returns the count of feats learned at the provided level. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetFeatByLevel (object creature, int level, int index)
 Returns the feat learned at the level and index. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetFeatGrantLevel (object creature, int feat)
 Returns the creature level where the specified feat was learned. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetFeatCount (object creature)
 Get the total number of feats known by creature. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetFeatByIndex (object creature, int index)
 Returns the creature's feat at a given index. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetMeetsFeatRequirements (object creature, int feat)
 Gets if creature meets feat requirements. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetSpecialAbilityCount (object creature)
 Gets the count of special abilities of the creature. More...
struct NWNX_Creature_SpecialAbility NWNX_Creature_GetSpecialAbility (object creature, int index)
 Returns the creature's special ability at a given index. More...
void NWNX_Creature_AddSpecialAbility (object creature, struct NWNX_Creature_SpecialAbility ability)
 Adds a special ability to a creature. More...
void NWNX_Creature_RemoveSpecialAbility (object creature, int index)
 Removes a special ability from a creature. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetSpecialAbility (object creature, int index, struct NWNX_Creature_SpecialAbility ability)
 Sets a special ability at the index for the creature. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetClassByLevel (object creature, int level)
 Get the class taken by the creature at the provided level. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetBaseAC (object creature, int ac)
 Sets the base AC for the creature. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetBaseAC (object creature)
 Get the base AC for the creature. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetRawAbilityScore (object creature, int ability, int value)
 Sets the ability score of the creature to the provided value. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetRawAbilityScore (object creature, int ability)
 Gets the ability score of the creature. More...
void NWNX_Creature_ModifyRawAbilityScore (object creature, int ability, int modifier)
 Adjusts the ability score of a creature. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetPrePolymorphAbilityScore (object creature, int ability)
 Gets the raw ability score a polymorphed creature had prior to polymorphing. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetRemainingSpellSlots (object creature, int class, int level)
 Gets the remaining spell slots (innate casting) at a class level's index. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetRemainingSpellSlots (object creature, int class, int level, int slots)
 Sets the remaining spell slots (innate casting) at a class level. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetMaxSpellSlots (object creature, int class, int level)
 Gets the maximum spell slots (innate casting) at a class level. More...
void NWNX_Creature_AddKnownSpell (object creature, int class, int level, int spellId)
 Add a spell to a creature's spellbook for class. More...
void NWNX_Creature_RemoveKnownSpell (object creature, int class, int level, int spellId)
 Remove a spell from creature's spellbook for class. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetMaxHitPointsByLevel (object creature, int level)
 Gets the maximum hit points for creature for level. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetMaxHitPointsByLevel (object creature, int level, int value)
 Sets the maximum hit points for creature. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetMovementRate (object creature, int rate)
 Set creature's movement rate. More...
float NWNX_Creature_GetMovementRateFactor (object creature)
 Returns the creature's current movement rate factor. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetMovementRateFactor (object creature, float rate)
 Sets the creature's current movement rate factor. More...
float NWNX_Creature_GetMovementRateFactorCap (object creature)
 Returns the creature's maximum movement rate cap. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetMovementRateFactorCap (object creature, float cap)
 Sets the creature's maximum movement rate cap. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetMovementType (object creature)
 Returns the creature's current movement type. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetWalkRateCap (object creature, float fWalkRate=2000.0f)
 Sets the maximum movement rate a creature can have while walking (not running) More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetAlignmentGoodEvil (object creature, int value)
 Set creature's raw good/evil alignment value. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetAlignmentLawChaos (object creature, int value)
 Set creature's raw law/chaos alignment value. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetSkillRank (object creature, int skill, int rank)
 Set the base ranks in a skill for creature. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetSkillRankByLevel (object creature, int skill, int level)
 Get the ranks in a skill for creature assigned at a level. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetSkillRankByLevel (object creature, int skill, int rank, int level)
 Set the ranks in a skill for creature assigned at a level. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetClassByPosition (object creature, int position, int classID, int bUpdateLevels=TRUE)
 Set the class ID in a particular position for a creature. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetLevelByPosition (object creature, int position, int level)
 Set the level at the given position for a creature. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetBaseAttackBonus (object creature, int bab)
 Set creature's base attack bonus (BAB). More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetAttacksPerRound (object creature, int bBaseAPR=FALSE)
 Gets the creatures current attacks per round (using equipped weapon). More...
void NWNX_Creature_RestoreFeats (object creature)
 Restore all creature feat uses. More...
void NWNX_Creature_RestoreSpecialAbilities (object creature)
 Restore all creature special ability uses. More...
void NWNX_Creature_RestoreItems (object creature)
 Restore uses for all items carried by the creature. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetSize (object creature, int size)
 Sets the creature size. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetSkillPointsRemaining (object creature)
 Gets the creature's remaining unspent skill points. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetSkillPointsRemaining (object creature, int skillpoints)
 Sets the creature's remaining unspent skill points. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetSkillPointsRemainingByLevel (object creature, int level)
 Gets the creature's remaining unspent skill points for level. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetSkillPointsRemainingByLevel (object creature, int level, int value)
 Sets the creature's remaining unspent skill points for level. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetRacialType (object creature, int racialtype)
 Sets the creature's racial type. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetGold (object creature, int gold)
 Sets the creature's gold without sending a feedback message. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetCorpseDecayTime (object creature, int nDecayTime)
 Sets corpse decay time in milliseconds. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetBaseSavingThrow (object creature, int which)
 Gets the creature's base save. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetBaseSavingThrow (object creature, int which, int value)
 Sets the creature's base save. More...
void NWNX_Creature_LevelUp (object creature, int class, int count=1, int package=PACKAGE_INVALID)
 Add levels of class to the creature, bypassing all validation. More...
void NWNX_Creature_LevelDown (object creature, int count=1)
 Remove last levels from a creature. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetChallengeRating (object creature, float fCR)
 Sets the creature's challenge rating. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetAttackBonus (object creature, int isMelee=-1, int isTouchAttack=FALSE, int isOffhand=FALSE, int includeBaseAttackBonus=TRUE)
 Returns the creature's highest attack bonus based on its own stats. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetHighestLevelOfFeat (object creature, int feat)
 Get highest level version of feat possessed by creature. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetFeatRemainingUses (object creature, int feat)
 Get feat remaining uses. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetFeatTotalUses (object creature, int feat)
 Get feat total uses. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetFeatRemainingUses (object creature, int feat, int uses)
 Set feat remaining uses. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetTotalEffectBonus (object creature, int bonusType=NWNX_CREATURE_BONUS_TYPE_ATTACK, object target=OBJECT_INVALID, int isElemental=0, int isForceMax=0, int savetype=-1, int saveSpecificType=-1, int skill=-1, int abilityScore=-1, int isOffhand=FALSE)
 Get total effect bonus. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetOriginalName (object creature, string name, int isLastName)
 Set the original first or last name of creature. More...
string NWNX_Creature_GetOriginalName (object creature, int isLastName)
 Get the original first or last name of creature. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetSpellResistance (object creature, int sr)
 Set creature's spell resistance. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetAnimalCompanionCreatureType (object creature, int type)
 Set creature's animal companion creature type. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetFamiliarCreatureType (object creature, int type)
 Set creature's familiar creature type. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetAnimalCompanionName (object creature, string name)
 Set creature's animal companion's name. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetFamiliarName (object creature, string name)
 Set creature's familiar's name. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetDisarmable (object creature)
 Get whether the creature can be disarmed. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetDisarmable (object creature, int disarmable)
 Set whether a creature can be disarmed. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetDomain (object creature, int class, int index, int domain)
 Sets one of creature's domains. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetSpecialization (object creature, int class, int school)
 Sets creature's specialist school. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetFaction (object oCreature, int nFactionId)
 Sets oCreatures faction to be the faction with id nFactionId. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetFaction (object oCreature)
 Gets the faction id from oCreature. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetFlatFooted (object oCreature)
 Get whether a creature is flat-footed. More...
string NWNX_Creature_SerializeQuickbar (object oCreature)
