NWNX:EE  8193.37.14


Functions exposing additional weapon properties.

Function Documentation and Examples

Allows modifying which feats count as which for the weapon feats. Can be used to add feats like WEAPON_FOCUS_* to custom weapons. All you have to do is:

  1. Create a custom feat and add it to your hak.
  2. Create the new base item ID for your new weapon or use one that already exists.
  3. On the OnModuleLoad event script of your module define the association between the weapon and the feat using the functions defined in the nwnx_weapon script

For example, if you added the FEAT_WEAPON_FOCUS_KATAR on line 3000 of your feat.2da and you added the new BASE_ITEM_KATAR on line 310 of your baseitems.2da, in the OnModuleLoad script just add (don't forget to include the nwnx_weapon script) :

int BASE_ITEM_KATAR = 310;
void NWNX_Weapon_SetWeaponFocusFeat(int nBaseItem, int nFeat)
Set nFeat as weapon focus feat for a base item.

Available functions

Script function Description
NWNX_Weapon_SetWeaponFocusFeat() Associate a weapon focus feat to a weapon. You may set multiple feats for each weapon and all will function.
NWNX_Weapon_SetWeaponFinesseSize() Define the required creature size for a weapon in order to be finessable
NWNX_Weapon_SetWeaponUnarmed() Set the weapon to be considered unarmed regarding the finesse feat
NWNX_Weapon_SetWeaponImprovedCriticalFeat() Associate a weapon improved critical feat to a weapon You may set multiple feats for each weapon and all will function.
NWNX_Weapon_SetWeaponSpecializationFeat() Associate a weapon specialization feat to a weapon You may set multiple feats for each weapon and all will function.
NWNX_Weapon_SetEpicWeaponFocusFeat() Associate an epic weapon focus feat to a weapon You may set multiple feats for each weapon and all will function.
NWNX_Weapon_SetEpicWeaponSpecializationFeat() Associate an epic weapon specialization feat to a weapon You may set multiple feats for each weapon and all will function.
NWNX_Weapon_SetEpicWeaponOverwhelmingCriticalFeat() Associate an epic weapon overwhelming critical feat to a weapon You may set multiple feats for each weapon and all will function.
NWNX_Weapon_SetEpicWeaponDevastatingCriticalFeat() Associate an epic weapon devastating critical feat to a weapon You may set multiple feats for each weapon and all will function.
NWNX_Weapon_SetWeaponOfChoiceFeat() Associate a weapon of choice feat to a weapon You may set multiple feats for each weapon and all will function.
NWNX_Weapon_SetGreaterWeaponFocusFeat() Associate a greater weapon focus feat (default: +1 attack bonus) to a weapon You may set multiple feats for each weapon and all will function.
NWNX_Weapon_SetGreaterWeaponSpecializationFeat() Associate a greater weapon specialization feat (default: +2 damage bonus) to a weapon You may set multiple feats for each weapon and all will function.
NWNX_Weapon_SetWeaponIsMonkWeapon() Set the weapon to be considered a monk weapon (requires activation of CombatModes plugin for Flurry of Blows)
NWNX_Weapon_SetOption() Set different options of the plugin
NWNX_Weapon_SetDevastatingCriticalEventScript() Set a script to be called when a devastating critical event occurs
NWNX_Weapon_GetDevastatingCriticalEventData() Must be called inside the devastating critical event script. Returns a structure with the data of the devastating critical event (weapon, target and damage)
NWNX_Weapon_BypassDevastatingCritical() Must be called inside the devastating critical event script. If called, no devastating critical will occur.
NWNX_Weapon_SetOneHalfStrength() Gives a melee weapon extra damage equal to one-half strength modifier.
NWNX_Weapon_GetOneHalfStrength() Retrieves if a melee weapon is receiving extra strength

The NWNX_Weapon_SetOption() function can be used to define the attack and damage bonusses of the Greater Weapon Focus Feats and Greater Weapon Specialization Feats respectively.

