Files | |
file | nwnx_creature.nss |
Classes | |
struct | NWNX_Creature_SpecialAbility |
A creature special ability. More... | |
Functions | |
void | NWNX_Creature_AddFeat (object creature, int feat) |
Gives the creature a feat. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_AddFeatByLevel (object creature, int feat, int level) |
Gives the creature a feat assigned at a level. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_RemoveFeat (object creature, int feat) |
Removes a feat from a creature. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_RemoveFeatByLevel (object creature, int feat, int level) |
Removes the creature a feat assigned at a level. More... | |
int | NWNX_Creature_GetKnowsFeat (object creature, int feat) |
Determines if the creature knows a feat. More... | |
int | NWNX_Creature_GetFeatCountByLevel (object creature, int level) |
Returns the count of feats learned at the provided level. More... | |
int | NWNX_Creature_GetFeatByLevel (object creature, int level, int index) |
Returns the feat learned at the level and index. More... | |
int | NWNX_Creature_GetFeatGrantLevel (object creature, int feat) |
Returns the creature level where the specified feat was learned. More... | |
int | NWNX_Creature_GetFeatCount (object creature) |
Get the total number of feats known by creature. More... | |
int | NWNX_Creature_GetFeatByIndex (object creature, int index) |
Returns the creature's feat at a given index. More... | |
int | NWNX_Creature_GetMeetsFeatRequirements (object creature, int feat) |
Gets if creature meets feat requirements. More... | |
int | NWNX_Creature_GetSpecialAbilityCount (object creature) |
Gets the count of special abilities of the creature. More... | |
struct NWNX_Creature_SpecialAbility | NWNX_Creature_GetSpecialAbility (object creature, int index) |
Returns the creature's special ability at a given index. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_AddSpecialAbility (object creature, struct NWNX_Creature_SpecialAbility ability) |
Adds a special ability to a creature. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_RemoveSpecialAbility (object creature, int index) |
Removes a special ability from a creature. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_SetSpecialAbility (object creature, int index, struct NWNX_Creature_SpecialAbility ability) |
Sets a special ability at the index for the creature. More... | |
int | NWNX_Creature_GetClassByLevel (object creature, int level) |
Get the class taken by the creature at the provided level. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_SetBaseAC (object creature, int ac) |
Sets the base AC for the creature. More... | |
int | NWNX_Creature_GetBaseAC (object creature) |
Get the base AC for the creature. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_SetRawAbilityScore (object creature, int ability, int value) |
Sets the ability score of the creature to the provided value. More... | |
int | NWNX_Creature_GetRawAbilityScore (object creature, int ability) |
Gets the ability score of the creature. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_ModifyRawAbilityScore (object creature, int ability, int modifier) |
Adjusts the ability score of a creature. More... | |
int | NWNX_Creature_GetPrePolymorphAbilityScore (object creature, int ability) |
Gets the raw ability score a polymorphed creature had prior to polymorphing. More... | |
int | NWNX_Creature_GetRemainingSpellSlots (object creature, int class, int level) |
Gets the remaining spell slots (innate casting) at a class level's index. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_SetRemainingSpellSlots (object creature, int class, int level, int slots) |
Sets the remaining spell slots (innate casting) at a class level. More... | |
int | NWNX_Creature_GetMaxSpellSlots (object creature, int class, int level) |
Gets the maximum spell slots (innate casting) at a class level. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_AddKnownSpell (object creature, int class, int level, int spellId) |
Add a spell to a creature's spellbook for class. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_RemoveKnownSpell (object creature, int class, int level, int spellId) |
Remove a spell from creature's spellbook for class. More... | |
int | NWNX_Creature_GetMaxHitPointsByLevel (object creature, int level) |
Gets the maximum hit points for creature for level. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_SetMaxHitPointsByLevel (object creature, int level, int value) |
Sets the maximum hit points for creature. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_SetMovementRate (object creature, int rate) |
Set creature's movement rate. More... | |
float | NWNX_Creature_GetMovementRateFactor (object creature) |
Returns the creature's current movement rate factor. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_SetMovementRateFactor (object creature, float rate) |
Sets the creature's current movement rate factor. More... | |
float | NWNX_Creature_GetMovementRateFactorCap (object creature) |
Returns the creature's maximum movement rate cap. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_SetMovementRateFactorCap (object creature, float cap) |
Sets the creature's maximum movement rate cap. More... | |
int | NWNX_Creature_GetMovementType (object creature) |
Returns the creature's current movement type. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_SetWalkRateCap (object creature, float fWalkRate=2000.0f) |
Sets the maximum movement rate a creature can have while walking (not running) More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_SetAlignmentGoodEvil (object creature, int value) |
Set creature's raw good/evil alignment value. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_SetAlignmentLawChaos (object creature, int value) |
Set creature's raw law/chaos alignment value. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_SetSkillRank (object creature, int skill, int rank) |
Set the base ranks in a skill for creature. More... | |
int | NWNX_Creature_GetSkillRankByLevel (object creature, int skill, int level) |
Get the ranks in a skill for creature assigned at a level. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_SetSkillRankByLevel (object creature, int skill, int rank, int level) |
Set the ranks in a skill for creature assigned at a level. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_SetClassByPosition (object creature, int position, int classID, int bUpdateLevels=TRUE) |
Set the class ID in a particular position for a creature. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_SetLevelByPosition (object creature, int position, int level) |
Set the level at the given position for a creature. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_SetBaseAttackBonus (object creature, int bab) |
Set creature's base attack bonus (BAB). More... | |
int | NWNX_Creature_GetAttacksPerRound (object creature, int bBaseAPR=FALSE) |
Gets the creatures current attacks per round (using equipped weapon). More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_RestoreFeats (object creature) |
Restore all creature feat uses. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_RestoreSpecialAbilities (object creature) |
Restore all creature special ability uses. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_RestoreItems (object creature) |
Restore uses for all items carried by the creature. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_SetSize (object creature, int size) |
Sets the creature size. More... | |
int | NWNX_Creature_GetSkillPointsRemaining (object creature) |
Gets the creature's remaining unspent skill points. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_SetSkillPointsRemaining (object creature, int skillpoints) |
Sets the creature's remaining unspent skill points. More... | |
int | NWNX_Creature_GetSkillPointsRemainingByLevel (object creature, int level) |
Gets the creature's remaining unspent skill points for level. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_SetSkillPointsRemainingByLevel (object creature, int level, int value) |
Sets the creature's remaining unspent skill points for level. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_SetRacialType (object creature, int racialtype) |
Sets the creature's racial type. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_SetGold (object creature, int gold) |
Sets the creature's gold without sending a feedback message. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_SetCorpseDecayTime (object creature, int nDecayTime) |
Sets corpse decay time in milliseconds. More... | |
int | NWNX_Creature_GetBaseSavingThrow (object creature, int which) |
Gets the creature's base save. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_SetBaseSavingThrow (object creature, int which, int value) |
Sets the creature's base save. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_LevelUp (object creature, int class, int count=1, int package=PACKAGE_INVALID) |
Add levels of class to the creature, bypassing all validation. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_LevelDown (object creature, int count=1) |
Remove last levels from a creature. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_SetChallengeRating (object creature, float fCR) |
Sets the creature's challenge rating. More... | |
int | NWNX_Creature_GetAttackBonus (object creature, int isMelee=-1, int isTouchAttack=FALSE, int isOffhand=FALSE, int includeBaseAttackBonus=TRUE) |
Returns the creature's highest attack bonus based on its own stats. More... | |
int | NWNX_Creature_GetHighestLevelOfFeat (object creature, int feat) |
Get highest level version of feat possessed by creature. More... | |