 Serialize oCreature's quickbar to a base64 string. More...
int NWNX_Creature_DeserializeQuickbar (object oCreature, string sSerializedQuickbar)
 Deserialize sSerializedQuickbar for oCreature. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetCasterLevelModifier (object oCreature, int nClass, int nModifier, int bPersist=FALSE)
 Sets a caster level modifier for oCreature. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetCasterLevelModifier (object oCreature, int nClass)
 Gets the current caster level modifier for oCreature. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetCasterLevelOverride (object oCreature, int nClass, int nCasterLevel, int bPersist=FALSE)
 Sets a caster level override for oCreature. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetCasterLevelOverride (object oCreature, int nClass)
 Gets the current caster level override for oCreature. More...
void NWNX_Creature_JumpToLimbo (object oCreature)
 Move a creature to limbo. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetCriticalMultiplierModifier (object oCreature, int nModifier, int nHand=0, int bPersist=FALSE, int nBaseItem=-1)
 Sets the critical hit multiplier modifier for the Creature. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetCriticalMultiplierModifier (object oCreature, int nHand=0, int nBaseItem=-1)
 Gets the critical hit multiplier modifier for the Creature. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetCriticalMultiplierOverride (object oCreature, int nOverride, int nHand=0, int bPersist=FALSE, int nBaseItem=-1)
 Sets the critical hit multiplier override for the Creature. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetCriticalMultiplierOverride (object oCreature, int nHand=0, int nBaseItem=-1)
 Gets the critical hit multiplier override for the Creature. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetCriticalRangeModifier (object oCreature, int nModifier, int nHand=0, int bPersist=FALSE, int nBaseItem=-1)
 Sets the critical hit range modifier for the creature. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetCriticalRangeModifier (object oCreature, int nHand=0, int nBaseItem=-1)
 Gets the critical hit range modifier for the creature. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetCriticalRangeOverride (object oCreature, int nOverride, int nHand=0, int bPersist=FALSE, int nBaseItem=-1)
 Sets the critical hit range Override for the creature. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetCriticalRangeOverride (object oCreature, int nHand=0, int nBaseItem=-1)
 Sets the critical hit range Override for the creature. More...
void NWNX_Creature_AddAssociate (object oCreature, object oAssociate, int nAssociateType)
 Add oAssociate as nAssociateType to oCreature. More...
void NWNX_Creature_OverrideDamageLevel (object oCreature, int nDamageLevel)
 Override the damage level of oCreature. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetEncounter (object oCreature, object oEncounter)
 Set the encounter source of oCreature. More...
object NWNX_Creature_GetEncounter (object oCreature)
 Get the encounter source of oCreature. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetIsBartering (object oCreature)
 Get if oCreature is currently bartering. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetLastItemCasterLevel (object oCreature, int nCasterLvl)
 Sets caster level for the last item used. Use in a spellhook or spell event before to set caster level for any spells cast from the item. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetLastItemCasterLevel (object oCreature)
 Gets the caster level of the last item used. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetArmorClassVersus (object oAttacked, object oVersus, int nTouch=FALSE)
 Gets the Armor classed of attacked against versus. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetWalkAnimation (object oCreature)
 Gets the current walk animation of oCreature. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetWalkAnimation (object oCreature, int nAnimation)
 Sets the current walk animation of oCreature. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetAttackRollOverride (object oCreature, int nRoll, int nModifier)
 Changes the attack modifier depending on the dice roll. Used to skip autofail on 1 and autosucceed on 20 as well. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetParryAllAttacks (object oCreature, int bParry)
 Works like the tweak but can be turned on and off for all creatures or single ones. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetNoPermanentDeath (object oCreature)
 Gets the NoPermanentDeath flag of oCreature. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetNoPermanentDeath (object oCreature, int bNoPermanentDeath)
 Sets the NoPermanentDeath flag of oCreature. More...
vector NWNX_Creature_ComputeSafeLocation (object oCreature, vector vPosition, float fRadius=20.0f, int bWalkStraightLineRequired=TRUE)
 Compute a safe location for oCreature. More...
void NWNX_Creature_DoPerceptionUpdateOnCreature (object oCreature, object oTargetCreature)
 Update oCreature's perception of oTargetCreature. More...
float NWNX_Creature_GetPersonalSpace (object oCreature)
 Get a creatures personal space (meters from center to non-creature objects). More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetPersonalSpace (object oCreature, float fPerspace)
 Set a creatures personal space (meters from center to non-creature objects). More...
float NWNX_Creature_GetCreaturePersonalSpace (object oCreature)
 Get a creatures creature personal space (meters from center to other creatures). More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetCreaturePersonalSpace (object oCreature, float fCrePerspace)
 Set a creatures creature personal space (meters from center to other creatures). More...
float NWNX_Creature_GetHeight (object oCreature)
 Get a creatures height. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetHeight (object oCreature, float fHeight)
 Set a creatures height. More...
float NWNX_Creature_GetHitDistance (object oCreature)
 Get a creatures hit distance. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetHitDistance (object oCreature, float fHitDist)
 Set a creatures hit distance. More...
float NWNX_Creature_GetPreferredAttackDistance (object oCreature)
 Get a creatures preferred attack distance. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetPreferredAttackDistance (object oCreature, float fPrefAtckDist)
 Set a creatures preferred attack distance. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetArmorCheckPenalty (object oCreature)
 Get the skill penalty from wearing armor. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetShieldCheckPenalty (object oCreature)
 Get the skill penalty from wearing a shield. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetBypassEffectImmunity (object oCreature, int nImmunityType, int nChance=100, int bPersist=FALSE)
 Sets a chance for normal Effect Immunities to be bypassed. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetBypassEffectImmunity (object oCreature, int nImmunityType)
 Gets a chance for normal Effect Immunities to be bypassed. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetLastKiller (object oCreature, object oKiller)
 Sets the killer of oCreature to oKiller. More...
void NWNX_Creature_DoItemCastSpell (object oCreature, object oTarget, location locTarget, int nSpellID, int nCasterLevel, float fProjectileTime, int nProjectilePathType=PROJECTILE_PATH_TYPE_DEFAULT, int nProjectileSpellID=-1, object oItem=OBJECT_INVALID, string sImpactScript="")
 Instantly cast a spell at a target or location. More...
int NWNX_Creature_RunEquip (object oCreature, object oItem, int nInventorySlot)
 Have oCreature instantly equip oItem to nInventorySlot. More...
int NWNX_Creature_RunUnequip (object oCreature, object oItem)
 Have oCreature instantly unequip oItem. More...
void NWNX_Creature_OverrideRangedProjectileVFX (object oCreature, int nProjectileVFX, int bPersist=FALSE)
 Override the elemental projectile visual effect of ranged/throwing weapons. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetInitiativeModifier (object oCreature, int nMod, int bPersist=FALSE)
 Sets a custom Initiative modifier. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetInitiativeModifier (object oCreature)
 Gets the custom Initiative modifier. More...
object NWNX_Creature_GetBodyBag (object oCreature)
 Gets the Body Bag of a creature. More...
int NWNX_Creature_AddCastSpellActions (object oCreature, object oTarget, vector vTargetLocation, int nSpellID, int nMultiClass, int nMetaMagic=METAMAGIC_NONE, int nDomainLevel=0, int nProjectilePathType=PROJECTILE_PATH_TYPE_DEFAULT, int bInstant=FALSE, int bClearActions=FALSE, int bAddToFront=FALSE)
 Add a cast spell action to oCreature's action queue. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetIsFlanking (object oCreature, object oTargetCreature)
 Get whether oCreature is flanking oTargetCreature. More...
void NWNX_Creature_DecrementRemainingSpellSlots (object oCreature, int nClass, int nSpellLevel)
 Decrements the remaining spell slots (innate casting) at a class level. More...
void NWNX_Creature_IncrementRemainingSpellSlots (object oCreature, int nClass, int nSpellLevel)
 Increments the remaining spell slots (innate casting) at a class level. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetMaximumBonusAttacks (object oCreature)
 Gets the maximum number of bonus attacks a creature can have from EffectModifyAttacks(). More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetMaximumBonusAttacks (object oCreature, int nMaxBonusAttacks, int bPersist=FALSE)
 Sets the maximum number of bonus attacks a creature can have from EffectModifyAttacks(). More...
void NWNX_Creature_DoCleaveAttack (object oCreature)
 Inserts a cleave or great cleave attack into oCreature's current attack round against the nearest enemy within melee reach. More...
object NWNX_Creature_GetLockOrientationToObject (object oCreature)
 Gets the current object oCreature's orientation is locked to. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetLockOrientationToObject (object oCreature, object oTarget)
 Locks oCreature's orientation to always face oTarget. More...
void NWNX_Creature_BroadcastAttackOfOpportunity (object oCreature, object oSingleCreature=OBJECT_INVALID, int bMovement=FALSE)
 Causes oCreature to broadcast an Attack of Opportunity against themself. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetMaxSellToStorePriceOverride (object oCreature, object oStore)
 Returns the maximum price oStore will buy items from oCreature for. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetMaxSellToStorePriceOverride (object oCreature, object oStore, int nMaxSellToPrice)
 Overrides the maximum price oStore will buy items from oCreature for. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetAbilityIncreaseByLevel (object oCreature, int nLevel)
 Returns the creature's ability increase for nLevel. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetAbilityIncreaseByLevel (object oCreature, int nLevel, int nAbility)
 Sets the creature's ability increase for nLevel. More...
float NWNX_Creature_GetMaxAttackRange (object oCreature, object oTarget)
 Returns the creature's maximum attack range to a target. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetMulticlassLimit (object oCreature)
 Returns the creature's multiclass limit. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetMulticlassLimit (object oCreature, int nLimit, int bPersist=FALSE)
 Sets the creature's multiclass limit. More...