Example for Critical Event Script

This script just prints some info to the log and then bypasses the devastating critical 50% of the time. You have to set your script with NWNX_Weapon_SetDevastatingCriticalEventScript() (in the OnModuleLoad script for example)

oWeapon in NWNX_Weapon_DevastatingCriticalEvent_Data will be OBJECT_INVALID for Gloves/Unarmed Strike Devastating Critical Events.
#include "nwnx_weapon"
void main()
object oAttacker = OBJECT_SELF;
object oWeapon = data.oWeapon;
object oTarget = data.oTarget;
int nDamage = data.nDamage;
WriteTimestampedLogEntry("Devastating Critical Event: Attaker: " + GetName(oAttacker) +
", Weapon: "+ GetName(oWeapon) +
", Target: "+ GetName(oTarget) +
", Damage: " + IntToString(nDamage));
WriteTimestampedLogEntry("Devastating Critical Bypassed");
void main()
struct NWNX_Weapon_DevastatingCriticalEvent_Data NWNX_Weapon_GetDevastatingCriticalEventData()
Get Devastating Critical Event Data.
void NWNX_Weapon_BypassDevastatingCritical()
Bypass Devastating Critical.
Devastating critical event data.
Definition: nwnx_weapon.nss:25
object oTarget
The target hit with a devastating critical.
Definition: nwnx_weapon.nss:27
object oWeapon
The weapon used to cause the event.
Definition: nwnx_weapon.nss:26
int nDamage
The damage points delivered.
Definition: nwnx_weapon.nss:28
As of NWN:EE Version 8193.6 builders can define the feats associated with weapons in the new baseitems.2da columns. The following new columns can now have the corresponding feat referenced per baseitem row:
  • WeaponFocusFeat
  • EpicWeaponFocusFeat
  • WeaponSpecializationFeat
  • EpicWeaponSpecializationFeat
  • WeaponImprovedCriticalFeat
  • EpicWeaponOverwhelmingCriticalFeat
  • EpicWeaponDevastatingCriticalFeat
  • WeaponOfChoiceFeat


file  nwnx_weapon.nss


struct  NWNX_Weapon_DevastatingCriticalEvent_Data
 Devastating critical event data. More...


void NWNX_Weapon_SetWeaponFocusFeat (int nBaseItem, int nFeat)
 Set nFeat as weapon focus feat for a base item. More...
void NWNX_Weapon_SetWeaponFinesseSize (int nBaseItem, int nSize)
 Set required creature size for a weapon base item to be finessable. More...
int NWNX_Weapon_GetWeaponFinesseSize (int nBaseItem)
 Get required creature size for a weapon base item to be finessable. More...
void NWNX_Weapon_SetWeaponUnarmed (int nBaseItem)
 Set weapon base item to be considered as unarmed for weapon finesse feat. More...
void NWNX_Weapon_SetWeaponImprovedCriticalFeat (int nBaseItem, int nFeat)
 Set a feat as weapon improved critical for a base item. More...
void NWNX_Weapon_SetWeaponSpecializationFeat (int nBaseItem, int nFeat)
 Set a feat as weapon specialization for a base item. More...
void NWNX_Weapon_SetEpicWeaponFocusFeat (int nBaseItem, int nFeat)
 Set a feat as epic weapon focus for a base item. More...
void NWNX_Weapon_SetEpicWeaponSpecializationFeat (int nBaseItem, int nFeat)
 Set a feat as epic weapon specialization for a base item. More...
void NWNX_Weapon_SetEpicWeaponOverwhelmingCriticalFeat (int nBaseItem, int nFeat)
 Set a feat as epic weapon overwhelming critical for a base item. More...
void NWNX_Weapon_SetEpicWeaponDevastatingCriticalFeat (int nBaseItem, int nFeat)
 Set a feat as epic weapon devastating critical for a base item. More...
void NWNX_Weapon_SetWeaponOfChoiceFeat (int nBaseItem, int nFeat)
 Set a feat as weapon of choice for a base item. More...
void NWNX_Weapon_SetGreaterWeaponSpecializationFeat (int nBaseItem, int nFeat)
 Set a feat as greater weapon specialization for a base item. More...
void NWNX_Weapon_SetGreaterWeaponFocusFeat (int nBaseItem, int nFeat)
 Set a feat as greater weapon focus for a base item. More...
void NWNX_Weapon_SetWeaponIsMonkWeapon (int nBaseItem)
 Set base item as monk weapon. More...
void NWNX_Weapon_SetOption (int nOption, int nVal)
 Set plugin options. More...
void NWNX_Weapon_SetDevastatingCriticalEventScript (string sScript)
 Set Devastating Critical Event Script. More...
struct NWNX_Weapon_DevastatingCriticalEvent_Data NWNX_Weapon_GetDevastatingCriticalEventData ()
 Get Devastating Critical Event Data. More...
void NWNX_Weapon_BypassDevastatingCritical ()
 Bypass Devastating Critical. More...
void NWNX_Weapon_SetOneHalfStrength (object oWeapon, int nEnable, int bPersist=FALSE)
 Sets weapon to gain .5 strength bonus. More...
int NWNX_Weapon_GetOneHalfStrength (object oWeapon)
 Gets if the weapon is set to gain addition .5 strength bonus. More...
void NWNX_Weapon_SetMaxRangedAttackDistanceOverride (int nBaseItem, float fMax, float fMaxPassive, float fPreferred)
 Override the max attack distance of ranged weapons. More...