int | NWNX_Creature_GetFeatRemainingUses (object creature, int feat) |
Get feat remaining uses. More... | |
int | NWNX_Creature_GetFeatTotalUses (object creature, int feat) |
Get feat total uses. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_SetFeatRemainingUses (object creature, int feat, int uses) |
Set feat remaining uses. More... | |
int | NWNX_Creature_GetTotalEffectBonus (object creature, int bonusType=NWNX_CREATURE_BONUS_TYPE_ATTACK, object target=OBJECT_INVALID, int isElemental=0, int isForceMax=0, int savetype=-1, int saveSpecificType=-1, int skill=-1, int abilityScore=-1, int isOffhand=FALSE) |
Get total effect bonus. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_SetOriginalName (object creature, string name, int isLastName) |
Set the original first or last name of creature. More... | |
string | NWNX_Creature_GetOriginalName (object creature, int isLastName) |
Get the original first or last name of creature. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_SetSpellResistance (object creature, int sr) |
Set creature's spell resistance. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_SetAnimalCompanionCreatureType (object creature, int type) |
Set creature's animal companion creature type. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_SetFamiliarCreatureType (object creature, int type) |
Set creature's familiar creature type. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_SetAnimalCompanionName (object creature, string name) |
Set creature's animal companion's name. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_SetFamiliarName (object creature, string name) |
Set creature's familiar's name. More... | |
int | NWNX_Creature_GetDisarmable (object creature) |
Get whether the creature can be disarmed. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_SetDisarmable (object creature, int disarmable) |
Set whether a creature can be disarmed. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_SetDomain (object creature, int class, int index, int domain) |
Sets one of creature's domains. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_SetSpecialization (object creature, int class, int school) |
Sets creature's specialist school. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_SetFaction (object oCreature, int nFactionId) |
Sets oCreatures faction to be the faction with id nFactionId. More... | |
int | NWNX_Creature_GetFaction (object oCreature) |
Gets the faction id from oCreature. More... | |
int | NWNX_Creature_GetFlatFooted (object oCreature) |
Get whether a creature is flat-footed. More... | |
string | NWNX_Creature_SerializeQuickbar (object oCreature) |
Serialize oCreature's quickbar to a base64 string. More... | |
int | NWNX_Creature_DeserializeQuickbar (object oCreature, string sSerializedQuickbar) |
Deserialize sSerializedQuickbar for oCreature. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_SetCasterLevelModifier (object oCreature, int nClass, int nModifier, int bPersist=FALSE) |
Sets a caster level modifier for oCreature. More... | |
int | NWNX_Creature_GetCasterLevelModifier (object oCreature, int nClass) |
Gets the current caster level modifier for oCreature. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_SetCasterLevelOverride (object oCreature, int nClass, int nCasterLevel, int bPersist=FALSE) |
Sets a caster level override for oCreature. More... | |
int | NWNX_Creature_GetCasterLevelOverride (object oCreature, int nClass) |
Gets the current caster level override for oCreature. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_JumpToLimbo (object oCreature) |
Move a creature to limbo. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_SetCriticalMultiplierModifier (object oCreature, int nModifier, int nHand=0, int bPersist=FALSE, int nBaseItem=-1) |
Sets the critical hit multiplier modifier for the Creature. More... | |
int | NWNX_Creature_GetCriticalMultiplierModifier (object oCreature, int nHand=0, int nBaseItem=-1) |
Gets the critical hit multiplier modifier for the Creature. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_SetCriticalMultiplierOverride (object oCreature, int nOverride, int nHand=0, int bPersist=FALSE, int nBaseItem=-1) |
Sets the critical hit multiplier override for the Creature. More... | |
int | NWNX_Creature_GetCriticalMultiplierOverride (object oCreature, int nHand=0, int nBaseItem=-1) |
Gets the critical hit multiplier override for the Creature. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_SetCriticalRangeModifier (object oCreature, int nModifier, int nHand=0, int bPersist=FALSE, int nBaseItem=-1) |
Sets the critical hit range modifier for the creature. More... | |
int | NWNX_Creature_GetCriticalRangeModifier (object oCreature, int nHand=0, int nBaseItem=-1) |
Gets the critical hit range modifier for the creature. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_SetCriticalRangeOverride (object oCreature, int nOverride, int nHand=0, int bPersist=FALSE, int nBaseItem=-1) |
Sets the critical hit range Override for the creature. More... | |
int | NWNX_Creature_GetCriticalRangeOverride (object oCreature, int nHand=0, int nBaseItem=-1) |
Sets the critical hit range Override for the creature. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_AddAssociate (object oCreature, object oAssociate, int nAssociateType) |
Add oAssociate as nAssociateType to oCreature. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_OverrideDamageLevel (object oCreature, int nDamageLevel) |
Override the damage level of oCreature. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_SetEncounter (object oCreature, object oEncounter) |
Set the encounter source of oCreature. More... | |
object | NWNX_Creature_GetEncounter (object oCreature) |
Get the encounter source of oCreature. More... | |
int | NWNX_Creature_GetIsBartering (object oCreature) |
Get if oCreature is currently bartering. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_SetLastItemCasterLevel (object oCreature, int nCasterLvl) |
Sets caster level for the last item used. Use in a spellhook or spell event before to set caster level for any spells cast from the item. More... | |
int | NWNX_Creature_GetLastItemCasterLevel (object oCreature) |
Gets the caster level of the last item used. More... | |
int | NWNX_Creature_GetArmorClassVersus (object oAttacked, object oVersus, int nTouch=FALSE) |
Gets the Armor classed of attacked against versus. More... | |
int | NWNX_Creature_GetWalkAnimation (object oCreature) |
Gets the current walk animation of oCreature. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_SetWalkAnimation (object oCreature, int nAnimation) |
Sets the current walk animation of oCreature. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_SetAttackRollOverride (object oCreature, int nRoll, int nModifier) |
Changes the attack modifier depending on the dice roll. Used to skip autofail on 1 and autosucceed on 20 as well. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_SetParryAllAttacks (object oCreature, int bParry) |
Works like the tweak but can be turned on and off for all creatures or single ones. More... | |
int | NWNX_Creature_GetNoPermanentDeath (object oCreature) |
Gets the NoPermanentDeath flag of oCreature. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_SetNoPermanentDeath (object oCreature, int bNoPermanentDeath) |
Sets the NoPermanentDeath flag of oCreature. More... | |
vector | NWNX_Creature_ComputeSafeLocation (object oCreature, vector vPosition, float fRadius=20.0f, int bWalkStraightLineRequired=TRUE) |
Compute a safe location for oCreature. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_DoPerceptionUpdateOnCreature (object oCreature, object oTargetCreature) |
Update oCreature's perception of oTargetCreature. More... | |
float | NWNX_Creature_GetPersonalSpace (object oCreature) |
Get a creatures personal space (meters from center to non-creature objects). More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_SetPersonalSpace (object oCreature, float fPerspace) |
Set a creatures personal space (meters from center to non-creature objects). More... | |
float | NWNX_Creature_GetCreaturePersonalSpace (object oCreature) |
Get a creatures creature personal space (meters from center to other creatures). More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_SetCreaturePersonalSpace (object oCreature, float fCrePerspace) |
Set a creatures creature personal space (meters from center to other creatures). More... | |
float | NWNX_Creature_GetHeight (object oCreature) |
Get a creatures height. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_SetHeight (object oCreature, float fHeight) |
Set a creatures height. More... | |
float | NWNX_Creature_GetHitDistance (object oCreature) |
Get a creatures hit distance. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_SetHitDistance (object oCreature, float fHitDist) |
Set a creatures hit distance. More... | |
float | NWNX_Creature_GetPreferredAttackDistance (object oCreature) |
Get a creatures preferred attack distance. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_SetPreferredAttackDistance (object oCreature, float fPrefAtckDist) |
Set a creatures preferred attack distance. More... | |
int | NWNX_Creature_GetArmorCheckPenalty (object oCreature) |
Get the skill penalty from wearing armor. More... | |
int | NWNX_Creature_GetShieldCheckPenalty (object oCreature) |
Get the skill penalty from wearing a shield. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_SetBypassEffectImmunity (object oCreature, int nImmunityType, int nChance=100, int bPersist=FALSE) |
Sets a chance for normal Effect Immunities to be bypassed. More... | |
int | NWNX_Creature_GetBypassEffectImmunity (object oCreature, int nImmunityType) |