Function Documentation

◆ NWNX_Creature_AddFeat()

void NWNX_Creature_AddFeat ( object  creature,
int  feat 

Gives the creature a feat.

creatureThe creature object.
featThe feat id.
Consider also using NWNX_Creature_AddFeatByLevel() to properly allocate the feat to a level

Definition at line 1028 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_AddFeatByLevel()

void NWNX_Creature_AddFeatByLevel ( object  creature,
int  feat,
int  level 

Gives the creature a feat assigned at a level.

creatureThe creature object.
featThe feat id.
levelThe level they gained the feat.
Adds the feat to the stat list at the provided level.

Definition at line 1035 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_RemoveFeat()

void NWNX_Creature_RemoveFeat ( object  creature,
int  feat 

Removes a feat from a creature.

creatureThe creature object.
featThe feat id.

Definition at line 1043 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_RemoveFeatByLevel()

void NWNX_Creature_RemoveFeatByLevel ( object  creature,
int  feat,
int  level 

Removes the creature a feat assigned at a level.

creatureThe creature object.
featThe feat id.
levelThe level they gained the feat.
Removes the feat from the stat list at the provided level. Does not remove the feat from the creature, use NWNX_Creature_RemoveFeat for this.

Definition at line 1050 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_GetKnowsFeat()

int NWNX_Creature_GetKnowsFeat ( object  creature,
int  feat 

Determines if the creature knows a feat.

This differs from native GetHasFeat which returns FALSE if the feat has no more uses per day.
creatureThe creature object.
featThe feat id.
TRUE if the creature has the feat, regardless if they have any usages left or not.

Definition at line 1058 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_GetFeatCountByLevel()

int NWNX_Creature_GetFeatCountByLevel ( object  creature,
int  level 

Returns the count of feats learned at the provided level.

creatureThe creature object.
levelThe level.
The count of feats.

Definition at line 1066 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_GetFeatByLevel()

int NWNX_Creature_GetFeatByLevel ( object  creature,
int  level,
int  index 

Returns the feat learned at the level and index.

creatureThe creature object.
levelThe level.
indexThe index. Index bounds: 0 <= index < NWNX_Creature_GetFeatCountByLevel().
The feat id at the index.

Definition at line 1074 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_GetFeatGrantLevel()

int NWNX_Creature_GetFeatGrantLevel ( object  creature,
int  feat 

Returns the creature level where the specified feat was learned.

creatureThe creature object.
featThe feat id.
The character level that the specified feat was granted, otherwise 0 if the creature does not have this feat.

Definition at line 1090 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_GetFeatCount()

int NWNX_Creature_GetFeatCount ( object  creature)

Get the total number of feats known by creature.

creatureThe creature object.
The total feat count for the creature.

Definition at line 1083 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_GetFeatByIndex()

int NWNX_Creature_GetFeatByIndex ( object  creature,
int  index 

Returns the creature's feat at a given index.

creatureThe creature object.
indexThe index. Index bounds: 0 <= index < NWNX_Creature_GetFeatCount();
The feat id at the index.

Definition at line 1098 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_GetMeetsFeatRequirements()

int NWNX_Creature_GetMeetsFeatRequirements ( object  creature,
int  feat 

Gets if creature meets feat requirements.

creatureThe creature object.
featThe feat id.
TRUE if creature meets all requirements to take given feat

Definition at line 1106 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_GetSpecialAbilityCount()

int NWNX_Creature_GetSpecialAbilityCount ( object  creature)

Gets the count of special abilities of the creature.

creatureThe creature object.
The total special ability count.

Definition at line 1126 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_GetSpecialAbility()

struct NWNX_Creature_SpecialAbility NWNX_Creature_GetSpecialAbility ( object  creature,
int  index 

Returns the creature's special ability at a given index.

creatureThe creature object.
indexThe index. Index bounds: 0 <= index < NWNX_Creature_GetSpecialAbilityCount().
An NWNX_Creature_SpecialAbility struct.

Definition at line 1106 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_AddSpecialAbility()

void NWNX_Creature_AddSpecialAbility ( object  creature,
struct NWNX_Creature_SpecialAbility  ability 

Adds a special ability to a creature.

creatureThe creature object.
abilityAn NWNX_Creature_SpecialAbility struct.

Definition at line 1133 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_RemoveSpecialAbility()

void NWNX_Creature_RemoveSpecialAbility ( object  creature,
int  index 

Removes a special ability from a creature.

creatureThe creature object.
indexThe index. Index bounds: 0 <= index < NWNX_Creature_GetSpecialAbilityCount().

Definition at line 1142 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_SetSpecialAbility()

void NWNX_Creature_SetSpecialAbility ( object  creature,
int  index,
struct NWNX_Creature_SpecialAbility  ability 

Sets a special ability at the index for the creature.

creatureThe creature object.
indexThe index. Index bounds: 0 <= index < NWNX_Creature_GetSpecialAbilityCount().
abilityAn NWNX_Creature_SpecialAbility struct.

Definition at line 1149 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_GetClassByLevel()

int NWNX_Creature_GetClassByLevel ( object  creature,
int  level 

Get the class taken by the creature at the provided level.

creatureThe creature object.
levelThe level.
The class id.

Definition at line 1159 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_SetBaseAC()

void NWNX_Creature_SetBaseAC ( object  creature,
int  ac 

Sets the base AC for the creature.

creatureThe creature object.
acThe base AC to set for the creature.

Definition at line 1167 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_GetBaseAC()

int NWNX_Creature_GetBaseAC ( object  creature)

Get the base AC for the creature.

creatureThe creature object.
The base AC.

Definition at line 1174 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_SetRawAbilityScore()

void NWNX_Creature_SetRawAbilityScore ( object  creature,
int  ability,
int  value 

Sets the ability score of the creature to the provided value.

Does not apply racial bonuses/penalties.
creatureThe creature object.
abilityThe ability constant.
valueThe value to set.

Definition at line 1181 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_GetRawAbilityScore()

int NWNX_Creature_GetRawAbilityScore ( object  creature,
int  ability 

Gets the ability score of the creature.

Does not apply racial bonuses/penalties.
creatureThe creature object.
abilityThe ability constant.
The ability score.

Definition at line 1189 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_ModifyRawAbilityScore()

void NWNX_Creature_ModifyRawAbilityScore ( object  creature,
int  ability,
int  modifier 

Adjusts the ability score of a creature.

Does not apply racial bonuses/penalties.
creatureThe creature object.
abilityThe ability constant.
modifierThe modifier value.

Definition at line 1197 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_GetPrePolymorphAbilityScore()

int NWNX_Creature_GetPrePolymorphAbilityScore ( object  creature,
int  ability 

Gets the raw ability score a polymorphed creature had prior to polymorphing.

For Strength, Dexterity and Constitution only.
creatureThe creature object.
abilityThe ability constant.
The raw ability score.

Definition at line 1205 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_GetRemainingSpellSlots()

int NWNX_Creature_GetRemainingSpellSlots ( object  creature,
int  class,
int  level 

Gets the remaining spell slots (innate casting) at a class level's index.

creatureThe creature object.
classThe class id from classes.2da. (Not class index 0-2)
levelThe spell level.
The remaining spell slot count.

Definition at line 1213 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_SetRemainingSpellSlots()

void NWNX_Creature_SetRemainingSpellSlots ( object  creature,
int  class,
int  level,
int  slots 

Sets the remaining spell slots (innate casting) at a class level.

creatureThe creature object.
classThe class id from classes.2da. (Not class index 0-2)
levelThe spell level.
slotsThe remaining spell slots to set.

Definition at line 1222 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_GetMaxSpellSlots()

int NWNX_Creature_GetMaxSpellSlots ( object  creature,
int  class,
int  level 

Gets the maximum spell slots (innate casting) at a class level.

creatureThe creature object.
classThe class id from classes.2da. (Not class index 0-2)
levelThe spell level.
The maximum spell slot count.

Definition at line 1250 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_AddKnownSpell()

void NWNX_Creature_AddKnownSpell ( object  creature,
int  class,
int  level,
int  spellId 

Add a spell to a creature's spellbook for class.

creatureThe creature object.
classThe class id from classes.2da. (Not class index 0-2)
levelThe spell level.
spellIdThe spell to remove.

Definition at line 1241 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_RemoveKnownSpell()

void NWNX_Creature_RemoveKnownSpell ( object  creature,
int  class,
int  level,
int  spellId 

Remove a spell from creature's spellbook for class.

creatureThe creature object.
classThe class id from classes.2da. (Not class index 0-2)
levelThe spell level.
spellIdThe spell to remove.

Definition at line 1231 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_GetMaxHitPointsByLevel()

int NWNX_Creature_GetMaxHitPointsByLevel ( object  creature,
int  level 

Gets the maximum hit points for creature for level.

creatureThe creature object.
levelThe level.
The maximum hit points a creature can have for the class at the provided level.

Definition at line 1260 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_SetMaxHitPointsByLevel()

void NWNX_Creature_SetMaxHitPointsByLevel ( object  creature,
int  level,
int  value 

Sets the maximum hit points for creature.

creatureThe creature object.
levelThe level.
valueThe amount to set the max hit points.

Definition at line 1268 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_SetMovementRate()

void NWNX_Creature_SetMovementRate ( object  creature,
int  rate 

Set creature's movement rate.

creatureThe creature object.
rateThe movement rate.

Definition at line 1276 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_GetMovementRateFactor()

float NWNX_Creature_GetMovementRateFactor ( object  creature)

Returns the creature's current movement rate factor.

Base movement rate factor is 1.0.
creatureThe creature object.
The current movement rate factor.

Definition at line 1283 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_SetMovementRateFactor()

void NWNX_Creature_SetMovementRateFactor ( object  creature,
float  rate 

Sets the creature's current movement rate factor.