 Get Devastating Critical Data. More...
 Set Devastating Critical Bypass. More...

Function Documentation

◆ NWNX_Weapon_SetWeaponFocusFeat()

void NWNX_Weapon_SetWeaponFocusFeat ( int  nBaseItem,
int  nFeat 

Set nFeat as weapon focus feat for a base item.

nBaseItemThe base item id.
nFeatThe feat to set.

Definition at line 138 of file nwnx_weapon.nss.

◆ NWNX_Weapon_SetWeaponFinesseSize()

void NWNX_Weapon_SetWeaponFinesseSize ( int  nBaseItem,
int  nSize 

Set required creature size for a weapon base item to be finessable.

nBaseItemThe base item id.
nSizeThe creature size minimum to consider this weapon finessable.

Definition at line 159 of file nwnx_weapon.nss.

◆ NWNX_Weapon_GetWeaponFinesseSize()

int NWNX_Weapon_GetWeaponFinesseSize ( int  nBaseItem)

Get required creature size for a weapon base item to be finessable.

nBaseItemThe base item id.

Definition at line 166 of file nwnx_weapon.nss.

◆ NWNX_Weapon_SetWeaponUnarmed()

void NWNX_Weapon_SetWeaponUnarmed ( int  nBaseItem)

Set weapon base item to be considered as unarmed for weapon finesse feat.

nBaseItemThe base item id.

Definition at line 173 of file nwnx_weapon.nss.

◆ NWNX_Weapon_SetWeaponImprovedCriticalFeat()

void NWNX_Weapon_SetWeaponImprovedCriticalFeat ( int  nBaseItem,
int  nFeat 

Set a feat as weapon improved critical for a base item.

nBaseItemThe base item id.
nFeatThe feat to set.

Definition at line 186 of file nwnx_weapon.nss.

◆ NWNX_Weapon_SetWeaponSpecializationFeat()

void NWNX_Weapon_SetWeaponSpecializationFeat ( int  nBaseItem,
int  nFeat 

Set a feat as weapon specialization for a base item.

nBaseItemThe base item id.
nFeatThe feat to set.

Definition at line 193 of file nwnx_weapon.nss.

◆ NWNX_Weapon_SetEpicWeaponFocusFeat()

void NWNX_Weapon_SetEpicWeaponFocusFeat ( int  nBaseItem,
int  nFeat 

Set a feat as epic weapon focus for a base item.

nBaseItemThe base item id.
nFeatThe feat to set.

Definition at line 145 of file nwnx_weapon.nss.

◆ NWNX_Weapon_SetEpicWeaponSpecializationFeat()

void NWNX_Weapon_SetEpicWeaponSpecializationFeat ( int  nBaseItem,
int  nFeat 

Set a feat as epic weapon specialization for a base item.

nBaseItemThe base item id.
nFeatThe feat to set.

Definition at line 207 of file nwnx_weapon.nss.

◆ NWNX_Weapon_SetEpicWeaponOverwhelmingCriticalFeat()

void NWNX_Weapon_SetEpicWeaponOverwhelmingCriticalFeat ( int  nBaseItem,
int  nFeat 

Set a feat as epic weapon overwhelming critical for a base item.

nBaseItemThe base item id.
nFeatThe feat to set.

Definition at line 214 of file nwnx_weapon.nss.

◆ NWNX_Weapon_SetEpicWeaponDevastatingCriticalFeat()

void NWNX_Weapon_SetEpicWeaponDevastatingCriticalFeat ( int  nBaseItem,
int  nFeat 

Set a feat as epic weapon devastating critical for a base item.

nBaseItemThe base item id.
nFeatThe feat to set.

Definition at line 221 of file nwnx_weapon.nss.

◆ NWNX_Weapon_SetWeaponOfChoiceFeat()

void NWNX_Weapon_SetWeaponOfChoiceFeat ( int  nBaseItem,
int  nFeat 

Set a feat as weapon of choice for a base item.

nBaseItemThe base item id.
nFeatThe feat to set.

Definition at line 228 of file nwnx_weapon.nss.