Gets a chance for normal Effect Immunities to be bypassed. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_SetLastKiller (object oCreature, object oKiller) |
Sets the killer of oCreature to oKiller. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_DoItemCastSpell (object oCreature, object oTarget, location locTarget, int nSpellID, int nCasterLevel, float fProjectileTime, int nProjectilePathType=PROJECTILE_PATH_TYPE_DEFAULT, int nProjectileSpellID=-1, object oItem=OBJECT_INVALID, string sImpactScript="") |
Instantly cast a spell at a target or location. More... | |
int | NWNX_Creature_RunEquip (object oCreature, object oItem, int nInventorySlot) |
Have oCreature instantly equip oItem to nInventorySlot. More... | |
int | NWNX_Creature_RunUnequip (object oCreature, object oItem) |
Have oCreature instantly unequip oItem. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_OverrideRangedProjectileVFX (object oCreature, int nProjectileVFX, int bPersist=FALSE) |
Override the elemental projectile visual effect of ranged/throwing weapons. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_SetInitiativeModifier (object oCreature, int nMod, int bPersist=FALSE) |
Sets a custom Initiative modifier. More... | |
int | NWNX_Creature_GetInitiativeModifier (object oCreature) |
Gets the custom Initiative modifier. More... | |
object | NWNX_Creature_GetBodyBag (object oCreature) |
Gets the Body Bag of a creature. More... | |
int | NWNX_Creature_AddCastSpellActions (object oCreature, object oTarget, vector vTargetLocation, int nSpellID, int nMultiClass, int nMetaMagic=METAMAGIC_NONE, int nDomainLevel=0, int nProjectilePathType=PROJECTILE_PATH_TYPE_DEFAULT, int bInstant=FALSE, int bClearActions=FALSE, int bAddToFront=FALSE) |
Add a cast spell action to oCreature's action queue. More... | |
int | NWNX_Creature_GetIsFlanking (object oCreature, object oTargetCreature) |
Get whether oCreature is flanking oTargetCreature. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_DecrementRemainingSpellSlots (object oCreature, int nClass, int nSpellLevel) |
Decrements the remaining spell slots (innate casting) at a class level. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_IncrementRemainingSpellSlots (object oCreature, int nClass, int nSpellLevel) |
Increments the remaining spell slots (innate casting) at a class level. More... | |
int | NWNX_Creature_GetMaximumBonusAttacks (object oCreature) |
Gets the maximum number of bonus attacks a creature can have from EffectModifyAttacks(). More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_SetMaximumBonusAttacks (object oCreature, int nMaxBonusAttacks, int bPersist=FALSE) |
Sets the maximum number of bonus attacks a creature can have from EffectModifyAttacks(). More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_DoCleaveAttack (object oCreature) |
Inserts a cleave or great cleave attack into oCreature's current attack round against the nearest enemy within melee reach. More... | |
object | NWNX_Creature_GetLockOrientationToObject (object oCreature) |
Gets the current object oCreature's orientation is locked to. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_SetLockOrientationToObject (object oCreature, object oTarget) |
Locks oCreature's orientation to always face oTarget. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_BroadcastAttackOfOpportunity (object oCreature, object oSingleCreature=OBJECT_INVALID, int bMovement=FALSE) |
Causes oCreature to broadcast an Attack of Opportunity against themself. More... | |
int | NWNX_Creature_GetMaxSellToStorePriceOverride (object oCreature, object oStore) |
Returns the maximum price oStore will buy items from oCreature for. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_SetMaxSellToStorePriceOverride (object oCreature, object oStore, int nMaxSellToPrice) |
Overrides the maximum price oStore will buy items from oCreature for. More... | |
int | NWNX_Creature_GetAbilityIncreaseByLevel (object oCreature, int nLevel) |
Returns the creature's ability increase for nLevel. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_SetAbilityIncreaseByLevel (object oCreature, int nLevel, int nAbility) |
Sets the creature's ability increase for nLevel. More... | |
float | NWNX_Creature_GetMaxAttackRange (object oCreature, object oTarget) |
Returns the creature's maximum attack range to a target. More... | |
int | NWNX_Creature_GetMulticlassLimit (object oCreature) |
Returns the creature's multiclass limit. More... | |
void | NWNX_Creature_SetMulticlassLimit (object oCreature, int nLimit, int bPersist=FALSE) |
Sets the creature's multiclass limit. More... | |
Variables | |
void NWNX_Creature_AddFeat | ( | object | creature, |
int | feat | ||
) |
Gives the creature a feat.
creature | The creature object. |
feat | The feat id. |
Definition at line 1028 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_AddFeatByLevel | ( | object | creature, |
int | feat, | ||
int | level | ||
) |
Gives the creature a feat assigned at a level.
creature | The creature object. |
feat | The feat id. |
level | The level they gained the feat. |
Definition at line 1035 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_RemoveFeat | ( | object | creature, |
int | feat | ||
) |
Removes a feat from a creature.
creature | The creature object. |
feat | The feat id. |
Definition at line 1043 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_RemoveFeatByLevel | ( | object | creature, |
int | feat, | ||
int | level | ||
) |
Removes the creature a feat assigned at a level.
creature | The creature object. |
feat | The feat id. |
level | The level they gained the feat. |
Definition at line 1050 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
int NWNX_Creature_GetKnowsFeat | ( | object | creature, |
int | feat | ||
) |
Determines if the creature knows a feat.
creature | The creature object. |
feat | The feat id. |
Definition at line 1058 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
int NWNX_Creature_GetFeatCountByLevel | ( | object | creature, |
int | level | ||
) |
Returns the count of feats learned at the provided level.
creature | The creature object. |
level | The level. |
Definition at line 1066 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
int NWNX_Creature_GetFeatByLevel | ( | object | creature, |
int | level, | ||
int | index | ||
) |
Returns the feat learned at the level and index.
creature | The creature object. |
level | The level. |
index | The index. Index bounds: 0 <= index < NWNX_Creature_GetFeatCountByLevel(). |
Definition at line 1074 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
int NWNX_Creature_GetFeatGrantLevel | ( | object | creature, |
int | feat | ||
) |
Returns the creature level where the specified feat was learned.
creature | The creature object. |
feat | The feat id. |
Definition at line 1090 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
int NWNX_Creature_GetFeatCount | ( | object | creature | ) |
Get the total number of feats known by creature.
creature | The creature object. |
Definition at line 1083 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
int NWNX_Creature_GetFeatByIndex | ( | object | creature, |
int | index | ||
) |
Returns the creature's feat at a given index.
creature | The creature object. |
index | The index. Index bounds: 0 <= index < NWNX_Creature_GetFeatCount(); |
Definition at line 1098 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
int NWNX_Creature_GetMeetsFeatRequirements | ( | object | creature, |
int | feat | ||
) |
Gets if creature meets feat requirements.
creature | The creature object. |
feat | The feat id. |
Definition at line 1106 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
int NWNX_Creature_GetSpecialAbilityCount | ( | object | creature | ) |
Gets the count of special abilities of the creature.
creature | The creature object. |
Definition at line 1126 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
struct NWNX_Creature_SpecialAbility NWNX_Creature_GetSpecialAbility | ( | object | creature, |
int | index | ||
) |
Returns the creature's special ability at a given index.
creature | The creature object. |
index | The index. Index bounds: 0 <= index < NWNX_Creature_GetSpecialAbilityCount(). |
Definition at line 1106 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_AddSpecialAbility | ( | object | creature, |
struct NWNX_Creature_SpecialAbility | ability | ||
) |
Adds a special ability to a creature.
creature | The creature object. |
ability | An NWNX_Creature_SpecialAbility struct. |
Definition at line 1133 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_RemoveSpecialAbility | ( | object | creature, |
int | index | ||
) |
Removes a special ability from a creature.
creature | The creature object. |
index | The index. Index bounds: 0 <= index < NWNX_Creature_GetSpecialAbilityCount(). |
Definition at line 1142 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_SetSpecialAbility | ( | object | creature, |
int | index, | ||
struct NWNX_Creature_SpecialAbility | ability | ||
) |
Sets a special ability at the index for the creature.
creature | The creature object. |
index | The index. Index bounds: 0 <= index < NWNX_Creature_GetSpecialAbilityCount(). |
ability | An NWNX_Creature_SpecialAbility struct. |
Definition at line 1149 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
int NWNX_Creature_GetClassByLevel | ( | object | creature, |
int | level | ||
) |
Get the class taken by the creature at the provided level.
creature | The creature object. |
level | The level. |
Definition at line 1159 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_SetBaseAC | ( | object | creature, |
int | ac | ||
) |
Sets the base AC for the creature.