Base movement rate factor is 1.0.
creatureThe creature object.
rateThe rate to set.

Definition at line 1290 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_GetMovementRateFactorCap()

float NWNX_Creature_GetMovementRateFactorCap ( object  creature)

Returns the creature's maximum movement rate cap.

Default movement rate cap is 1.5.
creatureThe creature object.
The maximum movement rate cap.

Definition at line 1297 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_SetMovementRateFactorCap()

void NWNX_Creature_SetMovementRateFactorCap ( object  creature,
float  cap 

Sets the creature's maximum movement rate cap.

Default movement rate cap is 1.5.
creatureThe creature object.
capThe cap to set.

Definition at line 1304 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_GetMovementType()

int NWNX_Creature_GetMovementType ( object  creature)

Returns the creature's current movement type.

creatureThe creature object.

Definition at line 1445 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_SetWalkRateCap()

void NWNX_Creature_SetWalkRateCap ( object  creature,
float  fWalkRate = 2000.0f 

Sets the maximum movement rate a creature can have while walking (not running)

This allows a creature with movement speed enhancements to walk at a normal rate.
creatureThe creature object.
fWalkRateThe walk rate to apply. Setting the value to -1.0 will remove the cap. Default value is 2000.0, which is the base human walk speed.

Definition at line 1452 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_SetAlignmentGoodEvil()

void NWNX_Creature_SetAlignmentGoodEvil ( object  creature,
int  value 

Set creature's raw good/evil alignment value.

creatureThe creature object.
valueThe value to set.

Definition at line 1311 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_SetAlignmentLawChaos()

void NWNX_Creature_SetAlignmentLawChaos ( object  creature,
int  value 

Set creature's raw law/chaos alignment value.

creatureThe creature object.
valueThe value to set.

Definition at line 1318 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_SetSkillRank()

void NWNX_Creature_SetSkillRank ( object  creature,
int  skill,
int  rank 

Set the base ranks in a skill for creature.

creatureThe creature object.
skillThe skill id.
rankThe value to set as the skill rank.

Definition at line 1325 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_GetSkillRankByLevel()

int NWNX_Creature_GetSkillRankByLevel ( object  creature,
int  skill,
int  level 

Get the ranks in a skill for creature assigned at a level.

creatureThe creature object.
skillThe skill id.
levelThe level they gained skill ranks.
The rank in a skill assigned at a level (-1 on error).

Definition at line 1333 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_SetSkillRankByLevel()

void NWNX_Creature_SetSkillRankByLevel ( object  creature,
int  skill,
int  rank,
int  level 

Set the ranks in a skill for creature assigned at a level.

It only affect the leveling array, to know what to do on level-down. To effectivly change the skill rank on the current level, NWNX_Creature_SetSkillRank is also needed.
creatureThe creature object.
skillThe skill id.
levelThe level they gained skill ranks.
rankThe value to set as the skill rank.

Definition at line 1342 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_SetClassByPosition()

void NWNX_Creature_SetClassByPosition ( object  creature,
int  position,
int  classID,
int  bUpdateLevels = TRUE 

Set the class ID in a particular position for a creature.

creatureThe creature object.
positionShould be 0, 1, or 2 depending on how many classes the creature has and which is to be modified.
classIDA valid ID number in classes.2da and between 0 and 255.
bUpdateLevelsdetermines whether the method will replace all occurrences of the old class in CNWLevelStats with the new classID.

Definition at line 1351 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_SetLevelByPosition()

void NWNX_Creature_SetLevelByPosition ( object  creature,
int  position,
int  level 

Set the level at the given position for a creature.

A creature should already have a class in that position.
creatureThe creature object.
positionShould be 0, 1, or 2 depending on how many classes the creature has and which is to be modified.
levelThe level to set.

Definition at line 1360 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_SetBaseAttackBonus()

void NWNX_Creature_SetBaseAttackBonus ( object  creature,
int  bab 

Set creature's base attack bonus (BAB).

Modifying the BAB will also affect the creature's attacks per round and its eligibility for feats, prestige classes, etc.
creatureThe creature object.
babThe BAB value. Should be between 0 and 254. Setting BAB to 0 will cause the creature to revert to its original BAB based on its classes and levels. A creature can never have an actual BAB of zero.
The base game has a function SetBaseAttackBonus, which actually sets the bonus attacks per round for a creature, not the BAB.

Definition at line 1368 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_GetAttacksPerRound()

int NWNX_Creature_GetAttacksPerRound ( object  creature,
int  bBaseAPR = FALSE 

Gets the creatures current attacks per round (using equipped weapon).

creatureThe creature object.
bBaseAPRIf TRUE, will return the base attacks per round, based on BAB and equipped weapons, regardless of overrides set by calls to SetBaseAttackBonus builtin function.
The attacks per round.

Definition at line 1375 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_RestoreFeats()

void NWNX_Creature_RestoreFeats ( object  creature)

Restore all creature feat uses.

creatureThe creature object.

Definition at line 1383 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_RestoreSpecialAbilities()

void NWNX_Creature_RestoreSpecialAbilities ( object  creature)

Restore all creature special ability uses.

creatureThe creature object.

Definition at line 1389 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_RestoreItems()

void NWNX_Creature_RestoreItems ( object  creature)

Restore uses for all items carried by the creature.

creatureThe creature object.

Definition at line 1395 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_SetSize()

void NWNX_Creature_SetSize ( object  creature,
int  size 

Sets the creature size.

creatureThe creature object.
sizeUse CREATURE_SIZE_* constants.

Definition at line 1401 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_GetSkillPointsRemaining()

int NWNX_Creature_GetSkillPointsRemaining ( object  creature)

Gets the creature's remaining unspent skill points.

creatureThe creature object.
The remaining unspent skill points.

Definition at line 1408 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_SetSkillPointsRemaining()

void NWNX_Creature_SetSkillPointsRemaining ( object  creature,
int  skillpoints 

Sets the creature's remaining unspent skill points.

creatureThe creature object.
skillpointsThe value to set.

Definition at line 1415 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_GetSkillPointsRemainingByLevel()

int NWNX_Creature_GetSkillPointsRemainingByLevel ( object  creature,
int  level 

Gets the creature's remaining unspent skill points for level.

creatureThe creature object.
levelThe level.
The remaining unspent skill points for level.

Definition at line 1422 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_SetSkillPointsRemainingByLevel()

void NWNX_Creature_SetSkillPointsRemainingByLevel ( object  creature,
int  level,
int  value 

Sets the creature's remaining unspent skill points for level.

creatureThe creature object.
levelThe level.
valueThe value to set for level.

Definition at line 1430 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_SetRacialType()

void NWNX_Creature_SetRacialType ( object  creature,
int  racialtype 

Sets the creature's racial type.

creatureThe creature object.
racialtypeThe racial type to set.

Definition at line 1438 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_SetGold()

void NWNX_Creature_SetGold ( object  creature,
int  gold 

Sets the creature's gold without sending a feedback message.

creatureThe creature object.
goldThe amount of gold to set for their creature.

Definition at line 1459 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_SetCorpseDecayTime()

void NWNX_Creature_SetCorpseDecayTime ( object  creature,
int  nDecayTime 

Sets corpse decay time in milliseconds.

creatureThe creature object.
nDecayTimeThe corpse decay time.

Definition at line 1466 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_GetBaseSavingThrow()

int NWNX_Creature_GetBaseSavingThrow ( object  creature,
int  which 

Gets the creature's base save.

creatureThe creature object.
The base save value.
This will include any modifiers set in the toolset.

Definition at line 1473 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_SetBaseSavingThrow()

void NWNX_Creature_SetBaseSavingThrow ( object  creature,
int  which,
int  value 

Sets the creature's base save.

creatureThe creature object.
valueThe base save value.

Definition at line 1481 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_LevelUp()

void NWNX_Creature_LevelUp ( object  creature,
int  class,
int  count = 1,
int  package = PACKAGE_INVALID 

Add levels of class to the creature, bypassing all validation.

creatureThe creature object.
classThe class id.
countThe amount of levels of class to add.
packageThe class package to use for leveling up (PACKAGE_INVALID = starting package)
This will not work on player characters.

Definition at line 1489 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_LevelDown()

void NWNX_Creature_LevelDown ( object  creature,
int  count = 1 

Remove last levels from a creature.

creatureThe creature object.
countThe amount of levels to decrement.
This will not work on player characters.

Definition at line 1498 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_SetChallengeRating()

void NWNX_Creature_SetChallengeRating ( object  creature,
float  fCR 

Sets the creature's challenge rating.

creatureThe creature object.
fCRThe challenge rating.

Definition at line 1505 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_GetAttackBonus()

int NWNX_Creature_GetAttackBonus ( object  creature,
int  isMelee = -1,
int  isTouchAttack = FALSE,
int  isOffhand = FALSE,
int  includeBaseAttackBonus = TRUE 

Returns the creature's highest attack bonus based on its own stats.

