NWNX:EE  8193.37.14
nwnx_creature.nss File Reference

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struct  NWNX_Creature_SpecialAbility
 A creature special ability. More...


void NWNX_Creature_AddFeat (object creature, int feat)
 Gives the creature a feat. More...
void NWNX_Creature_AddFeatByLevel (object creature, int feat, int level)
 Gives the creature a feat assigned at a level. More...
void NWNX_Creature_RemoveFeat (object creature, int feat)
 Removes a feat from a creature. More...
void NWNX_Creature_RemoveFeatByLevel (object creature, int feat, int level)
 Removes the creature a feat assigned at a level. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetKnowsFeat (object creature, int feat)
 Determines if the creature knows a feat. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetFeatCountByLevel (object creature, int level)
 Returns the count of feats learned at the provided level. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetFeatByLevel (object creature, int level, int index)
 Returns the feat learned at the level and index. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetFeatGrantLevel (object creature, int feat)
 Returns the creature level where the specified feat was learned. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetFeatCount (object creature)
 Get the total number of feats known by creature. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetFeatByIndex (object creature, int index)
 Returns the creature's feat at a given index. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetMeetsFeatRequirements (object creature, int feat)
 Gets if creature meets feat requirements. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetSpecialAbilityCount (object creature)
 Gets the count of special abilities of the creature. More...
struct NWNX_Creature_SpecialAbility NWNX_Creature_GetSpecialAbility (object creature, int index)
 Returns the creature's special ability at a given index. More...
void NWNX_Creature_AddSpecialAbility (object creature, struct NWNX_Creature_SpecialAbility ability)
 Adds a special ability to a creature. More...
void NWNX_Creature_RemoveSpecialAbility (object creature, int index)
 Removes a special ability from a creature. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetSpecialAbility (object creature, int index, struct NWNX_Creature_SpecialAbility ability)
 Sets a special ability at the index for the creature. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetClassByLevel (object creature, int level)
 Get the class taken by the creature at the provided level. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetBaseAC (object creature, int ac)
 Sets the base AC for the creature. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetBaseAC (object creature)
 Get the base AC for the creature. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetRawAbilityScore (object creature, int ability, int value)
 Sets the ability score of the creature to the provided value. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetRawAbilityScore (object creature, int ability)
 Gets the ability score of the creature. More...
void NWNX_Creature_ModifyRawAbilityScore (object creature, int ability, int modifier)
 Adjusts the ability score of a creature. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetPrePolymorphAbilityScore (object creature, int ability)
 Gets the raw ability score a polymorphed creature had prior to polymorphing. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetRemainingSpellSlots (object creature, int class, int level)
 Gets the remaining spell slots (innate casting) at a class level's index. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetRemainingSpellSlots (object creature, int class, int level, int slots)
 Sets the remaining spell slots (innate casting) at a class level. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetMaxSpellSlots (object creature, int class, int level)
 Gets the maximum spell slots (innate casting) at a class level. More...
void NWNX_Creature_AddKnownSpell (object creature, int class, int level, int spellId)
 Add a spell to a creature's spellbook for class. More...
void NWNX_Creature_RemoveKnownSpell (object creature, int class, int level, int spellId)
 Remove a spell from creature's spellbook for class. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetMaxHitPointsByLevel (object creature, int level)
 Gets the maximum hit points for creature for level. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetMaxHitPointsByLevel (object creature, int level, int value)
 Sets the maximum hit points for creature. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetMovementRate (object creature, int rate)
 Set creature's movement rate. More...
float NWNX_Creature_GetMovementRateFactor (object creature)
 Returns the creature's current movement rate factor. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetMovementRateFactor (object creature, float rate)
 Sets the creature's current movement rate factor. More...
float NWNX_Creature_GetMovementRateFactorCap (object creature)
 Returns the creature's maximum movement rate cap. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetMovementRateFactorCap (object creature, float cap)
 Sets the creature's maximum movement rate cap. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetMovementType (object creature)
 Returns the creature's current movement type. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetWalkRateCap (object creature, float fWalkRate=2000.0f)
 Sets the maximum movement rate a creature can have while walking (not running) More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetAlignmentGoodEvil (object creature, int value)
 Set creature's raw good/evil alignment value. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetAlignmentLawChaos (object creature, int value)
 Set creature's raw law/chaos alignment value. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetSkillRank (object creature, int skill, int rank)
 Set the base ranks in a skill for creature. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetSkillRankByLevel (object creature, int skill, int level)