creature | The creature object. |
ac | The base AC to set for the creature. |
Definition at line 1167 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
int NWNX_Creature_GetBaseAC | ( | object | creature | ) |
Get the base AC for the creature.
creature | The creature object. |
Definition at line 1174 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_SetRawAbilityScore | ( | object | creature, |
int | ability, | ||
int | value | ||
) |
Sets the ability score of the creature to the provided value.
creature | The creature object. |
ability | The ability constant. |
value | The value to set. |
Definition at line 1181 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
int NWNX_Creature_GetRawAbilityScore | ( | object | creature, |
int | ability | ||
) |
Gets the ability score of the creature.
creature | The creature object. |
ability | The ability constant. |
Definition at line 1189 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_ModifyRawAbilityScore | ( | object | creature, |
int | ability, | ||
int | modifier | ||
) |
Adjusts the ability score of a creature.
creature | The creature object. |
ability | The ability constant. |
modifier | The modifier value. |
Definition at line 1197 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
int NWNX_Creature_GetPrePolymorphAbilityScore | ( | object | creature, |
int | ability | ||
) |
Gets the raw ability score a polymorphed creature had prior to polymorphing.
creature | The creature object. |
ability | The ability constant. |
Definition at line 1205 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
int NWNX_Creature_GetRemainingSpellSlots | ( | object | creature, |
int | class, | ||
int | level | ||
) |
Gets the remaining spell slots (innate casting) at a class level's index.
creature | The creature object. |
class | The class id from classes.2da. (Not class index 0-2) |
level | The spell level. |
Definition at line 1213 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_SetRemainingSpellSlots | ( | object | creature, |
int | class, | ||
int | level, | ||
int | slots | ||
) |
Sets the remaining spell slots (innate casting) at a class level.
creature | The creature object. |
class | The class id from classes.2da. (Not class index 0-2) |
level | The spell level. |
slots | The remaining spell slots to set. |
Definition at line 1222 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
int NWNX_Creature_GetMaxSpellSlots | ( | object | creature, |
int | class, | ||
int | level | ||
) |
Gets the maximum spell slots (innate casting) at a class level.
creature | The creature object. |
class | The class id from classes.2da. (Not class index 0-2) |
level | The spell level. |
Definition at line 1250 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_AddKnownSpell | ( | object | creature, |
int | class, | ||
int | level, | ||
int | spellId | ||
) |
Add a spell to a creature's spellbook for class.
creature | The creature object. |
class | The class id from classes.2da. (Not class index 0-2) |
level | The spell level. |
spellId | The spell to remove. |
Definition at line 1241 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_RemoveKnownSpell | ( | object | creature, |
int | class, | ||
int | level, | ||
int | spellId | ||
) |
Remove a spell from creature's spellbook for class.
creature | The creature object. |
class | The class id from classes.2da. (Not class index 0-2) |
level | The spell level. |
spellId | The spell to remove. |
Definition at line 1231 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
int NWNX_Creature_GetMaxHitPointsByLevel | ( | object | creature, |
int | level | ||
) |
Gets the maximum hit points for creature for level.
creature | The creature object. |
level | The level. |
Definition at line 1260 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_SetMaxHitPointsByLevel | ( | object | creature, |
int | level, | ||
int | value | ||
) |
Sets the maximum hit points for creature.
creature | The creature object. |
level | The level. |
value | The amount to set the max hit points. |
Definition at line 1268 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_SetMovementRate | ( | object | creature, |
int | rate | ||
) |
Set creature's movement rate.
creature | The creature object. |
rate | The movement rate. |
Definition at line 1276 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
float NWNX_Creature_GetMovementRateFactor | ( | object | creature | ) |
Returns the creature's current movement rate factor.
creature | The creature object. |
Definition at line 1283 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_SetMovementRateFactor | ( | object | creature, |
float | rate | ||
) |
Sets the creature's current movement rate factor.
creature | The creature object. |
rate | The rate to set. |
Definition at line 1290 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
float NWNX_Creature_GetMovementRateFactorCap | ( | object | creature | ) |
Returns the creature's maximum movement rate cap.
creature | The creature object. |
Definition at line 1297 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_SetMovementRateFactorCap | ( | object | creature, |
float | cap | ||
) |
Sets the creature's maximum movement rate cap.
creature | The creature object. |
cap | The cap to set. |
Definition at line 1304 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
int NWNX_Creature_GetMovementType | ( | object | creature | ) |
Returns the creature's current movement type.
creature | The creature object. |
Definition at line 1445 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_SetWalkRateCap | ( | object | creature, |
float | fWalkRate = 2000.0f |
) |
Sets the maximum movement rate a creature can have while walking (not running)
creature | The creature object. |
fWalkRate | The walk rate to apply. Setting the value to -1.0 will remove the cap. Default value is 2000.0, which is the base human walk speed. |
Definition at line 1452 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_SetAlignmentGoodEvil | ( | object | creature, |
int | value | ||
) |
Set creature's raw good/evil alignment value.
creature | The creature object. |
value | The value to set. |
Definition at line 1311 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_SetAlignmentLawChaos | ( | object | creature, |
int | value | ||
) |
Set creature's raw law/chaos alignment value.
creature | The creature object. |
value | The value to set. |
Definition at line 1318 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_SetSkillRank | ( | object | creature, |
int | skill, | ||
int | rank | ||
) |
Set the base ranks in a skill for creature.
creature | The creature object. |
skill | The skill id. |
rank | The value to set as the skill rank. |
Definition at line 1325 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
int NWNX_Creature_GetSkillRankByLevel | ( | object | creature, |
int | skill, | ||
int | level | ||
) |
Get the ranks in a skill for creature assigned at a level.
creature | The creature object. |
skill | The skill id. |
level | The level they gained skill ranks. |
Definition at line 1333 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_SetSkillRankByLevel | ( | object | creature, |
int | skill, | ||
int | rank, | ||
int | level | ||
) |
Set the ranks in a skill for creature assigned at a level.
creature | The creature object. |
skill | The skill id. |
level | The level they gained skill ranks. |
rank | The value to set as the skill rank. |
Definition at line 1342 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_SetClassByPosition | ( | object | creature, |
int | position, | ||
int | classID, | ||
int | bUpdateLevels = TRUE |
) |
Set the class ID in a particular position for a creature.
creature | The creature object. |
position | Should be 0, 1, or 2 depending on how many classes the creature has and which is to be modified. |
classID | A valid ID number in classes.2da and between 0 and 255. |
bUpdateLevels | determines whether the method will replace all occurrences of the old class in CNWLevelStats with the new classID. |
Definition at line 1351 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_SetLevelByPosition | ( | object | creature, |
int | position, | ||
int | level | ||
) |
Set the level at the given position for a creature.
creature | The creature object. |
position | Should be 0, 1, or 2 depending on how many classes the creature has and which is to be modified. |
level | The level to set. |
Definition at line 1360 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_SetBaseAttackBonus | ( | object | creature, |
int | bab | ||
) |
Set creature's base attack bonus (BAB).
creature | The creature object. |
bab | The BAB value. Should be between 0 and 254. Setting BAB to 0 will cause the creature to revert to its original BAB based on its classes and levels. A creature can never have an actual BAB of zero. |
Definition at line 1368 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
int NWNX_Creature_GetAttacksPerRound | ( | object | creature, |
int | bBaseAPR = FALSE |
) |
Gets the creatures current attacks per round (using equipped weapon).
creature | The creature object. |
bBaseAPR | If TRUE, will return the base attacks per round, based on BAB and equipped weapons, regardless of overrides set by calls to SetBaseAttackBonus builtin function. |
Definition at line 1375 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_RestoreFeats | ( | object | creature | ) |
Restore all creature feat uses.
creature | The creature object. |
Definition at line 1383 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_RestoreSpecialAbilities | ( | object | creature | ) |
Restore all creature special ability uses.
creature | The creature object. |
Definition at line 1389 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_RestoreItems | ( | object | creature | ) |
Restore uses for all items carried by the creature.
creature | The creature object. |
Definition at line 1395 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_SetSize | ( | object | creature, |
int | size | ||
) |
Sets the creature size.