AB vs. Type and +AB on Gauntlets are excluded
creatureThe creature object.
  • TRUE: Get Melee/Unarmed Attack Bonus
  • FALSE: Get Ranged Attack Bonus
  • -1: Get Attack Bonus depending on the weapon creature has equipped in its right hand Defaults to Melee Attack Bonus if weapon is invalid or no weapon
isTouchAttackIf the attack was a touch attack.
isOffhandIf the attack was with the offhand.
includeBaseAttackBonusShould the result include the base attack bonus.
The highest attack bonus.

Definition at line 1512 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_GetHighestLevelOfFeat()

int NWNX_Creature_GetHighestLevelOfFeat ( object  creature,
int  feat 

Get highest level version of feat possessed by creature.

For feats that increment in power, for example, barbarian rage.
creatureThe creature object.
featThe feat id.
The highest level version of the feat.

Definition at line 1536 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_GetFeatRemainingUses()

int NWNX_Creature_GetFeatRemainingUses ( object  creature,
int  feat 

Get feat remaining uses.

creatureThe creature object.
featThe feat id.
The amount of remaining uses.

Definition at line 1544 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_GetFeatTotalUses()

int NWNX_Creature_GetFeatTotalUses ( object  creature,
int  feat 

Get feat total uses.

creatureThe creature object.
featThe feat id.
The total uses.

Definition at line 1552 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_SetFeatRemainingUses()

void NWNX_Creature_SetFeatRemainingUses ( object  creature,
int  feat,
int  uses 

Set feat remaining uses.

creatureThe creature object.
featThe feat id.
usesThe amount of remaining uses.

Definition at line 1560 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_GetTotalEffectBonus()

int NWNX_Creature_GetTotalEffectBonus ( object  creature,
object  target = OBJECT_INVALID,
int  isElemental = 0,
int  isForceMax = 0,
int  savetype = -1,
int  saveSpecificType = -1,
int  skill = -1,
int  abilityScore = -1,
int  isOffhand = FALSE 

Get total effect bonus.

This exposes the actual bonus value beyond a player's base scores to attack, damage bonus, saves, skills, ability scores, and touch attack provided by spells, equipment, potions etc.
creatureThe creature object.
bonusTypeA Bonus Type
targetA target object. Used to calculate bonuses versus specific races, alignments, etc.
isElementalIf a damage bonus includes elemental damage.
isForceMaxIf the bonus should return the maximum possible.
savetypeA SAVING_THROW_* constant.
saveSpecificTypeA SAVING_THROW_TYPE_* constant.
skillA skill id.
abilityScoreAn ABILITY_* constant.
isOffhandWhether the attack is an offhand attack.
The bonus value.

Definition at line 1568 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_SetOriginalName()

void NWNX_Creature_SetOriginalName ( object  creature,
string  name,
int  isLastName 

Set the original first or last name of creature.

creatureThe creature object.
nameThe name to give the creature.
isLastNameTRUE to change their last name, FALSE for first.
For PCs this will persist to the .bic file if saved. Requires a relog to update.

Definition at line 1584 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_GetOriginalName()

string NWNX_Creature_GetOriginalName ( object  creature,
int  isLastName 

Get the original first or last name of creature.

creatureThe creature object.
isLastNameTRUE to get last name, FALSE for first name.
The original first or last name of the creature.

Definition at line 1592 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_SetSpellResistance()

void NWNX_Creature_SetSpellResistance ( object  creature,
int  sr 

Set creature's spell resistance.

creatureThe creature object.
srThe spell resistance.
This setting will be overwritten by effects and once those effects fade the old setting (typically 0) will be set.

Definition at line 1600 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_SetAnimalCompanionCreatureType()

void NWNX_Creature_SetAnimalCompanionCreatureType ( object  creature,
int  type 

Set creature's animal companion creature type.

creatureThe master creature object.

Definition at line 1607 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_SetFamiliarCreatureType()

void NWNX_Creature_SetFamiliarCreatureType ( object  creature,
int  type 

Set creature's familiar creature type.

creatureThe master creature object.
typeThe type from FAMILIAR_CREATURE_TYPE_*.

Definition at line 1614 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_SetAnimalCompanionName()

void NWNX_Creature_SetAnimalCompanionName ( object  creature,
string  name 

Set creature's animal companion's name.

creatureThe master creature object.
nameThe name to give their animal companion.

Definition at line 1621 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_SetFamiliarName()

void NWNX_Creature_SetFamiliarName ( object  creature,
string  name 

Set creature's familiar's name.

creatureThe master creature object.
nameThe name to give their familiar.

Definition at line 1628 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_GetDisarmable()

int NWNX_Creature_GetDisarmable ( object  creature)

Get whether the creature can be disarmed.

creatureThe creature object.
TRUE if the creature can be disarmed.

Definition at line 1635 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_SetDisarmable()

void NWNX_Creature_SetDisarmable ( object  creature,
int  disarmable 

Set whether a creature can be disarmed.

creatureThe creature object.
disarmableSet to TRUE if the creature can be disarmed.

Definition at line 1642 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_SetDomain()

void NWNX_Creature_SetDomain ( object  creature,
int  class,
int  index,
int  domain 

Sets one of creature's domains.

creatureThe creature object.
classThe class id from classes.2da. (Not class index 0-2)
indexThe first or second domain.
domainThe domain constant to set.

Definition at line 1649 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_SetSpecialization()

void NWNX_Creature_SetSpecialization ( object  creature,
int  class,
int  school 

Sets creature's specialist school.

creatureThe creature object.
classThe class id from classes.2da. (Not class index 0-2)
schoolThe school constant.

Definition at line 1658 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_SetFaction()

void NWNX_Creature_SetFaction ( object  oCreature,
int  nFactionId 

Sets oCreatures faction to be the faction with id nFactionId.

oCreatureThe creature.
nFactionIdThe faction id we want the creature to join.

Definition at line 1666 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_GetFaction()

int NWNX_Creature_GetFaction ( object  oCreature)

Gets the faction id from oCreature.

oCreaturethe creature we wish to query against
faction id as an integer, -1 when used against invalid creature or invalid object.

Definition at line 1673 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_GetFlatFooted()

int NWNX_Creature_GetFlatFooted ( object  oCreature)

Get whether a creature is flat-footed.

oCreatureThe creature object.
TRUE if the creature is flat-footed.

Definition at line 1680 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_SerializeQuickbar()

string NWNX_Creature_SerializeQuickbar ( object  oCreature)

Serialize oCreature's quickbar to a base64 string.

oCreatureThe creature.
A base64 string representation of oCreature's quickbar.

Definition at line 1687 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_DeserializeQuickbar()

int NWNX_Creature_DeserializeQuickbar ( object  oCreature,
string  sSerializedQuickbar 

Deserialize sSerializedQuickbar for oCreature.

oCreatureThe creature.
sSerializedQuickbarA base64 string of a quickbar
TRUE on success

Definition at line 1694 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_SetCasterLevelModifier()

void NWNX_Creature_SetCasterLevelModifier ( object  oCreature,
int  nClass,
int  nModifier,
int  bPersist = FALSE 

Sets a caster level modifier for oCreature.

oCreaturethe target creature
nClassthe class that this modifier will apply to
nModifierthe modifier to apply
bPersistwhether the modifier should be persisted to the .bic file if applicable

Definition at line 1702 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_GetCasterLevelModifier()

int NWNX_Creature_GetCasterLevelModifier ( object  oCreature,
int  nClass 

Gets the current caster level modifier for oCreature.

oCreaturethe target creature
nClassthe creature caster class
the current caster level modifier for the creature

Definition at line 1711 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_SetCasterLevelOverride()

void NWNX_Creature_SetCasterLevelOverride ( object  oCreature,
int  nClass,
int  nCasterLevel,
int  bPersist = FALSE 

Sets a caster level override for oCreature.

oCreaturethe target creature
nClassthe class that this modifier will apply to
nCasterLevelthe caster level override to apply
bPersistwhether the override should be persisted to the .bic file if applicable

Definition at line 1719 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_GetCasterLevelOverride()

int NWNX_Creature_GetCasterLevelOverride ( object  oCreature,
int  nClass 

Gets the current caster level override for oCreature.

oCreaturethe target creature
nClassthe creature caster class
the current caster level override for the creature or -1 if not set

Definition at line 1728 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_JumpToLimbo()

void NWNX_Creature_JumpToLimbo ( object  oCreature)

Move a creature to limbo.

oCreatureThe creature object.

Definition at line 1736 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_SetCriticalMultiplierModifier()

void NWNX_Creature_SetCriticalMultiplierModifier ( object  oCreature,
int  nModifier,
int  nHand = 0,
int  bPersist = FALSE,
int  nBaseItem = -1 

Sets the critical hit multiplier modifier for the Creature.

oCreatureThe target creature
nModifierThe modifier to apply
nHand0 for all attacks, 1 for Mainhand, 2 for Offhand
bPersistWhether the modifier should persist to .bic file if applicable
nBaseItemApplies the.modifier only when the attack used this baseitem. BASE_ITEM_GLOVES for Unarmed, '-1' for all
Persistence is activated each server reset by the first use of either 'SetCriticalMultiplier*' functions. Recommended to trigger on a dummy target OnModuleLoad to enable persistence.