◆ NWNX_Weapon_SetGreaterWeaponSpecializationFeat()

void NWNX_Weapon_SetGreaterWeaponSpecializationFeat ( int  nBaseItem,
int  nFeat 

Set a feat as greater weapon specialization for a base item.

nBaseItemThe base item id.
nFeatThe feat to set.

Definition at line 200 of file nwnx_weapon.nss.

◆ NWNX_Weapon_SetGreaterWeaponFocusFeat()

void NWNX_Weapon_SetGreaterWeaponFocusFeat ( int  nBaseItem,
int  nFeat 

Set a feat as greater weapon focus for a base item.

nBaseItemThe base item id.
nFeatThe feat to set.

Definition at line 152 of file nwnx_weapon.nss.

◆ NWNX_Weapon_SetWeaponIsMonkWeapon()

void NWNX_Weapon_SetWeaponIsMonkWeapon ( int  nBaseItem)

Set base item as monk weapon.

nBaseItemThe base item id.
Use baseitems.2da. This will be removed in future NWNX releases.

Definition at line 179 of file nwnx_weapon.nss.

◆ NWNX_Weapon_SetOption()

void NWNX_Weapon_SetOption ( int  nOption,
int  nVal 

Set plugin options.

nOptionThe option to change from Weapon Options.
nValThe new value of the option.

Definition at line 235 of file nwnx_weapon.nss.

◆ NWNX_Weapon_SetDevastatingCriticalEventScript()

void NWNX_Weapon_SetDevastatingCriticalEventScript ( string  sScript)

Set Devastating Critical Event Script.

sScriptThe script to call when a Devastating Critical occurs.

Definition at line 242 of file nwnx_weapon.nss.

◆ NWNX_Weapon_GetDevastatingCriticalEventData()

struct NWNX_Weapon_DevastatingCriticalEvent_Data NWNX_Weapon_GetDevastatingCriticalEventData ( )

Get Devastating Critical Event Data.

This is only for use with the Devastating Critical Event Script.
An NWNX_Weapon_DevastatingCriticalEvent_Data struct.

Definition at line 248 of file nwnx_weapon.nss.

◆ NWNX_Weapon_BypassDevastatingCritical()

void NWNX_Weapon_BypassDevastatingCritical ( )

Bypass Devastating Critical.

This is only for use with the Devastating Critical Event Script.

Definition at line 248 of file nwnx_weapon.nss.

◆ NWNX_Weapon_SetOneHalfStrength()

void NWNX_Weapon_SetOneHalfStrength ( object  oWeapon,
int  nEnable,
int  bPersist = FALSE 

Sets weapon to gain .5 strength bonus.

oWeaponShould be a melee weapon.
nEnableTRUE for bonus. FALSE to turn off bonus.
bPersistwhether the two hand state should persist to the gff file.

Definition at line 266 of file nwnx_weapon.nss.

◆ NWNX_Weapon_GetOneHalfStrength()

int NWNX_Weapon_GetOneHalfStrength ( object  oWeapon)

Gets if the weapon is set to gain addition .5 strength bonus.

oWeaponthe weapon
FALSE/0 if weapon is not receiving the bonus. TRUE/1 if it does.

Definition at line 274 of file nwnx_weapon.nss.

◆ NWNX_Weapon_SetMaxRangedAttackDistanceOverride()

void NWNX_Weapon_SetMaxRangedAttackDistanceOverride ( int  nBaseItem,
float  fMax,
float  fMaxPassive,
float  fPreferred 

Override the max attack distance of ranged weapons.

nBaseItemThe baseitem id.
fMaxThe maximum attack distance. Default is 40.0f.
fMaxPassiveThe maximum passive attack distance. Default is 20.0f. Seems to be used by the engine to determine a new nearby target when needed.
fPreferredThe preferred attack distance. See the PrefAttackDist column in baseitems.2da, default seems to be 30.0f for ranged weapons.
fMaxPassive should probably be lower than fMax, half of fMax seems to be a good start. fPreferred should be at least ~0.5f lower than fMax.

Definition at line 281 of file nwnx_weapon.nss.

Variable Documentation



Greater Focus Attack Bonus.

Definition at line 13 of file nwnx_weapon.nss.



Greater Specialization Damage Bonus.

Definition at line 14 of file nwnx_weapon.nss.



Get Devastating Critical Data.

Definition at line 18 of file nwnx_weapon.nss.



Set Devastating Critical Bypass.

Definition at line 21 of file nwnx_weapon.nss.