creature | The creature object. |
size | Use CREATURE_SIZE_* constants. |
Definition at line 1401 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
int NWNX_Creature_GetSkillPointsRemaining | ( | object | creature | ) |
Gets the creature's remaining unspent skill points.
creature | The creature object. |
Definition at line 1408 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_SetSkillPointsRemaining | ( | object | creature, |
int | skillpoints | ||
) |
Sets the creature's remaining unspent skill points.
creature | The creature object. |
skillpoints | The value to set. |
Definition at line 1415 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
int NWNX_Creature_GetSkillPointsRemainingByLevel | ( | object | creature, |
int | level | ||
) |
Gets the creature's remaining unspent skill points for level.
creature | The creature object. |
level | The level. |
Definition at line 1422 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_SetSkillPointsRemainingByLevel | ( | object | creature, |
int | level, | ||
int | value | ||
) |
Sets the creature's remaining unspent skill points for level.
creature | The creature object. |
level | The level. |
value | The value to set for level. |
Definition at line 1430 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_SetRacialType | ( | object | creature, |
int | racialtype | ||
) |
Sets the creature's racial type.
creature | The creature object. |
racialtype | The racial type to set. |
Definition at line 1438 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_SetGold | ( | object | creature, |
int | gold | ||
) |
Sets the creature's gold without sending a feedback message.
creature | The creature object. |
gold | The amount of gold to set for their creature. |
Definition at line 1459 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_SetCorpseDecayTime | ( | object | creature, |
int | nDecayTime | ||
) |
Sets corpse decay time in milliseconds.
creature | The creature object. |
nDecayTime | The corpse decay time. |
Definition at line 1466 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
int NWNX_Creature_GetBaseSavingThrow | ( | object | creature, |
int | which | ||
) |
Gets the creature's base save.
creature | The creature object. |
Definition at line 1473 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_SetBaseSavingThrow | ( | object | creature, |
int | which, | ||
int | value | ||
) |
Sets the creature's base save.
creature | The creature object. |
value | The base save value. |
Definition at line 1481 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_LevelUp | ( | object | creature, |
int | class, | ||
int | count = 1 , |
int | package = PACKAGE_INVALID |
) |
Add levels of class to the creature, bypassing all validation.
creature | The creature object. |
class | The class id. |
count | The amount of levels of class to add. |
package | The class package to use for leveling up (PACKAGE_INVALID = starting package) |
Definition at line 1489 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_LevelDown | ( | object | creature, |
int | count = 1 |
) |
Remove last levels from a creature.
creature | The creature object. |
count | The amount of levels to decrement. |
Definition at line 1498 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_SetChallengeRating | ( | object | creature, |
float | fCR | ||
) |
Sets the creature's challenge rating.
creature | The creature object. |
fCR | The challenge rating. |
Definition at line 1505 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
int NWNX_Creature_GetAttackBonus | ( | object | creature, |
int | isMelee = -1 , |
int | isTouchAttack = FALSE , |
int | isOffhand = FALSE , |
int | includeBaseAttackBonus = TRUE |
) |
Returns the creature's highest attack bonus based on its own stats.
creature | The creature object. |
isMelee |
isTouchAttack | If the attack was a touch attack. |
isOffhand | If the attack was with the offhand. |
includeBaseAttackBonus | Should the result include the base attack bonus. |
Definition at line 1512 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
int NWNX_Creature_GetHighestLevelOfFeat | ( | object | creature, |
int | feat | ||
) |
Get highest level version of feat possessed by creature.
creature | The creature object. |
feat | The feat id. |
Definition at line 1536 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
int NWNX_Creature_GetFeatRemainingUses | ( | object | creature, |
int | feat | ||
) |
Get feat remaining uses.
creature | The creature object. |
feat | The feat id. |
Definition at line 1544 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
int NWNX_Creature_GetFeatTotalUses | ( | object | creature, |
int | feat | ||
) |
Get feat total uses.
creature | The creature object. |
feat | The feat id. |
Definition at line 1552 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_SetFeatRemainingUses | ( | object | creature, |
int | feat, | ||
int | uses | ||
) |
Set feat remaining uses.
creature | The creature object. |
feat | The feat id. |
uses | The amount of remaining uses. |
Definition at line 1560 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
int NWNX_Creature_GetTotalEffectBonus | ( | object | creature, |
object | target = OBJECT_INVALID , |
int | isElemental = 0 , |
int | isForceMax = 0 , |
int | savetype = -1 , |
int | saveSpecificType = -1 , |
int | skill = -1 , |
int | abilityScore = -1 , |
int | isOffhand = FALSE |
) |
Get total effect bonus.
creature | The creature object. |
bonusType | A Bonus Type |
target | A target object. Used to calculate bonuses versus specific races, alignments, etc. |
isElemental | If a damage bonus includes elemental damage. |
isForceMax | If the bonus should return the maximum possible. |
savetype | A SAVING_THROW_* constant. |
saveSpecificType | A SAVING_THROW_TYPE_* constant. |
skill | A skill id. |
abilityScore | An ABILITY_* constant. |
isOffhand | Whether the attack is an offhand attack. |
Definition at line 1568 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_SetOriginalName | ( | object | creature, |
string | name, | ||
int | isLastName | ||
) |
Set the original first or last name of creature.
creature | The creature object. |
name | The name to give the creature. |
isLastName | TRUE to change their last name, FALSE for first. |
Definition at line 1584 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
string NWNX_Creature_GetOriginalName | ( | object | creature, |
int | isLastName | ||
) |
Get the original first or last name of creature.
creature | The creature object. |
isLastName | TRUE to get last name, FALSE for first name. |
Definition at line 1592 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_SetSpellResistance | ( | object | creature, |
int | sr | ||
) |
Set creature's spell resistance.
creature | The creature object. |
sr | The spell resistance. |
Definition at line 1600 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_SetAnimalCompanionCreatureType | ( | object | creature, |
int | type | ||
) |
Set creature's animal companion creature type.
creature | The master creature object. |
type | The type from ANIMAL_COMPANION_CREATURE_TYPE_*. |
Definition at line 1607 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_SetFamiliarCreatureType | ( | object | creature, |
int | type | ||
) |
Set creature's familiar creature type.
creature | The master creature object. |
type | The type from FAMILIAR_CREATURE_TYPE_*. |
Definition at line 1614 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_SetAnimalCompanionName | ( | object | creature, |
string | name | ||
) |
Set creature's animal companion's name.
creature | The master creature object. |
name | The name to give their animal companion. |
Definition at line 1621 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_SetFamiliarName | ( | object | creature, |
string | name | ||
) |
Set creature's familiar's name.
creature | The master creature object. |
name | The name to give their familiar. |
Definition at line 1628 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
int NWNX_Creature_GetDisarmable | ( | object | creature | ) |
Get whether the creature can be disarmed.
creature | The creature object. |
Definition at line 1635 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_SetDisarmable | ( | object | creature, |
int | disarmable | ||
) |
Set whether a creature can be disarmed.
creature | The creature object. |
disarmable | Set to TRUE if the creature can be disarmed. |
Definition at line 1642 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_SetDomain | ( | object | creature, |
int | class, | ||
int | index, | ||
int | domain | ||
) |
Sets one of creature's domains.
creature | The creature object. |
class | The class id from classes.2da. (Not class index 0-2) |
index | The first or second domain. |
domain | The domain constant to set. |
Definition at line 1649 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_SetSpecialization | ( | object | creature, |
int | class, | ||
int | school | ||
) |
Sets creature's specialist school.
creature | The creature object. |
class | The class id from classes.2da. (Not class index 0-2) |
school | The school constant. |
Definition at line 1658 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_SetFaction | ( | object | oCreature, |
int | nFactionId | ||
) |
Sets oCreatures faction to be the faction with id nFactionId.
oCreature | The creature. |
nFactionId | The faction id we want the creature to join. |
Definition at line 1666 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
int NWNX_Creature_GetFaction | ( | object | oCreature | ) |
Gets the faction id from oCreature.
oCreature | the creature we wish to query against |
Definition at line 1673 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
int NWNX_Creature_GetFlatFooted | ( | object | oCreature | ) |
Get whether a creature is flat-footed.
oCreature | The creature object. |
Definition at line 1680 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
string NWNX_Creature_SerializeQuickbar | ( | object | oCreature | ) |
Serialize oCreature's quickbar to a base64 string.