Definition at line 1742 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_GetCriticalMultiplierModifier()

int NWNX_Creature_GetCriticalMultiplierModifier ( object  oCreature,
int  nHand = 0,
int  nBaseItem = -1 

Gets the critical hit multiplier modifier for the Creature.

oCreatureThe target creature
nHand0 for all attacks, 1 for Mainhand, 2 for Offhand
nBaseItemThe baseitem modifer to retrieve. BASE_ITEM_GLOVES for Unarmed, '-1' for all
the current critical hit multiplier modifier for the creature

Definition at line 1752 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_SetCriticalMultiplierOverride()

void NWNX_Creature_SetCriticalMultiplierOverride ( object  oCreature,
int  nOverride,
int  nHand = 0,
int  bPersist = FALSE,
int  nBaseItem = -1 

Sets the critical hit multiplier override for the Creature.

oCreatureThe target creature
nOverrideThe override value to apply. -1 to clear override.
nHand0 for all attacks, 1 for Mainhand, 2 for Offhand
bPersistWhether the modifier should persist to .bic file if applicable
nBaseItemApplies the.Override only when the attack used this baseitem. BASE_ITEM_GLOVES for Unarmed, '-1' for all
Persistence is activated each server reset by the first use of either 'SetCriticalMultiplier*' functions. Recommended to trigger on a dummy target OnModuleLoad to enable persistence.

Definition at line 1761 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_GetCriticalMultiplierOverride()

int NWNX_Creature_GetCriticalMultiplierOverride ( object  oCreature,
int  nHand = 0,
int  nBaseItem = -1 

Gets the critical hit multiplier override for the Creature.

oCreatureThe target creature
nHand0 for all attacks, 1 for Mainhand, 2 for Offhand
nBaseItemThe baseitem Override to retrieve. BASE_ITEM_GLOVES for Unarmed, '-1' for all
the current critical hit multiplier override for the creature. No override == -1

Definition at line 1771 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_SetCriticalRangeModifier()

void NWNX_Creature_SetCriticalRangeModifier ( object  oCreature,
int  nModifier,
int  nHand = 0,
int  bPersist = FALSE,
int  nBaseItem = -1 

Sets the critical hit range modifier for the creature.

oCreatureThe target creature
nModifierThe modifier to apply. Positive modifiers reduce critical chance. (I.e. From 18-20, a +1 results in crit range of 19-20)
nHand0 for all attacks, 1 for Mainhand, 2 for Offhand
bPersistWhether the modifier should persist to .bic file if applicable
nBaseItemApplies the.modifier only when the attack used this baseitem. BASE_ITEM_GLOVES for Unarmed, '-1' for all
Persistence is activated each server reset by the first use of either 'SetCriticalRange*' functions. Recommended to trigger on a dummy target OnModuleLoad to enable persistence.

Definition at line 1780 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_GetCriticalRangeModifier()

int NWNX_Creature_GetCriticalRangeModifier ( object  oCreature,
int  nHand = 0,
int  nBaseItem = -1 

Gets the critical hit range modifier for the creature.

oCreatureThe target creature
nHand0 for all attacks, 1 for Mainhand, 2 for Offhand
nBaseItemThe baseitem modifer to retrieve. BASE_ITEM_GLOVES for Unarmed, '-1' for all
the current critical hit range modifier for the creature

Definition at line 1790 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_SetCriticalRangeOverride()

void NWNX_Creature_SetCriticalRangeOverride ( object  oCreature,
int  nOverride,
int  nHand = 0,
int  bPersist = FALSE,
int  nBaseItem = -1 

Sets the critical hit range Override for the creature.

oCreatureThe target creature
nOverrideThe new minimum roll to crit. i.e nOverride of 15 results in crit range of 15-20. -1 to clear override.
nHand0 for all attacks, 1 for Mainhand, 2 for Offhand
bPersistWhether the modifier should persist to .bic file if applicable
nBaseItemApplies the.Override only when the attack used this baseitem. BASE_ITEM_GLOVES for Unarmed, '-1' for all
Persistence is activated each server reset by the first use of either 'SetCriticalRange*' functions. Recommended to trigger on a dummy target OnModuleLoad to enable persistence.

Definition at line 1800 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_GetCriticalRangeOverride()

int NWNX_Creature_GetCriticalRangeOverride ( object  oCreature,
int  nHand = 0,
int  nBaseItem = -1 

Sets the critical hit range Override for the creature.

oCreatureThe target creature
nHand0 for all attacks, 1 for Mainhand, 2 for Offhand
nBaseItemThe baseitem Override to retrieve. BASE_ITEM_GLOVES for Unarmed, '-1' for all
the current critical hit range override for the creature. No override == -1

Definition at line 1810 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_AddAssociate()

void NWNX_Creature_AddAssociate ( object  oCreature,
object  oAssociate,
int  nAssociateType 

Add oAssociate as nAssociateType to oCreature.

Only basic checks are done so care must be taken when using this function
oCreatureThe creature to add oAssociate to
oAssociateThe associate, must be a NPC
nAssociateTypeThe associate type, one of ASSOCIATE_TYPE_*, except _NONE

Definition at line 1820 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_OverrideDamageLevel()

void NWNX_Creature_OverrideDamageLevel ( object  oCreature,
int  nDamageLevel 

Override the damage level of oCreature.

Damage levels are the damage state under a creature's name, for example: 'Near Death'
oCreatureThe target creature.
nDamageLevelA damage level, see damagelevels.2da. Allowed values: 0-255 or -1 to remove the override.

Definition at line 1829 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_SetEncounter()

void NWNX_Creature_SetEncounter ( object  oCreature,
object  oEncounter 

Set the encounter source of oCreature.

oCreatureThe target creature.
oEncounterThe source encounter

Definition at line 1836 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_GetEncounter()

object NWNX_Creature_GetEncounter ( object  oCreature)

Get the encounter source of oCreature.

oCreatureThe target creature.
The encounter, OBJECT_INVALID if not part of an encounter or on error

Definition at line 1843 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_GetIsBartering()

int NWNX_Creature_GetIsBartering ( object  oCreature)

Get if oCreature is currently bartering.

oCreatureThe target creature.
TRUE if oCreature is bartering, FALSE if not or on error.

Definition at line 1850 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_SetLastItemCasterLevel()

void NWNX_Creature_SetLastItemCasterLevel ( object  oCreature,
int  nCasterLvl 

Sets caster level for the last item used. Use in a spellhook or spell event before to set caster level for any spells cast from the item.

oCreaturethe creature who used the item.
nCasterLvlthe desired caster level.

Definition at line 1857 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_GetLastItemCasterLevel()

int NWNX_Creature_GetLastItemCasterLevel ( object  oCreature)

Gets the caster level of the last item used.

oCreaturethe creature who used the item.
returns the creatures last used item's level.

Definition at line 1865 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_GetArmorClassVersus()

int NWNX_Creature_GetArmorClassVersus ( object  oAttacked,
object  oVersus,
int  nTouch = FALSE 

Gets the Armor classed of attacked against versus.

oAttackedThe one being attacked
oVersusThe one doing the attacking
nTouchTRUE for touch attacks
-255 on Error, Flat footed AC if oVersus is invalid or the Attacked AC versus oVersus.

Definition at line 1872 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_GetWalkAnimation()

int NWNX_Creature_GetWalkAnimation ( object  oCreature)

Gets the current walk animation of oCreature.

oCreatureThe target creature.
-1 on Error, otherwise the walk animation number

Definition at line 1881 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_SetWalkAnimation()

void NWNX_Creature_SetWalkAnimation ( object  oCreature,
int  nAnimation 

Sets the current walk animation of oCreature.

oCreatureThe target creature.
nAnimationThe walk animation number.

Definition at line 1888 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_SetAttackRollOverride()

void NWNX_Creature_SetAttackRollOverride ( object  oCreature,
int  nRoll,
int  nModifier 

Changes the attack modifier depending on the dice roll. Used to skip autofail on 1 and autosucceed on 20 as well.

oCreatureThe attacking creature, use OBJECT_INVALID for all.
nRollThe dice roll to modify.
nModifierThe modifier to the attack, use 0 to turn off autofail for 1/autosucceed for 20 with no attack modifier value.

Definition at line 1895 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_SetParryAllAttacks()

void NWNX_Creature_SetParryAllAttacks ( object  oCreature,
int  bParry 

Works like the tweak but can be turned on and off for all creatures or single ones.

oCreatureThe parrying creature, use OBJECT_INVALID for all.
bParryTRUE to parry all attacks.
Use this command on_module_load instead of the NWNX_TWEAKS_PARRY_ALL_ATTACKS tweak if using NWNX_Creature_SetAttackRollOverride()

Definition at line 1903 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_GetNoPermanentDeath()

int NWNX_Creature_GetNoPermanentDeath ( object  oCreature)

Gets the NoPermanentDeath flag of oCreature.

oCreatureThe target creature.
TRUE/FALSE or -1 on error.

Definition at line 1910 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_SetNoPermanentDeath()

void NWNX_Creature_SetNoPermanentDeath ( object  oCreature,
int  bNoPermanentDeath 

Sets the NoPermanentDeath flag of oCreature.

oCreatureThe target creature.