 Get the ranks in a skill for creature assigned at a level. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetSkillRankByLevel (object creature, int skill, int rank, int level)
 Set the ranks in a skill for creature assigned at a level. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetClassByPosition (object creature, int position, int classID, int bUpdateLevels=TRUE)
 Set the class ID in a particular position for a creature. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetLevelByPosition (object creature, int position, int level)
 Set the level at the given position for a creature. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetBaseAttackBonus (object creature, int bab)
 Set creature's base attack bonus (BAB). More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetAttacksPerRound (object creature, int bBaseAPR=FALSE)
 Gets the creatures current attacks per round (using equipped weapon). More...
void NWNX_Creature_RestoreFeats (object creature)
 Restore all creature feat uses. More...
void NWNX_Creature_RestoreSpecialAbilities (object creature)
 Restore all creature special ability uses. More...
void NWNX_Creature_RestoreItems (object creature)
 Restore uses for all items carried by the creature. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetSize (object creature, int size)
 Sets the creature size. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetSkillPointsRemaining (object creature)
 Gets the creature's remaining unspent skill points. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetSkillPointsRemaining (object creature, int skillpoints)
 Sets the creature's remaining unspent skill points. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetSkillPointsRemainingByLevel (object creature, int level)
 Gets the creature's remaining unspent skill points for level. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetSkillPointsRemainingByLevel (object creature, int level, int value)
 Sets the creature's remaining unspent skill points for level. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetRacialType (object creature, int racialtype)
 Sets the creature's racial type. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetGold (object creature, int gold)
 Sets the creature's gold without sending a feedback message. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetCorpseDecayTime (object creature, int nDecayTime)
 Sets corpse decay time in milliseconds. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetBaseSavingThrow (object creature, int which)
 Gets the creature's base save. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetBaseSavingThrow (object creature, int which, int value)
 Sets the creature's base save. More...
void NWNX_Creature_LevelUp (object creature, int class, int count=1, int package=PACKAGE_INVALID)
 Add levels of class to the creature, bypassing all validation. More...
void NWNX_Creature_LevelDown (object creature, int count=1)
 Remove last levels from a creature. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetChallengeRating (object creature, float fCR)
 Sets the creature's challenge rating. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetAttackBonus (object creature, int isMelee=-1, int isTouchAttack=FALSE, int isOffhand=FALSE, int includeBaseAttackBonus=TRUE)
 Returns the creature's highest attack bonus based on its own stats. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetHighestLevelOfFeat (object creature, int feat)
 Get highest level version of feat possessed by creature. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetFeatRemainingUses (object creature, int feat)
 Get feat remaining uses. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetFeatTotalUses (object creature, int feat)
 Get feat total uses. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetFeatRemainingUses (object creature, int feat, int uses)
 Set feat remaining uses. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetTotalEffectBonus (object creature, int bonusType=NWNX_CREATURE_BONUS_TYPE_ATTACK, object target=OBJECT_INVALID, int isElemental=0, int isForceMax=0, int savetype=-1, int saveSpecificType=-1, int skill=-1, int abilityScore=-1, int isOffhand=FALSE)
 Get total effect bonus. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetOriginalName (object creature, string name, int isLastName)
 Set the original first or last name of creature. More...
string NWNX_Creature_GetOriginalName (object creature, int isLastName)
 Get the original first or last name of creature. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetSpellResistance (object creature, int sr)
 Set creature's spell resistance. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetAnimalCompanionCreatureType (object creature, int type)
 Set creature's animal companion creature type. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetFamiliarCreatureType (object creature, int type)
 Set creature's familiar creature type. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetAnimalCompanionName (object creature, string name)
 Set creature's animal companion's name. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetFamiliarName (object creature, string name)
 Set creature's familiar's name. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetDisarmable (object creature)
 Get whether the creature can be disarmed. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetDisarmable (object creature, int disarmable)
 Set whether a creature can be disarmed. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetDomain (object creature, int class, int index, int domain)
 Sets one of creature's domains. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetSpecialization (object creature, int class, int school)
 Sets creature's specialist school. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetFaction (object oCreature, int nFactionId)
 Sets oCreatures faction to be the faction with id nFactionId. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetFaction (object oCreature)