oCreature | The creature. |
Definition at line 1687 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
int NWNX_Creature_DeserializeQuickbar | ( | object | oCreature, |
string | sSerializedQuickbar | ||
) |
Deserialize sSerializedQuickbar for oCreature.
oCreature | The creature. |
sSerializedQuickbar | A base64 string of a quickbar |
Definition at line 1694 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_SetCasterLevelModifier | ( | object | oCreature, |
int | nClass, | ||
int | nModifier, | ||
int | bPersist = FALSE |
) |
Sets a caster level modifier for oCreature.
oCreature | the target creature |
nClass | the class that this modifier will apply to |
nModifier | the modifier to apply |
bPersist | whether the modifier should be persisted to the .bic file if applicable |
Definition at line 1702 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
int NWNX_Creature_GetCasterLevelModifier | ( | object | oCreature, |
int | nClass | ||
) |
Gets the current caster level modifier for oCreature.
oCreature | the target creature |
nClass | the creature caster class |
Definition at line 1711 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_SetCasterLevelOverride | ( | object | oCreature, |
int | nClass, | ||
int | nCasterLevel, | ||
int | bPersist = FALSE |
) |
Sets a caster level override for oCreature.
oCreature | the target creature |
nClass | the class that this modifier will apply to |
nCasterLevel | the caster level override to apply |
bPersist | whether the override should be persisted to the .bic file if applicable |
Definition at line 1719 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
int NWNX_Creature_GetCasterLevelOverride | ( | object | oCreature, |
int | nClass | ||
) |
Gets the current caster level override for oCreature.
oCreature | the target creature |
nClass | the creature caster class |
Definition at line 1728 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_JumpToLimbo | ( | object | oCreature | ) |
Move a creature to limbo.
oCreature | The creature object. |
Definition at line 1736 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_SetCriticalMultiplierModifier | ( | object | oCreature, |
int | nModifier, | ||
int | nHand = 0 , |
int | bPersist = FALSE , |
int | nBaseItem = -1 |
) |
Sets the critical hit multiplier modifier for the Creature.
oCreature | The target creature |
nModifier | The modifier to apply |
nHand | 0 for all attacks, 1 for Mainhand, 2 for Offhand |
bPersist | Whether the modifier should persist to .bic file if applicable |
nBaseItem | Applies the.modifier only when the attack used this baseitem. BASE_ITEM_GLOVES for Unarmed, '-1' for all |
Definition at line 1742 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
int NWNX_Creature_GetCriticalMultiplierModifier | ( | object | oCreature, |
int | nHand = 0 , |
int | nBaseItem = -1 |
) |
Gets the critical hit multiplier modifier for the Creature.
oCreature | The target creature |
nHand | 0 for all attacks, 1 for Mainhand, 2 for Offhand |
nBaseItem | The baseitem modifer to retrieve. BASE_ITEM_GLOVES for Unarmed, '-1' for all |
Definition at line 1752 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_SetCriticalMultiplierOverride | ( | object | oCreature, |
int | nOverride, | ||
int | nHand = 0 , |
int | bPersist = FALSE , |
int | nBaseItem = -1 |
) |
Sets the critical hit multiplier override for the Creature.
oCreature | The target creature |
nOverride | The override value to apply. -1 to clear override. |
nHand | 0 for all attacks, 1 for Mainhand, 2 for Offhand |
bPersist | Whether the modifier should persist to .bic file if applicable |
nBaseItem | Applies the.Override only when the attack used this baseitem. BASE_ITEM_GLOVES for Unarmed, '-1' for all |
Definition at line 1761 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
int NWNX_Creature_GetCriticalMultiplierOverride | ( | object | oCreature, |
int | nHand = 0 , |
int | nBaseItem = -1 |
) |
Gets the critical hit multiplier override for the Creature.
oCreature | The target creature |
nHand | 0 for all attacks, 1 for Mainhand, 2 for Offhand |
nBaseItem | The baseitem Override to retrieve. BASE_ITEM_GLOVES for Unarmed, '-1' for all |
Definition at line 1771 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_SetCriticalRangeModifier | ( | object | oCreature, |
int | nModifier, | ||
int | nHand = 0 , |
int | bPersist = FALSE , |
int | nBaseItem = -1 |
) |
Sets the critical hit range modifier for the creature.
oCreature | The target creature |
nModifier | The modifier to apply. Positive modifiers reduce critical chance. (I.e. From 18-20, a +1 results in crit range of 19-20) |
nHand | 0 for all attacks, 1 for Mainhand, 2 for Offhand |
bPersist | Whether the modifier should persist to .bic file if applicable |
nBaseItem | Applies the.modifier only when the attack used this baseitem. BASE_ITEM_GLOVES for Unarmed, '-1' for all |
Definition at line 1780 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
int NWNX_Creature_GetCriticalRangeModifier | ( | object | oCreature, |
int | nHand = 0 , |
int | nBaseItem = -1 |
) |
Gets the critical hit range modifier for the creature.
oCreature | The target creature |
nHand | 0 for all attacks, 1 for Mainhand, 2 for Offhand |
nBaseItem | The baseitem modifer to retrieve. BASE_ITEM_GLOVES for Unarmed, '-1' for all |
Definition at line 1790 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_SetCriticalRangeOverride | ( | object | oCreature, |
int | nOverride, | ||
int | nHand = 0 , |
int | bPersist = FALSE , |
int | nBaseItem = -1 |
) |
Sets the critical hit range Override for the creature.
oCreature | The target creature |
nOverride | The new minimum roll to crit. i.e nOverride of 15 results in crit range of 15-20. -1 to clear override. |
nHand | 0 for all attacks, 1 for Mainhand, 2 for Offhand |
bPersist | Whether the modifier should persist to .bic file if applicable |
nBaseItem | Applies the.Override only when the attack used this baseitem. BASE_ITEM_GLOVES for Unarmed, '-1' for all |
Definition at line 1800 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
int NWNX_Creature_GetCriticalRangeOverride | ( | object | oCreature, |
int | nHand = 0 , |
int | nBaseItem = -1 |
) |
Sets the critical hit range Override for the creature.
oCreature | The target creature |
nHand | 0 for all attacks, 1 for Mainhand, 2 for Offhand |
nBaseItem | The baseitem Override to retrieve. BASE_ITEM_GLOVES for Unarmed, '-1' for all |
Definition at line 1810 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_AddAssociate | ( | object | oCreature, |
object | oAssociate, | ||
int | nAssociateType | ||
) |
Add oAssociate as nAssociateType to oCreature.
oCreature | The creature to add oAssociate to |
oAssociate | The associate, must be a NPC |
nAssociateType | The associate type, one of ASSOCIATE_TYPE_*, except _NONE |
Definition at line 1820 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_OverrideDamageLevel | ( | object | oCreature, |
int | nDamageLevel | ||
) |
Override the damage level of oCreature.
oCreature | The target creature. |
nDamageLevel | A damage level, see damagelevels.2da. Allowed values: 0-255 or -1 to remove the override. |
Definition at line 1829 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_SetEncounter | ( | object | oCreature, |
object | oEncounter | ||
) |
Set the encounter source of oCreature.
oCreature | The target creature. |
oEncounter | The source encounter |
Definition at line 1836 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
object NWNX_Creature_GetEncounter | ( | object | oCreature | ) |
Get the encounter source of oCreature.
oCreature | The target creature. |
Definition at line 1843 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
int NWNX_Creature_GetIsBartering | ( | object | oCreature | ) |
Get if oCreature is currently bartering.
oCreature | The target creature. |
Definition at line 1850 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_SetLastItemCasterLevel | ( | object | oCreature, |
int | nCasterLvl | ||
) |
Sets caster level for the last item used. Use in a spellhook or spell event before to set caster level for any spells cast from the item.
oCreature | the creature who used the item. |
nCasterLvl | the desired caster level. |
Definition at line 1857 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
int NWNX_Creature_GetLastItemCasterLevel | ( | object | oCreature | ) |
Gets the caster level of the last item used.
oCreature | the creature who used the item. |
Definition at line 1865 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
int NWNX_Creature_GetArmorClassVersus | ( | object | oAttacked, |
object | oVersus, | ||
int | nTouch = FALSE |
) |
Gets the Armor classed of attacked against versus.