Definition at line 1917 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_ComputeSafeLocation()

vector NWNX_Creature_ComputeSafeLocation ( object  oCreature,
vector  vPosition,
float  fRadius = 20.0f,
int  bWalkStraightLineRequired = TRUE 

Compute a safe location for oCreature.

oCreatureThe target creature.
vPositionThe starting position.
fRadiusThe search radius around vPosition.
bWalkStraightLineRequiredWhether the creature must be able to walk in a straight line to the position.
A safe location as vector, will return vPosition if one wasn't found. Returns {0.0, 0.0, 0.0} on error.

Definition at line 1924 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_DoPerceptionUpdateOnCreature()

void NWNX_Creature_DoPerceptionUpdateOnCreature ( object  oCreature,
object  oTargetCreature 

Update oCreature's perception of oTargetCreature.

oCreatureThe creature.
oTargetCreatureThe target creature.

Definition at line 1934 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_GetPersonalSpace()

float NWNX_Creature_GetPersonalSpace ( object  oCreature)

Get a creatures personal space (meters from center to non-creature objects).

oCreatureThe creature.
The creatures personal space.

Definition at line 1941 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_SetPersonalSpace()

void NWNX_Creature_SetPersonalSpace ( object  oCreature,
float  fPerspace 

Set a creatures personal space (meters from center to non-creature objects).

oCreatureThe creature.
fPerspaceThe creatures personal space.

Definition at line 1948 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_GetCreaturePersonalSpace()

float NWNX_Creature_GetCreaturePersonalSpace ( object  oCreature)

Get a creatures creature personal space (meters from center to other creatures).

oCreatureThe creature.
The creatures creature personal space.

Definition at line 1955 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_SetCreaturePersonalSpace()

void NWNX_Creature_SetCreaturePersonalSpace ( object  oCreature,
float  fCrePerspace 

Set a creatures creature personal space (meters from center to other creatures).

oCreatureThe creature.
fCrePerspaceThe creatures creature personal space.

Definition at line 1962 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_GetHeight()

float NWNX_Creature_GetHeight ( object  oCreature)

Get a creatures height.

oCreatureThe creature.
The creatures height.

Definition at line 1969 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_SetHeight()

void NWNX_Creature_SetHeight ( object  oCreature,
float  fHeight 

Set a creatures height.

oCreatureThe creature.
fHeightThe creatures height.

Definition at line 1976 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_GetHitDistance()

float NWNX_Creature_GetHitDistance ( object  oCreature)

Get a creatures hit distance.

oCreatureThe creature.
The creatures hit distance.

Definition at line 1983 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_SetHitDistance()

void NWNX_Creature_SetHitDistance ( object  oCreature,
float  fHitDist 

Set a creatures hit distance.

oCreatureThe creature.
fHitDistThe creatures hit distance.

Definition at line 1990 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_GetPreferredAttackDistance()

float NWNX_Creature_GetPreferredAttackDistance ( object  oCreature)

Get a creatures preferred attack distance.

oCreatureThe creature.
The creatures preferred attack distance.

Definition at line 1997 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_SetPreferredAttackDistance()

void NWNX_Creature_SetPreferredAttackDistance ( object  oCreature,
float  fPrefAtckDist 

Set a creatures preferred attack distance.

oCreatureThe creature.
fPrefAtckDistThe creatures preferred attack distance.

Definition at line 2004 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_GetArmorCheckPenalty()

int NWNX_Creature_GetArmorCheckPenalty ( object  oCreature)

Get the skill penalty from wearing armor.

oCreatureThe creature.

Definition at line 2011 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_GetShieldCheckPenalty()

int NWNX_Creature_GetShieldCheckPenalty ( object  oCreature)

Get the skill penalty from wearing a shield.

oCreatureThe creature.

Definition at line 2018 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_SetBypassEffectImmunity()

void NWNX_Creature_SetBypassEffectImmunity ( object  oCreature,
int  nImmunityType,
int  nChance = 100,
int  bPersist = FALSE 

Sets a chance for normal Effect Immunities to be bypassed.

oCreatureThe affected creature
nImmunityType'IMMUNITY_TYPE_*' to bypass. By default affects outgoing effects (oCreature -> another creature). Use a negative (-IMMUNITY_TYPE_*) to affect incoming effects instead (another creature -> oCreature) use 255/-255 to bypass ALL Immunities.
nChanceThe chance (of 100%) to bypass the immunity check. A Positive chance results in NOT IMMUNE. A Negative chance results in IMMUNE.
bPersistWhether the modifier should persist to .bic file (for PCs)
Persistence is enabled after a server reset by the first use of this function. Recommended to trigger on a dummy target OnModuleLoad to enable persistence.
Where an Outgoing and Incoming bypass both attempt opposing outcomes, both are ignored and the immunity status without bypass will apply.

Definition at line 2025 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_GetBypassEffectImmunity()

int NWNX_Creature_GetBypassEffectImmunity ( object  oCreature,
int  nImmunityType 

Gets a chance for normal Effect Immunities to be bypassed.

oCreatureThe target creature
nImmunityType'IMMUNITY_TYPE_*' to retrieve the current chance for bypass: Positive gets outgoing effects (oCreature -> another creature). Negative (-IMMUNITY_TYPE_*) gets incoming effects (another creature -> oCreature).
the current critical hit multiplier modifier for the creature

Definition at line 2034 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_SetLastKiller()

void NWNX_Creature_SetLastKiller ( object  oCreature,
object  oKiller 

Sets the killer of oCreature to oKiller.

oCreatureThe target creature.
oKillerThe killer.

Definition at line 2042 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_DoItemCastSpell()

void NWNX_Creature_DoItemCastSpell ( object  oCreature,
object  oTarget,
location  locTarget,
int  nSpellID,
int  nCasterLevel,
float  fProjectileTime,
int  nProjectilePathType = PROJECTILE_PATH_TYPE_DEFAULT,
int  nProjectileSpellID = -1,
object  oItem = OBJECT_INVALID,
string  sImpactScript = "" 

Instantly cast a spell at a target or location.

oCreature must be in the same area as oTarget or locTarget.
Does not care if oCreature can't cast spells or doesn't know the spell. Does not consume spell slots.
oCreatureThe caster.
oTargetThe target, use OBJECT_INVALID to cast at a location.
locTargetThe location, only used when oTarget is OBJECT_INVALID.
nSpellIDThe spell ID.
nCasterLevelThe caster level of the spell.
fProjectileTimeThe time in seconds for the projectile to reach the target. 0.0f for no projectile.
nProjectilePathTypeA PROJECTILE_PATH_TYPE_* constant.
nProjectileSpellIDAn optional spell ID which to use the projectile vfx of. -1 to use nSpellID's projectile vfx.
oItemThe spell cast item retrieved by GetSpellCastItem().
sImpactScriptThe spell impact script. Set to "****"" to not run any impact script. If left blank, will execute nSpellID's impact script.

Definition at line 2049 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_RunEquip()

int NWNX_Creature_RunEquip ( object  oCreature,
object  oItem,
int  nInventorySlot 

Have oCreature instantly equip oItem to nInventorySlot.

oCreatureThe creature.
oItemThe item, must be possessed by oCreature.
nInventorySlotAn INVENTORY_SLOT_* constant.
TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.

Definition at line 2064 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_RunUnequip()

int NWNX_Creature_RunUnequip ( object  oCreature,
object  oItem 

Have oCreature instantly unequip oItem.

oCreatureThe creature.
oItemThe item, must be possessed by oCreature.
TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.

Definition at line 2073 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_OverrideRangedProjectileVFX()

void NWNX_Creature_OverrideRangedProjectileVFX ( object  oCreature,
int  nProjectileVFX,
int  bPersist = FALSE 

Override the elemental projectile visual effect of ranged/throwing weapons.

oCreatureThe creature.
nProjectileVFXA NWNX_CREATURE_PROJECTILE_VFX_* constant or -1 to remove the override.
bPersistWhether the vfx should persist to the .bic file (for PCs).
Persistence is enabled after a server reset by the first use of this function. Recommended to trigger on a dummy target OnModuleLoad to enable persistence.

Definition at line 2081 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_SetInitiativeModifier()

void NWNX_Creature_SetInitiativeModifier ( object  oCreature,
int  nMod,
int  bPersist = FALSE 

Sets a custom Initiative modifier.

oCreatureThe affected creature
nModThe amount to adjust their initiative (+/-).
bPersistWhether the modifier should persist to .bic file (for PCs)
Persistence is enabled after a server reset by the first use of this function. Recommended to trigger on a dummy target OnModuleLoad to enable persistence.
This modifier takes precedence over an NWNX_Race Initiative modifier; they're not additive

Definition at line 2089 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_GetInitiativeModifier()

int NWNX_Creature_GetInitiativeModifier ( object  oCreature)

Gets the custom Initiative modifier.

oCreatureThe target creature
the current custom initiative modifier for the creature

Definition at line 2097 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_GetBodyBag()

object NWNX_Creature_GetBodyBag ( object  oCreature)

Gets the Body Bag of a creature.

oCreatureThe target creature
The creatures assigned Body Bag

Definition at line 2104 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_AddCastSpellActions()

int NWNX_Creature_AddCastSpellActions ( object  oCreature,
object  oTarget,
vector  vTargetLocation,
int  nSpellID,
int  nMultiClass,
int  nMetaMagic = METAMAGIC_NONE,
int  nDomainLevel = 0,
int  nProjectilePathType = PROJECTILE_PATH_TYPE_DEFAULT,
int  bInstant = FALSE,
int  bClearActions = FALSE,
int  bAddToFront = FALSE 

Add a cast spell action to oCreature's action queue.

oCreatureThe creature casting the spell.
oTargetThe target, to cast at a location use the area as target.
vTargetLocationThe target location.
nSpellIDThe spell ID.
nMultiClassThe character class position to cast the spell as. 0 = First Class, 1 = Second Class, 3 = Third Class. To cast a cheat spell use 255 and to cast a special ability use 254.
nMetaMagicA METAMAGIC_* constant, except METAMAGIC_ANY.
nDomainLevelThe domain level if casting a domain spell.
nProjectilePathTypeA PROJECTILE_PATH_TYPE_* constant.
bInstantTRUE to instantly cast the spell.
bClearActionsTRUE to clear all actions.
bAddToFrontTRUE to add the cast spell action to the front of the action queue.
TRUE if the action was successfully added to oCreature's action queue.