 Gets the faction id from oCreature. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetFlatFooted (object oCreature)
 Get whether a creature is flat-footed. More...
string NWNX_Creature_SerializeQuickbar (object oCreature)
 Serialize oCreature's quickbar to a base64 string. More...
int NWNX_Creature_DeserializeQuickbar (object oCreature, string sSerializedQuickbar)
 Deserialize sSerializedQuickbar for oCreature. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetCasterLevelModifier (object oCreature, int nClass, int nModifier, int bPersist=FALSE)
 Sets a caster level modifier for oCreature. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetCasterLevelModifier (object oCreature, int nClass)
 Gets the current caster level modifier for oCreature. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetCasterLevelOverride (object oCreature, int nClass, int nCasterLevel, int bPersist=FALSE)
 Sets a caster level override for oCreature. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetCasterLevelOverride (object oCreature, int nClass)
 Gets the current caster level override for oCreature. More...
void NWNX_Creature_JumpToLimbo (object oCreature)
 Move a creature to limbo. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetCriticalMultiplierModifier (object oCreature, int nModifier, int nHand=0, int bPersist=FALSE, int nBaseItem=-1)
 Sets the critical hit multiplier modifier for the Creature. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetCriticalMultiplierModifier (object oCreature, int nHand=0, int nBaseItem=-1)
 Gets the critical hit multiplier modifier for the Creature. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetCriticalMultiplierOverride (object oCreature, int nOverride, int nHand=0, int bPersist=FALSE, int nBaseItem=-1)
 Sets the critical hit multiplier override for the Creature. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetCriticalMultiplierOverride (object oCreature, int nHand=0, int nBaseItem=-1)
 Gets the critical hit multiplier override for the Creature. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetCriticalRangeModifier (object oCreature, int nModifier, int nHand=0, int bPersist=FALSE, int nBaseItem=-1)
 Sets the critical hit range modifier for the creature. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetCriticalRangeModifier (object oCreature, int nHand=0, int nBaseItem=-1)
 Gets the critical hit range modifier for the creature. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetCriticalRangeOverride (object oCreature, int nOverride, int nHand=0, int bPersist=FALSE, int nBaseItem=-1)
 Sets the critical hit range Override for the creature. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetCriticalRangeOverride (object oCreature, int nHand=0, int nBaseItem=-1)
 Sets the critical hit range Override for the creature. More...
void NWNX_Creature_AddAssociate (object oCreature, object oAssociate, int nAssociateType)
 Add oAssociate as nAssociateType to oCreature. More...
void NWNX_Creature_OverrideDamageLevel (object oCreature, int nDamageLevel)
 Override the damage level of oCreature. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetEncounter (object oCreature, object oEncounter)
 Set the encounter source of oCreature. More...
object NWNX_Creature_GetEncounter (object oCreature)
 Get the encounter source of oCreature. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetIsBartering (object oCreature)
 Get if oCreature is currently bartering. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetLastItemCasterLevel (object oCreature, int nCasterLvl)
 Sets caster level for the last item used. Use in a spellhook or spell event before to set caster level for any spells cast from the item. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetLastItemCasterLevel (object oCreature)
 Gets the caster level of the last item used. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetArmorClassVersus (object oAttacked, object oVersus, int nTouch=FALSE)
 Gets the Armor classed of attacked against versus. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetWalkAnimation (object oCreature)
 Gets the current walk animation of oCreature. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetWalkAnimation (object oCreature, int nAnimation)
 Sets the current walk animation of oCreature. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetAttackRollOverride (object oCreature, int nRoll, int nModifier)
 Changes the attack modifier depending on the dice roll. Used to skip autofail on 1 and autosucceed on 20 as well. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetParryAllAttacks (object oCreature, int bParry)
 Works like the tweak but can be turned on and off for all creatures or single ones. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetNoPermanentDeath (object oCreature)
 Gets the NoPermanentDeath flag of oCreature. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetNoPermanentDeath (object oCreature, int bNoPermanentDeath)
 Sets the NoPermanentDeath flag of oCreature. More...
vector NWNX_Creature_ComputeSafeLocation (object oCreature, vector vPosition, float fRadius=20.0f, int bWalkStraightLineRequired=TRUE)
 Compute a safe location for oCreature. More...
void NWNX_Creature_DoPerceptionUpdateOnCreature (object oCreature, object oTargetCreature)
 Update oCreature's perception of oTargetCreature. More...
float NWNX_Creature_GetPersonalSpace (object oCreature)
 Get a creatures personal space (meters from center to non-creature objects). More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetPersonalSpace (object oCreature, float fPerspace)
 Set a creatures personal space (meters from center to non-creature objects). More...
float NWNX_Creature_GetCreaturePersonalSpace (object oCreature)
 Get a creatures creature personal space (meters from center to other creatures). More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetCreaturePersonalSpace (object oCreature, float fCrePerspace)
 Set a creatures creature personal space (meters from center to other creatures). More...
float NWNX_Creature_GetHeight (object oCreature)