oAttacked | The one being attacked |
oVersus | The one doing the attacking |
nTouch | TRUE for touch attacks |
Definition at line 1872 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
int NWNX_Creature_GetWalkAnimation | ( | object | oCreature | ) |
Gets the current walk animation of oCreature.
oCreature | The target creature. |
Definition at line 1881 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_SetWalkAnimation | ( | object | oCreature, |
int | nAnimation | ||
) |
Sets the current walk animation of oCreature.
oCreature | The target creature. |
nAnimation | The walk animation number. |
Definition at line 1888 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_SetAttackRollOverride | ( | object | oCreature, |
int | nRoll, | ||
int | nModifier | ||
) |
Changes the attack modifier depending on the dice roll. Used to skip autofail on 1 and autosucceed on 20 as well.
oCreature | The attacking creature, use OBJECT_INVALID for all. |
nRoll | The dice roll to modify. |
nModifier | The modifier to the attack, use 0 to turn off autofail for 1/autosucceed for 20 with no attack modifier value. |
Definition at line 1895 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_SetParryAllAttacks | ( | object | oCreature, |
int | bParry | ||
) |
Works like the tweak but can be turned on and off for all creatures or single ones.
oCreature | The parrying creature, use OBJECT_INVALID for all. |
bParry | TRUE to parry all attacks. |
Definition at line 1903 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
int NWNX_Creature_GetNoPermanentDeath | ( | object | oCreature | ) |
Gets the NoPermanentDeath flag of oCreature.
oCreature | The target creature. |
Definition at line 1910 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_SetNoPermanentDeath | ( | object | oCreature, |
int | bNoPermanentDeath | ||
) |
Sets the NoPermanentDeath flag of oCreature.
oCreature | The target creature. |
bNoPermanentDeath | TRUE/FALSE. |
Definition at line 1917 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
vector NWNX_Creature_ComputeSafeLocation | ( | object | oCreature, |
vector | vPosition, | ||
float | fRadius = 20.0f , |
int | bWalkStraightLineRequired = TRUE |
) |
Compute a safe location for oCreature.
oCreature | The target creature. |
vPosition | The starting position. |
fRadius | The search radius around vPosition. |
bWalkStraightLineRequired | Whether the creature must be able to walk in a straight line to the position. |
Definition at line 1924 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_DoPerceptionUpdateOnCreature | ( | object | oCreature, |
object | oTargetCreature | ||
) |
Update oCreature's perception of oTargetCreature.
oCreature | The creature. |
oTargetCreature | The target creature. |
Definition at line 1934 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
float NWNX_Creature_GetPersonalSpace | ( | object | oCreature | ) |
Get a creatures personal space (meters from center to non-creature objects).
oCreature | The creature. |
Definition at line 1941 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_SetPersonalSpace | ( | object | oCreature, |
float | fPerspace | ||
) |
Set a creatures personal space (meters from center to non-creature objects).
oCreature | The creature. |
fPerspace | The creatures personal space. |
Definition at line 1948 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
float NWNX_Creature_GetCreaturePersonalSpace | ( | object | oCreature | ) |
Get a creatures creature personal space (meters from center to other creatures).
oCreature | The creature. |
Definition at line 1955 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_SetCreaturePersonalSpace | ( | object | oCreature, |
float | fCrePerspace | ||
) |
Set a creatures creature personal space (meters from center to other creatures).
oCreature | The creature. |
fCrePerspace | The creatures creature personal space. |
Definition at line 1962 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
float NWNX_Creature_GetHeight | ( | object | oCreature | ) |
Get a creatures height.
oCreature | The creature. |
Definition at line 1969 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_SetHeight | ( | object | oCreature, |
float | fHeight | ||
) |
Set a creatures height.
oCreature | The creature. |
fHeight | The creatures height. |
Definition at line 1976 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
float NWNX_Creature_GetHitDistance | ( | object | oCreature | ) |
Get a creatures hit distance.
oCreature | The creature. |
Definition at line 1983 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_SetHitDistance | ( | object | oCreature, |
float | fHitDist | ||
) |
Set a creatures hit distance.
oCreature | The creature. |
fHitDist | The creatures hit distance. |
Definition at line 1990 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
float NWNX_Creature_GetPreferredAttackDistance | ( | object | oCreature | ) |
Get a creatures preferred attack distance.
oCreature | The creature. |
Definition at line 1997 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_SetPreferredAttackDistance | ( | object | oCreature, |
float | fPrefAtckDist | ||
) |
Set a creatures preferred attack distance.
oCreature | The creature. |
fPrefAtckDist | The creatures preferred attack distance. |
Definition at line 2004 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
int NWNX_Creature_GetArmorCheckPenalty | ( | object | oCreature | ) |
Get the skill penalty from wearing armor.
oCreature | The creature. |
Definition at line 2011 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
int NWNX_Creature_GetShieldCheckPenalty | ( | object | oCreature | ) |
Get the skill penalty from wearing a shield.
oCreature | The creature. |
Definition at line 2018 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_SetBypassEffectImmunity | ( | object | oCreature, |
int | nImmunityType, | ||
int | nChance = 100 , |
int | bPersist = FALSE |
) |
Sets a chance for normal Effect Immunities to be bypassed.
oCreature | The affected creature |
nImmunityType | 'IMMUNITY_TYPE_*' to bypass. By default affects outgoing effects (oCreature -> another creature). Use a negative (-IMMUNITY_TYPE_*) to affect incoming effects instead (another creature -> oCreature) use 255/-255 to bypass ALL Immunities. |
nChance | The chance (of 100%) to bypass the immunity check. A Positive chance results in NOT IMMUNE. A Negative chance results in IMMUNE. |
bPersist | Whether the modifier should persist to .bic file (for PCs) |
Definition at line 2025 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
int NWNX_Creature_GetBypassEffectImmunity | ( | object | oCreature, |
int | nImmunityType | ||
) |
Gets a chance for normal Effect Immunities to be bypassed.
oCreature | The target creature |
nImmunityType | 'IMMUNITY_TYPE_*' to retrieve the current chance for bypass: Positive gets outgoing effects (oCreature -> another creature). Negative (-IMMUNITY_TYPE_*) gets incoming effects (another creature -> oCreature). |
Definition at line 2034 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_SetLastKiller | ( | object | oCreature, |
object | oKiller | ||
) |
Sets the killer of oCreature to oKiller.
oCreature | The target creature. |
oKiller | The killer. |
Definition at line 2042 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_DoItemCastSpell | ( | object | oCreature, |
object | oTarget, | ||
location | locTarget, | ||
int | nSpellID, | ||
int | nCasterLevel, | ||
float | fProjectileTime, | ||
int | nProjectilePathType = PROJECTILE_PATH_TYPE_DEFAULT , |
int | nProjectileSpellID = -1 , |
object | oItem = OBJECT_INVALID , |
string | sImpactScript = "" |
) |
Instantly cast a spell at a target or location.
oCreature | The caster. |
oTarget | The target, use OBJECT_INVALID to cast at a location. |
locTarget | The location, only used when oTarget is OBJECT_INVALID. |
nSpellID | The spell ID. |
nCasterLevel | The caster level of the spell. |
fProjectileTime | The time in seconds for the projectile to reach the target. 0.0f for no projectile. |
nProjectilePathType | A PROJECTILE_PATH_TYPE_* constant. |
nProjectileSpellID | An optional spell ID which to use the projectile vfx of. -1 to use nSpellID's projectile vfx. |
oItem | The spell cast item retrieved by GetSpellCastItem(). |
sImpactScript | The spell impact script. Set to "****"" to not run any impact script. If left blank, will execute nSpellID's impact script. |
Definition at line 2049 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
int NWNX_Creature_RunEquip | ( | object | oCreature, |
object | oItem, | ||
int | nInventorySlot | ||
) |
Have oCreature instantly equip oItem to nInventorySlot.
oCreature | The creature. |
oItem | The item, must be possessed by oCreature. |
nInventorySlot | An INVENTORY_SLOT_* constant. |
Definition at line 2064 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
int NWNX_Creature_RunUnequip | ( | object | oCreature, |
object | oItem | ||
) |
Have oCreature instantly unequip oItem.