Definition at line 2111 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_GetIsFlanking()

int NWNX_Creature_GetIsFlanking ( object  oCreature,
object  oTargetCreature 

Get whether oCreature is flanking oTargetCreature.

oCreatureThe creature object.
oTargetCreatureThe target creature object.
TRUE if oCreature is flanking oTargetCreature.

Definition at line 2128 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_DecrementRemainingSpellSlots()

void NWNX_Creature_DecrementRemainingSpellSlots ( object  oCreature,
int  nClass,
int  nSpellLevel 

Decrements the remaining spell slots (innate casting) at a class level.

oCreatureThe creature object.
nClassThe class id from classes.2da. (Not class index 0-2)
nSpellLevelThe spell level.

Definition at line 2136 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_IncrementRemainingSpellSlots()

void NWNX_Creature_IncrementRemainingSpellSlots ( object  oCreature,
int  nClass,
int  nSpellLevel 

Increments the remaining spell slots (innate casting) at a class level.

oCreatureThe creature object.
nClassThe class id from classes.2da. (Not class index 0-2)
nSpellLevelThe spell level.

Definition at line 2144 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_GetMaximumBonusAttacks()

int NWNX_Creature_GetMaximumBonusAttacks ( object  oCreature)

Gets the maximum number of bonus attacks a creature can have from EffectModifyAttacks().

oCreatureThe creature.
The maximum number of bonus attacks or 0 on error.

Definition at line 2152 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_SetMaximumBonusAttacks()

void NWNX_Creature_SetMaximumBonusAttacks ( object  oCreature,
int  nMaxBonusAttacks,
int  bPersist = FALSE 

Sets the maximum number of bonus attacks a creature can have from EffectModifyAttacks().

This function also removes the limit of 5 bonus attacks from EffectModifyAttacks().
oCreatureThe creature.
nMaxBonusAttacksThe maximum number of bonus attacks. Values < 0 will set the limit back to the default of 5.
bPersistWhether the modifier should persist to .bic file (for PCs).
Persistence is enabled after a server reset by the first use of this function. Recommended to trigger on a dummy target OnModuleLoad to enable persistence.

Definition at line 2159 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_DoCleaveAttack()

void NWNX_Creature_DoCleaveAttack ( object  oCreature)

Inserts a cleave or great cleave attack into oCreature's current attack round against the nearest enemy within melee reach.

oCreatureThe creature object.
oCreature must have the cleave or great cleave feats, must be in combat, and must have available attacks remaining in their combat round to use for cleave attack.

Definition at line 2167 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_GetLockOrientationToObject()

object NWNX_Creature_GetLockOrientationToObject ( object  oCreature)

Gets the current object oCreature's orientation is locked to.

oCreatureThe creature object.
The object oCreature's orientation is locked to, or OBJECT_INVALID if oCreature's orientation is not locked.

Definition at line 2173 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_SetLockOrientationToObject()

void NWNX_Creature_SetLockOrientationToObject ( object  oCreature,
object  oTarget 

Locks oCreature's orientation to always face oTarget.

oCreatureThe creature object.
oTargetThe target to lock oCreature's orientation to. Use OBJECT_INVALID to remove the orientation lock.

Definition at line 2180 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_BroadcastAttackOfOpportunity()

void NWNX_Creature_BroadcastAttackOfOpportunity ( object  oCreature,
object  oSingleCreature = OBJECT_INVALID,
int  bMovement = FALSE 

Causes oCreature to broadcast an Attack of Opportunity against themself.

oCreatureThe creature object.
oSingleCreatureA single creature to broadcast the Attack of Opporunity to. Use OBJECT_INVALID to broadcast to all nearby enemies.
bMovementWhether the Attack of Opportunity was caused by movement.

Definition at line 2187 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_GetMaxSellToStorePriceOverride()

int NWNX_Creature_GetMaxSellToStorePriceOverride ( object  oCreature,
object  oStore 

Returns the maximum price oStore will buy items from oCreature for.

oCreatureThe creature object.
oStoreThe store object.
The max buy price override. -1 = No maximum buy price, -2 = No override set.

Definition at line 2195 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_SetMaxSellToStorePriceOverride()

void NWNX_Creature_SetMaxSellToStorePriceOverride ( object  oCreature,
object  oStore,
int  nMaxSellToPrice 

Overrides the maximum price oStore will buy items from oCreature for.

oCreatureThe creature object.
oStoreThe store object.
nMaxSellToPriceThe maximum buy price override. -1 = No maximum buy price, -2 = Remove the override.

Definition at line 2204 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_GetAbilityIncreaseByLevel()

int NWNX_Creature_GetAbilityIncreaseByLevel ( object  oCreature,
int  nLevel 

Returns the creature's ability increase for nLevel.

oCreatureThe creature object.
nLevelThe level.
An ABILITY_* constant, NWNX_CREATURE_ABILITY_NONE or -1 on error

Definition at line 2212 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_SetAbilityIncreaseByLevel()

void NWNX_Creature_SetAbilityIncreaseByLevel ( object  oCreature,
int  nLevel,
int  nAbility 

Sets the creature's ability increase for nLevel.

oCreatureThe creature object.
nLevelThe level.

Definition at line 2220 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_GetMaxAttackRange()

float NWNX_Creature_GetMaxAttackRange ( object  oCreature,
object  oTarget 

Returns the creature's maximum attack range to a target.

oCreatureThe creature object.
oTargetThe target to get the maximum attack range to
The maximum attack range for oCreature to oTarget

Definition at line 2228 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_GetMulticlassLimit()

int NWNX_Creature_GetMulticlassLimit ( object  oCreature)

Returns the creature's multiclass limit.

Only works on player characters.
oCreatureThe creature object. Has to be a player character.
The PCs multiclass limit. Returns 0 if no limit is set.

Definition at line 2236 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

◆ NWNX_Creature_SetMulticlassLimit()

void NWNX_Creature_SetMulticlassLimit ( object  oCreature,
int  nLimit,
int  bPersist = FALSE 

Sets the creature's multiclass limit.

Only works on player characters and only for future level ups. Classes already taken will continue to be available on level up. The limit must be lower than the server limit set in ruleset.2da MULTICLASS_LIMIT. Setting a value of 0 will remove the limit.
oCreatureThe creature object. Has to be a player character.
nLimitThe multiclass limit.
bPersistWhether the limit should persist to the .bic file.
Persistence is enabled after a server reset by the first use of this function.

Definition at line 2244 of file nwnx_creature.nss.

Variable Documentation



Definition at line 13 of file nwnx_creature.nss.



Definition at line 14 of file nwnx_creature.nss.



Definition at line 15 of file nwnx_creature.nss.



Definition at line 16 of file nwnx_creature.nss.



Definition at line 17 of file nwnx_creature.nss.



Definition at line 18 of file nwnx_creature.nss.



Definition at line 19 of file nwnx_creature.nss.



Definition at line 20 of file nwnx_creature.nss.



Definition at line 21 of file nwnx_creature.nss.



Definition at line 29 of file nwnx_creature.nss.



Definition at line 30 of file nwnx_creature.nss.



Definition at line 31 of file nwnx_creature.nss.



Definition at line 32 of file nwnx_creature.nss.



Definition at line 33 of file nwnx_creature.nss.



Definition at line 41 of file nwnx_creature.nss.



Definition at line 42 of file nwnx_creature.nss.



Definition at line 43 of file nwnx_creature.nss.



Definition at line 44 of file nwnx_creature.nss.



Definition at line 45 of file nwnx_creature.nss.



Definition at line 46 of file nwnx_creature.nss.




Definition at line 54 of file nwnx_creature.nss.



Definition at line 55 of file nwnx_creature.nss.



Definition at line 56 of file nwnx_creature.nss.



Definition at line 57 of file nwnx_creature.nss.



Definition at line 58 of file nwnx_creature.nss.



Definition at line 59 of file nwnx_creature.nss.



Random Elemental VFX.

Definition at line 60 of file nwnx_creature.nss.



Definition at line 63 of file nwnx_creature.nss.