 Get a creatures height. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetHeight (object oCreature, float fHeight)
 Set a creatures height. More...
float NWNX_Creature_GetHitDistance (object oCreature)
 Get a creatures hit distance. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetHitDistance (object oCreature, float fHitDist)
 Set a creatures hit distance. More...
float NWNX_Creature_GetPreferredAttackDistance (object oCreature)
 Get a creatures preferred attack distance. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetPreferredAttackDistance (object oCreature, float fPrefAtckDist)
 Set a creatures preferred attack distance. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetArmorCheckPenalty (object oCreature)
 Get the skill penalty from wearing armor. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetShieldCheckPenalty (object oCreature)
 Get the skill penalty from wearing a shield. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetBypassEffectImmunity (object oCreature, int nImmunityType, int nChance=100, int bPersist=FALSE)
 Sets a chance for normal Effect Immunities to be bypassed. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetBypassEffectImmunity (object oCreature, int nImmunityType)
 Gets a chance for normal Effect Immunities to be bypassed. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetLastKiller (object oCreature, object oKiller)
 Sets the killer of oCreature to oKiller. More...
void NWNX_Creature_DoItemCastSpell (object oCreature, object oTarget, location locTarget, int nSpellID, int nCasterLevel, float fProjectileTime, int nProjectilePathType=PROJECTILE_PATH_TYPE_DEFAULT, int nProjectileSpellID=-1, object oItem=OBJECT_INVALID, string sImpactScript="")
 Instantly cast a spell at a target or location. More...
int NWNX_Creature_RunEquip (object oCreature, object oItem, int nInventorySlot)
 Have oCreature instantly equip oItem to nInventorySlot. More...
int NWNX_Creature_RunUnequip (object oCreature, object oItem)
 Have oCreature instantly unequip oItem. More...
void NWNX_Creature_OverrideRangedProjectileVFX (object oCreature, int nProjectileVFX, int bPersist=FALSE)
 Override the elemental projectile visual effect of ranged/throwing weapons. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetInitiativeModifier (object oCreature, int nMod, int bPersist=FALSE)
 Sets a custom Initiative modifier. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetInitiativeModifier (object oCreature)
 Gets the custom Initiative modifier. More...
object NWNX_Creature_GetBodyBag (object oCreature)
 Gets the Body Bag of a creature. More...
int NWNX_Creature_AddCastSpellActions (object oCreature, object oTarget, vector vTargetLocation, int nSpellID, int nMultiClass, int nMetaMagic=METAMAGIC_NONE, int nDomainLevel=0, int nProjectilePathType=PROJECTILE_PATH_TYPE_DEFAULT, int bInstant=FALSE, int bClearActions=FALSE, int bAddToFront=FALSE)
 Add a cast spell action to oCreature's action queue. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetIsFlanking (object oCreature, object oTargetCreature)
 Get whether oCreature is flanking oTargetCreature. More...
void NWNX_Creature_DecrementRemainingSpellSlots (object oCreature, int nClass, int nSpellLevel)
 Decrements the remaining spell slots (innate casting) at a class level. More...
void NWNX_Creature_IncrementRemainingSpellSlots (object oCreature, int nClass, int nSpellLevel)
 Increments the remaining spell slots (innate casting) at a class level. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetMaximumBonusAttacks (object oCreature)
 Gets the maximum number of bonus attacks a creature can have from EffectModifyAttacks(). More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetMaximumBonusAttacks (object oCreature, int nMaxBonusAttacks, int bPersist=FALSE)
 Sets the maximum number of bonus attacks a creature can have from EffectModifyAttacks(). More...
void NWNX_Creature_DoCleaveAttack (object oCreature)
 Inserts a cleave or great cleave attack into oCreature's current attack round against the nearest enemy within melee reach. More...
object NWNX_Creature_GetLockOrientationToObject (object oCreature)
 Gets the current object oCreature's orientation is locked to. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetLockOrientationToObject (object oCreature, object oTarget)
 Locks oCreature's orientation to always face oTarget. More...
void NWNX_Creature_BroadcastAttackOfOpportunity (object oCreature, object oSingleCreature=OBJECT_INVALID, int bMovement=FALSE)
 Causes oCreature to broadcast an Attack of Opportunity against themself. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetMaxSellToStorePriceOverride (object oCreature, object oStore)
 Returns the maximum price oStore will buy items from oCreature for. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetMaxSellToStorePriceOverride (object oCreature, object oStore, int nMaxSellToPrice)
 Overrides the maximum price oStore will buy items from oCreature for. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetAbilityIncreaseByLevel (object oCreature, int nLevel)
 Returns the creature's ability increase for nLevel. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetAbilityIncreaseByLevel (object oCreature, int nLevel, int nAbility)
 Sets the creature's ability increase for nLevel. More...
float NWNX_Creature_GetMaxAttackRange (object oCreature, object oTarget)
 Returns the creature's maximum attack range to a target. More...
int NWNX_Creature_GetMulticlassLimit (object oCreature)
 Returns the creature's multiclass limit. More...
void NWNX_Creature_SetMulticlassLimit (object oCreature, int nLimit, int bPersist=FALSE)
 Sets the creature's multiclass limit. More...


Creature Movement Rates

The various types of movement rates.

Creature Movement Types

The various types of movement types.

Bonus Types

Used with NWNX_Creature_GetTotalEffectBonus() these are the types of temporary bonuses from effects.

Ranged Projectile VFX

Used with NWNX_Creature_OverrideRangedProjectileVFX() these are the projectile vfx types.

 No VFX. More...
 Random Elemental VFX. More...