oCreature | The creature. |
oItem | The item, must be possessed by oCreature. |
Definition at line 2073 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_OverrideRangedProjectileVFX | ( | object | oCreature, |
int | nProjectileVFX, | ||
int | bPersist = FALSE |
) |
Override the elemental projectile visual effect of ranged/throwing weapons.
oCreature | The creature. |
nProjectileVFX | A NWNX_CREATURE_PROJECTILE_VFX_* constant or -1 to remove the override. |
bPersist | Whether the vfx should persist to the .bic file (for PCs). |
Definition at line 2081 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_SetInitiativeModifier | ( | object | oCreature, |
int | nMod, | ||
int | bPersist = FALSE |
) |
Sets a custom Initiative modifier.
oCreature | The affected creature |
nMod | The amount to adjust their initiative (+/-). |
bPersist | Whether the modifier should persist to .bic file (for PCs) |
Definition at line 2089 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
int NWNX_Creature_GetInitiativeModifier | ( | object | oCreature | ) |
Gets the custom Initiative modifier.
oCreature | The target creature |
Definition at line 2097 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
object NWNX_Creature_GetBodyBag | ( | object | oCreature | ) |
Gets the Body Bag of a creature.
oCreature | The target creature |
Definition at line 2104 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
int NWNX_Creature_AddCastSpellActions | ( | object | oCreature, |
object | oTarget, | ||
vector | vTargetLocation, | ||
int | nSpellID, | ||
int | nMultiClass, | ||
int | nMetaMagic = METAMAGIC_NONE , |
int | nDomainLevel = 0 , |
int | nProjectilePathType = PROJECTILE_PATH_TYPE_DEFAULT , |
int | bInstant = FALSE , |
int | bClearActions = FALSE , |
int | bAddToFront = FALSE |
) |
Add a cast spell action to oCreature's action queue.
oCreature | The creature casting the spell. |
oTarget | The target, to cast at a location use the area as target. |
vTargetLocation | The target location. |
nSpellID | The spell ID. |
nMultiClass | The character class position to cast the spell as. 0 = First Class, 1 = Second Class, 3 = Third Class. To cast a cheat spell use 255 and to cast a special ability use 254. |
nMetaMagic | A METAMAGIC_* constant, except METAMAGIC_ANY. |
nDomainLevel | The domain level if casting a domain spell. |
nProjectilePathType | A PROJECTILE_PATH_TYPE_* constant. |
bInstant | TRUE to instantly cast the spell. |
bClearActions | TRUE to clear all actions. |
bAddToFront | TRUE to add the cast spell action to the front of the action queue. |
Definition at line 2111 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
int NWNX_Creature_GetIsFlanking | ( | object | oCreature, |
object | oTargetCreature | ||
) |
Get whether oCreature is flanking oTargetCreature.
oCreature | The creature object. |
oTargetCreature | The target creature object. |
Definition at line 2128 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_DecrementRemainingSpellSlots | ( | object | oCreature, |
int | nClass, | ||
int | nSpellLevel | ||
) |
Decrements the remaining spell slots (innate casting) at a class level.
oCreature | The creature object. |
nClass | The class id from classes.2da. (Not class index 0-2) |
nSpellLevel | The spell level. |
Definition at line 2136 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_IncrementRemainingSpellSlots | ( | object | oCreature, |
int | nClass, | ||
int | nSpellLevel | ||
) |
Increments the remaining spell slots (innate casting) at a class level.
oCreature | The creature object. |
nClass | The class id from classes.2da. (Not class index 0-2) |
nSpellLevel | The spell level. |
Definition at line 2144 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
int NWNX_Creature_GetMaximumBonusAttacks | ( | object | oCreature | ) |
Gets the maximum number of bonus attacks a creature can have from EffectModifyAttacks().
oCreature | The creature. |
Definition at line 2152 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_SetMaximumBonusAttacks | ( | object | oCreature, |
int | nMaxBonusAttacks, | ||
int | bPersist = FALSE |
) |
Sets the maximum number of bonus attacks a creature can have from EffectModifyAttacks().
oCreature | The creature. |
nMaxBonusAttacks | The maximum number of bonus attacks. Values < 0 will set the limit back to the default of 5. |
bPersist | Whether the modifier should persist to .bic file (for PCs). |
Definition at line 2159 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_DoCleaveAttack | ( | object | oCreature | ) |
Inserts a cleave or great cleave attack into oCreature's current attack round against the nearest enemy within melee reach.
oCreature | The creature object. |
Definition at line 2167 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
object NWNX_Creature_GetLockOrientationToObject | ( | object | oCreature | ) |
Gets the current object oCreature's orientation is locked to.
oCreature | The creature object. |
Definition at line 2173 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_SetLockOrientationToObject | ( | object | oCreature, |
object | oTarget | ||
) |
Locks oCreature's orientation to always face oTarget.
oCreature | The creature object. |
oTarget | The target to lock oCreature's orientation to. Use OBJECT_INVALID to remove the orientation lock. |
Definition at line 2180 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_BroadcastAttackOfOpportunity | ( | object | oCreature, |
object | oSingleCreature = OBJECT_INVALID , |
int | bMovement = FALSE |
) |
Causes oCreature to broadcast an Attack of Opportunity against themself.
oCreature | The creature object. |
oSingleCreature | A single creature to broadcast the Attack of Opporunity to. Use OBJECT_INVALID to broadcast to all nearby enemies. |
bMovement | Whether the Attack of Opportunity was caused by movement. |
Definition at line 2187 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
int NWNX_Creature_GetMaxSellToStorePriceOverride | ( | object | oCreature, |
object | oStore | ||
) |
Returns the maximum price oStore will buy items from oCreature for.
oCreature | The creature object. |
oStore | The store object. |
Definition at line 2195 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_SetMaxSellToStorePriceOverride | ( | object | oCreature, |
object | oStore, | ||
int | nMaxSellToPrice | ||
) |
Overrides the maximum price oStore will buy items from oCreature for.
oCreature | The creature object. |
oStore | The store object. |
nMaxSellToPrice | The maximum buy price override. -1 = No maximum buy price, -2 = Remove the override. |
Definition at line 2204 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
int NWNX_Creature_GetAbilityIncreaseByLevel | ( | object | oCreature, |
int | nLevel | ||
) |
Returns the creature's ability increase for nLevel.
oCreature | The creature object. |
nLevel | The level. |
Definition at line 2212 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_SetAbilityIncreaseByLevel | ( | object | oCreature, |
int | nLevel, | ||
int | nAbility | ||
) |
Sets the creature's ability increase for nLevel.
oCreature | The creature object. |
nLevel | The level. |
Definition at line 2220 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
float NWNX_Creature_GetMaxAttackRange | ( | object | oCreature, |
object | oTarget | ||
) |
Returns the creature's maximum attack range to a target.
oCreature | The creature object. |
oTarget | The target to get the maximum attack range to |
Definition at line 2228 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
int NWNX_Creature_GetMulticlassLimit | ( | object | oCreature | ) |
Returns the creature's multiclass limit.
oCreature | The creature object. Has to be a player character. |
Definition at line 2236 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
void NWNX_Creature_SetMulticlassLimit | ( | object | oCreature, |
int | nLimit, | ||
int | bPersist = FALSE |
) |
Sets the creature's multiclass limit.
oCreature | The creature object. Has to be a player character. |
nLimit | The multiclass limit. |
bPersist | Whether the limit should persist to the .bic file. |
Definition at line 2244 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
Definition at line 13 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
Definition at line 14 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
Definition at line 15 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
Definition at line 16 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
Definition at line 17 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
Definition at line 18 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
Definition at line 19 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
Definition at line 20 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
Definition at line 21 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
Definition at line 29 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
Definition at line 30 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
Definition at line 31 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
Definition at line 32 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
Definition at line 33 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
Definition at line 41 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
Definition at line 42 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
Definition at line 43 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
Definition at line 44 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
Definition at line 45 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
Definition at line 46 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
Definition at line 54 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
Definition at line 55 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
Definition at line 56 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
Definition at line 57 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
Definition at line 58 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
Definition at line 59 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
Random Elemental VFX.
Definition at line 60 of file nwnx_creature.nss.
Definition at line 63 of file nwnx_creature.nss.